The more satisfied the goddess is, however, the test of the third level is the most important. Even if the first two levels are OK, he must pass the last level, because the third level is to test his heart. Bai Li Fen Jin fainted immediately after reaching the third level.

The dusk night outside the screen looked very anxious. She held the hand of the goddess and asked anxiously, "what's the matter? How could he faint? What is the test of the third level? "

The goddess was not in a hurry to answer these questions. With a mysterious smile on her face, she patted the back of her hand and said, "don't worry. Just look at it. This test is the most important and has its own mystery."

Although she was relieved by the goddess, she still couldn't let go of the hanging heart. But soon she saw a new scene on the screen. It seemed that Bai Li Fen Jin had come out of the tower, and the scene around him had never been seen before.

At this time, the goddess slowly said, "everything on the screen is my fantasy. I want to see if he can have a heart that loves you."

She doesn't like to test people's heart, because she believes in Bai Li Fen Jin very much. He is ten times ten sincere to Mu Xi. How can he love someone without warning? As a loved one, she can feel Bai Li Fen Jin's love all the time.

Seeing the unprepared expression on Mu Xi's face, the goddess said, "don't be happy too soon. In my dreamland, he doesn't remember you now. At the moment, he is in the temple. There are many people around him, but only without you."

The dusk night smacks tongue secretly, can't help muttering a way: "you this also too ruthless......"

Now dusk Xi can only honestly stare at the screen, at this time, Bai Li Fen Jin is sitting quietly in a study, he is thinking about something, but nothing, no matter what he thinks, he feels that his heart is missing.

Just at this time, the door was gently pushed open. From the outside, a lovely looking woman in pink clothes came in. With a bowl of hot soup in her hand, she slowly walked to Bai Li Fen Jin, and then gently patted him on the shoulder and said, "husband, this is the soup I made for you. Please eat it while it's hot."

Bai Li Fen Jin, who is in his mind, is pulled back to reality. Seeing the person in front of him, he says in doubt: "Xin Yao, how did you come?"

At this time, she was watching the scene outside the screen. Her mouth could not help opening slightly. She was surprised and puzzled. She muttered in a low voice: "Xinyao? It turns out that this is Chu Xinyao, the first beauty in the temple. What did Bai Li Fen Jin call her? Xin Yao, are they so familiar... "

When the goddess saw the expression on her face and the way she talked, she said with a smile, "how about it? My mother is powerful. I've heard of the name of the first beauty in the temple. Is the plot I arranged good? "

At this time, when she saw the expression on the goddess's face, she couldn't feel confident any more. After all, in the dreamland, Bai Li Fen Jin didn't know her. And seeing the plot designed by her mother, they were all married. I really don't know what her mother thought.

This is not to arouse the jealousy of Dushi in vain. Dushi has no choice but to look at the screen with itching teeth. At this time, Chu Xinyao is looking at Bai Lifen Jin with tender eyes. She nibbles her lower lip and says, "you asked, how can I be here? We are all married. Of course I should be here. Are you confused

Chu Xinyao's coquettish expression and coquettish attitude almost make the evening crisp half of the body, not to mention the young and strong man, Qin Chaoyang hears the speech and quietly gets close to the evening's ear and says: "little sister. You look at your rival. You are so gentle. You should study hard and keep it so that Bai Li can't touch the edge. "

But one side of the goddess heard this but waved her hand and said: "don't be happy too early. If he can't pass me, let alone let my little Xi'er be gentle with him. I won't let him see Xi'er's face."

Twilight night has no leisure to listen to their chat, she has put all her attention on Bai Li Fen Jin, if Bai Li Fen Jin dares to have any intimate action with Chu Xinyao, twilight night will never let him go, even in the dreamland, not knowing her!

But Bai Li Fen Jin didn't disappoint Mu Xi. When Chu Xinyao tried to jump into Bai Li Fen Jin's arms, he quickly dodged and let Chu Xinyao jump on the edge of the chair. Although this action is not so pitiful, Mu Xi still secretly praised Bai Li Fen Jin.

Chu Xinyao looked at Bai Lifen Jin wrongly with a pair of tearful eyes and said, "husband, what's the matter with you? Why are you so indifferent to me today? "

Bai Li Fen Jin glances at Chu Xinyao impatiently. There is no love in her eyes. On the contrary, she is disgusted. He says to Chu Xinyao impolitely: "don't call me husband. I have never thought of marrying you. How can I be your husband? Don't yell

Bai Li Fen Jin doesn't know what's wrong with him. Before he met dusk, he always regarded Chu Xinyao as his sister. Even if he was unhappy, he would not speak to Chu Xinyao in such a tone, but there was a faint voice in his heart telling him.

Never get in close contact with Chu Xinyao, or someone he cares about will be angry, but who is the important person? He couldn't remember at all. The more he thought about it, the more painful his head would be.

Bai Li Fen Jin had to cover her forehead to relieve the pain. Seeing this, Chu Xinyao quickly came to him, put her arm around her and asked gently, "husband, do you have a headache? Shall I help you to have a rest? "

But this kind of Keren son also didn't exchange for the pity of Baili burning Jin. He quickly took back his hand, quickly stood far away, looked at Chu Xinyao and said: "don't come near me."

So far, as far as Bai Li Fen Jin's performance is concerned, Mu Xi is satisfied. However, the goddess picks her eyebrows and says with a smile: "I didn't expect that Chu Xinyao is not so close to a woman. She is also beautiful. Why isn't he fooled? Or not enough firepower? I'll continue to add weight. "

The evening saw the goddess, but she was not satisfied with her performance. She had to make complaints about it.

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