It can be said that they have benefited a lot. Zhu Qing and Zhu an have been very well instructed. Qin Qingyun soon mastered the tricks. Over time, they have become more proficient. Bai Li Fen Jin and Yun Mengyi are also in full swing.

It's going well in the evening, and strawberry and huang'er are the spirit beasts with excellent fire attributes, so they specialize in those demon people who use fire attributes. They perform their own duties in the evening, and the war situation will be stabilized soon.

Even though yunmengyi and his family have taken the lead, this advantage is soon lost. Yunmengyi, who is fighting with Baili Huojin, also finds that his strength is even more advanced than before. The more he fights, the harder he works, but he can't swallow this tone in his heart.

He took a look at the current situation. Although he brought more than 100 people from the demon Kingdom, they were not professionally trained like the people from the burning silence palace, and they were subdued in a short time. Yunmeng Yiyan saw that the people he brought were all like this.

He was biting his teeth and had to give an order: "go!"

Then he released his flying Warcraft, which disappeared in the air very quickly. Baili Fajin didn't mean to catch up with him. He just watched yunmengyi leave quietly. When yunmengyi left, the people in the demon world who were brought by him also wanted to follow him.

Then Bai Li Fen Jin frowned and said to the people and horses in the burning silence Palace: "the rest of these people in the demon kingdom can't let go! All alive

Wen Yan's men and horses in the burning silence palace quickly subdue all the people in the demon Kingdom and don't let them move. Qin Qingyun looks at yunmengyi, frowns slightly and says to Baili burning Jin, "he's gone. Don't we have to chase him?"

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech vision far-reaching looking at the distance, and then light said: "don't chase, put a long line to catch big fish, he is the bait."

Qin Qingyun nodded as if he knew nothing about it. Anyway, since Bai Li Fen Jin had decided, he would not doubt it any more. Anyway, all of Bai Li Fen Jin was right. Yun Mengyi looked at Bai Li Fen Jin standing in the same place. He was unwilling to say in a loud voice: "I will come back again! I'll kill you then

With that, he quickly disappeared in the horizon. However, liuge'er covered her stomach and laughed. She pointed to Yun Mengyi, who was disappearing in the horizon, and said, "who is this? Let's just leave. It's like a turtle with a shrunken head. I want to take revenge. He'll come here once, and I'll fight once

Smell speech other people also laughed, Lin Shu language also elated said: "it seems that these people in the devil's land are really not good, less than half a while we were beaten down, it is simply vulnerable!"

However, when Bai Li Fen Jin heard this, she glanced at Lin Shu Yu and said, "Yun Mengyi is forced by us. He's a devil's land soldier. If they are all real devil's land soldiers, it's estimated that you are lying down now."

Lin Shuyu quickly covers his mouth when he hears that Bai Li burns Jin's words. He never dares to disobey them. At this time, Zhu Qing goes to Bai Li burns Jin and respectfully gives a salute. Then he asks, "palace master, what should these people do now?"

Bai Li Fen Jin looked at the people kneeling on the ground. Their faces were not reconciled, but they were not afraid of death. Aware of Bai Li Fen Jin's eyes, they raised their heads and said: "are you the guardian of that temple? If you have the ability, you will kill me, or you will be a waste! "

For a moment, these people in the devil's land all said excitedly: "if you have the courage, kill us!"

It has to be said that the scene of a hundred strong demons shouting together is really shocking, especially in the face of death. However, Bai Li Fen Jin just glanced at them lightly, and then told Zhu Qing, "take them down and let them say everything they know."

On hearing this, the people in the demon Kingdom's face changed instantly. They cried out: "if you have the ability, you'll kill us. If you torture us, you'll be a hero!"

In the demon Kingdom, there are very few people who can refine and make poisons. Because of their good physical strength, they don't pay attention to simple injuries. Over time, the development of medicine in the demon Kingdom has been stagnant, and even has a trend of retrogression.

Therefore, the people in the demon Kingdom who are captured by the temple are extremely painful. There are countless kinds of poisons in the temple that can make them painful. This is a well-known thing in the demon Kingdom, and this is also the thing they are most afraid of. However, they ignore the cry of these people.

She quickly took them to the prison of burning silence palace for interrogation. Liuge'er looked at their far away back, and even felt a little sympathy for them. She sighed and said, "I feel that these people in the demon kingdom are very strong. No one just begged for mercy..."

In fact, she also has this feeling in her heart, but the temple was founded by her mother. People in the demon kingdom will never allow the temple to be destroyed, but Bai Lifen Jin also pondered for a while and said: "in fact, these people in the demon kingdom are very like spirit beasts, with irascible temperament and simple mind. They have both their advantages and disadvantages."

Bai Li Fen Jin has been the guardian of the temple for many years. He may know more about the devil Kingdom and the people of the devil Kingdom than the temple. He can see the three-dimensional side of the people of the devil Kingdom, and his understanding of the people of the devil kingdom is also very comprehensive.

Dusk evening looking at the slightly frowned hundred Li burn Jin, know that he may have some bad mood, so dusk evening gently put out his hand to smooth his brow, and then said to him with a smile: "you let him go, which big fish do you think will come? What if we can't beat them? "

Bai Li Fen Jin saw the smile on Mu Xi's face, and the sadness in his heart was driven away. Facing Mu Xi, he became gentle unconsciously. He also said to Mu Xi with a smile: "if there is no accident, as long as you are here, I will not lose. You let me have the power to protect."

Seeing Bai Li Fen Jin and Mu Xi scattering dog food again, others left. The battle was a quick decision. After all the people in the devil kingdom were solved, the sun had not yet risen, so Bai Li Fen Jin touched Mu Xi's head with a smile and said, "lady, now we still have time to go to bed."

Then he and twilight entered the room together, washed for a while and went back to the big bed. Twilight lay in his arms and felt his temperature.

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