It was a great pressure for Bai Li Fen Jin. At this time, the most important weapon was a very sharp and crystal clear sword. Its body was like a ripple of water, and it was inlaid with hard ice crystals, which was like the water spirit ice sword at dusk.

The ice sword was summoned out of the jade pendant space at Dusk's sight, and dusk's ice sword was very spiritual. As soon as it saw the similar sword on the screen, its fighting spirit was immediately aroused, especially the awe inspiring appearance of the sword at the head of the weapon.

Let ice sword is really itching to see, but at this time, the sword in the screen is with an old man's voice, who is not angry and self-confident, said: "such a small generation, how dare you disturb the Qingxiu of my shuihan sword? It seems that you are really brave."

Seeing that a sword can talk, Qin Chaoyang blinked his eyes and looked at the goddess suspiciously and curiously. He asked, "mother, can a sword also talk?"

The goddess explained without hesitation: "not every sword can speak. Only those swords that are very spiritual and bear the memory of their masters can speak. After all, there are few swords like this, and they are awakened very few times."

Smell speech dusk evening also curiously say to the Goddess: "that mother knows this water cold sword before living of master?"

The goddess frowned slightly. She thought back to many years ago. After a while of meditation, she said slowly: "the owner of this shuihan sword is also called shuihan. He is an arrogant cultivator and the first group of people who appeared in the temple. But this is also his capital. Because of his temperament, he angered many other cultivators in the temple, But most of the practitioners couldn't beat him at all, so in the end, these practitioners joined hands and beat shuihan with some bad tricks. His memory was also carried on this sword and finally came to me. "

After listening to the story, Dushi raised her eyebrows and said, "it seems that shuihan is really my appetite. As long as I'm strong, proud and arrogant, I can bear it. What's wrong with a talented person's little temper? I really can't stand those people who engage in heresy. "

The goddess Wen Yan also said to Mu Xi with a smile: "yes, if other practitioners also think like my Xiao Xi'er, maybe the water is still cold now. If he is good enough, I will find him to be my son-in-law candidate."

When the goddess was talking, the ice sword would rub back and forth like a coquettish child on the evening. The evening soon understood its meaning, so she said with a smile: "Niang, I'll discuss something with you. You see my ice sword is so obedient, so it's good for me to put it in the tower to exchange and study with those weapons elders, What do you think? "

Seeing the smile on her face, the goddess raised her eyebrows and said, "exchange study? I think you put the ice sword in first to help your Mr. Right

The careful thought in the evening evening evening heart was soon exposed, so she simply said directly: "this is OK, so mother, do you agree with me?"

The goddess looked at the dusk night helplessly, still waved her hand to send the ice sword in, but she said: "I can declare in advance, I'm not to help that hundred Li burn Jin, I'm for you, let it in can also improve its strength, let it can protect you well in the future."

The evening evening hears speech and then embraces the arm of goddess to act coquettishly way: "mother, I know you are best!"

Seeing this, the goddess stroked Dusk's head and said helplessly: "this child..."

However, Dushi's attention is soon on the screen. As soon as the ice sword goes in, it goes straight to shuihanjian. It has secretly listed shuihanjian as its opponent. However, there are many weapons in the tower. Shuihanjian doesn't notice that there is such a little guy hiding behind it.

However, every move of the ice sword is in the eyes of Bai Li Fen Jin. After all, he knows everything about the evening like the palm of his hand. Now that he sees the ice sword, his task is a bit heavier. Since the ice sword is a thing of the evening, he has the obligation to protect the ice sword.

Don't let it be hurt, but the combative nature of ice sword can't stop. It goes straight to shuihan sword, and constantly makes a sword chant to provoke shuihan sword. Baili Huojin shakes her head helplessly.

Only to speed up their offensive, but also killed in front of the water cold sword, see this scene, the goddess also pick eyebrow joke like looking at the evening, said: "yes, this young man is good, also know how to love the house and the dog."

At dusk, he can only smile awkwardly, and continues to pay attention to the situation in the tower. The sword Baili burns Jin. Shuihanjian naturally focuses all her attention on him. Baili burns Jin uses all her attributes and tricks.

It not only shocked all the weapons in the tower, but also made the goddess out of the screen shine in front of her eyes. This kind of strength really qualified to stand beside her daughter. Baili Huojin saw that the situation was just right, so he took advantage of the victory, and raised the Tu magic sword high.

The sword points to the sky, and the whole person is as still as a God. He stares at these weapons, frowns slightly, and says in a low voice, "electricity."

All of a sudden, the tower is full of ups and downs and dark clouds. There is a huge power between lightning, fire and stone. All the weapons in the space are trembling slightly to show their fear. Even the water chilly sword can't help but feel a little scared at such a scene.

However, among all the weapons, only ice sword didn't feel the pressure. However, its vigilance to danger also made it instantly feel how powerful Bai Li Fen Jin's strongest killing move was. At the moment, it was also thankful that Mu Xi was its master.

Otherwise, it's too terrible to fight against such a person. Bai Li Fen Jin cuts her sword across the sky as if she wants to split the space in two, and lightning really flows through the sword like water. With the direction of the sword, there is a huge power grid.

Shrouded in the weapons in the tower, ice sword takes advantage of this opportunity to quickly get behind Bai Li Fen Jin. It is also afraid that this move will hurt it by mistake, which is not worth the loss. Even if these weapons want to escape, there is no place to escape.

Because this huge net has surrounded them, and it's shrinking at a very fast speed, and there's not a fish that's missing the net. The moment the power grid touched the weapon, the whole tower made a crackling sound.

Even the goddess, Dushi and Qin Chaoyang were a little shocked.

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