Expressing his doubts and bewilderment, Qin Chaoyang could only reluctantly nod to her, but Dushi stood up unconvinced and said, "I must take you out of this place. There are many people waiting for me outside. I can't stay here all the time."

Don't talk about other people, just say hundred Li burn Jin, watching dusk disappear in front of him. I really don't know what he will be worried about. What if he can't control the demon attribute in his body? What if I can't call him back this time?

As soon as she thought of these things, she was also worried. Qin Chaoyang couldn't help laughing when he saw her like this: "what are you doing in such a hurry? Is there a sweetheart out there? "

Qin Chaoyang guessed the point. Dushi looked at her with wide eyes and said, "how do you know? If he knew I was missing, he would be very anxious. "

Qin Chaoyang especially likes Dushi's elegance. She thinks it's very lovely, and she can't help joking with it: "this is the heart. I'm not my own sister? Of course I know that. "

Seeing the expression on her face, Dushi knew that she was teasing. Dushi chuckled and said, "I'm not kidding you. I'd like to see how big it is. Sister, hurry up and go with me."

I don't know why, as soon as she saw Qin Chaoyang, she felt a sense of familiarity and closeness. Even though they had just met, she dared to act like a coqueter with her and show her true side. Naturally, Qin Chaoyang took her hand and said, "OK, OK, I'll go with you. Then tell me about it, What kind of person is your sweetheart? "

Evening also sold a pass to Qin Chaoyang said: "well, you wait to go out to know."

Then she went out with Qin Chaoyang at dusk night. Qin Chaoyang didn't care about her cabin and vegetable garden at all. That was what she had to have fun for herself. Now that she can go out and see the people she wants to see, her heart to go out becomes more urgent.

Especially when she is with twilight now, she has a lot of motivation and a sense of responsibility for twilight. After all, she is a sister, and she has consciously taken on the responsibility of being a sister. It seems that they have endless topics to talk about as they walk.

They don't care how far away the road is. They just take a bold step. All the way, Dushi is telling Qin Chaoyang about cultivation, experience, old friends and new friends. In a word, Qin Chaoyang listens to all these things.

She gently said to the dusk evening: "I know that even if I'm not by your side, you can be very happy, and I'll be relieved to be a sister."

The evening evening hears speech to pick eyebrow to look at her to say: "this words say, with we all don't meet after, we this is just beginning, don't say this kind of words, later have you, I will lead of more happy."

Qin Chaoyang was amused by the evening, she gently shaved the evening's nose and said: "you ah, you can say these beautiful words."

I have to say that these words of Dushi are learned from Baili Huojin. What he says to Dushi all day can make her shake off goose bumps. Even Dushi can't stand it. How can other people be better? Dusk night quickly changed a topic, said: "but we have gone so long, have not seen anything, this is a bit strange."

At this time, the environment here is desolate. There is nothing but the land under our feet. It is a depression, and there is no boundary in the past. Qin Chaoyang Wen Yan also slightly frowned and said: "yes, I feel we have gone a lot more today than before, but still can't find a place."

At dusk, Wen Yan stopped and pondered for a while. Then he suddenly patted his forehead and said, "I have forgotten this stubble."

Seeing this, Qin Chaoyang quickly stroked Mu Xi's forehead with his hand and said, "really, if you think about it, why do you still want to pat your forehead? You don't hurt? In the future, we should get rid of this habit and cherish our own body. "

Qin Chaoyang's elder sister is very considerate. Dushi has to nod her head obediently. How can she feel that Qin Chaoyang is not like her elder sister, but like the mother of virtuous and virtuous. However, Qin Qionghua looks like Dushi's elder sister.

Dusk Xi shakes his head, then stares at Qin Chaoyang and says, "sister, did you have a white fish jade pendant on your body when you were born? Do you remember where it is now? "

Qin Chaoyang Wen Yan thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said, "I do have a white fish jade pendant, but since I threw it into the lake, I have never seen my white fish jade pendant again. I think it's a pity. It's something that has been with me since I was a child."

The corners of her lips are slightly curved. It seems that she is right. Since her black fish jade pendant has an independent space, Qin Chaoyang's white fish jade pendant is also likely to have a jade pendant space. If her analysis is correct, they should be in Qin Chaoyang's jade pendant space now.

Dusk Xi said to Qin Chaoyang: "elder sister, now you focus your attention, thinking that I want to go out, I want to go out, so try to see if we can go out."

Although Qin Chaoyang felt a little confused, she was happy with Muxi and did as she said. No matter how hard she tried, she and Muxi just stood in the same place and never left. Muxi felt a little strange, because her black fish jade pendant could go in and out with her mind.

Although dusk night can only enter in the spirit state, it's much more comfortable than Qin Chaoyang. Dusk night wondered whether the way of black fish jade pendant and white fish jade pendant is different. If so, dusk night really has no way.

I don't know where to start the experiment, but at this time, Mu Xi has a fantastic idea. If Qin Chaoyang's white fish jade pendant can't get out of the space, send her to the black fish jade pendant space in Mu Xi. Maybe it will have some effect.

Thinking of this, Dushi said to Qin Chaoyang, "sister, next I will send you to a place. Don't be afraid. I don't know if I will succeed."

After this period of time together, evening found that Qin Chaoyang is a very gentle woman, and she will let others unconsciously gentle to her.

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