Bamboo green didn't answer, but slowly walked to him, the man looked at bamboo green more and more close figure, can't help but nervous, he swallowed saliva, flustered looking at bamboo green said: "you... What do you want to do?"

After that, he remembered that he had brought a lot of bodyguards. He said to those already stunned bodyguards: "Why are you still stunned?! Give it to me! Take him down

The bodyguards moved when they heard this, but Zhu an and Yu Lan stood in front of them and said, "today we have a free clinic here, no one can stop us!"

The guards saw that Yulan was a child, so they thought he had better bully him. Persimmon had to be pinched soft, so they swarmed up, but they all went to Yulan. Zhu an was stunned for a moment, and then he watched the play with his hands around his chest.

Do they really think Yulan is a bully? Yulan's strength is known by Zhu an. If they really fight, Zhu an doesn't know who will get the upper hand. Anyway, he doesn't worry about Yulan. He just watches the play silently.

Almost no melon seeds are used to eat. Yulan looks at the bodyguards approaching him and bursts out of their super strength. All of a sudden, these bodyguards are shocked a few meters away. Until they fall to the ground, these bodyguards still can't believe it.

It turned out that such a child beat them to the ground, and they were ashamed to say it. However, as a matter of fact, Yulan didn't intend to let them go. Yulan put them down one by one, and he didn't use his own strength, all relying on his fighting skills.

The bodyguards lying on the ground were convinced. At this time, Zhu Qing came to the man. He was pale now. He never thought that the bodyguards he brought would be defeated by such a big child.

Besides, the one standing at the side of the play hasn't made a move yet. Zhu Qing stepped on the man's chest, and then stepped on it for a few times. He looked at the man's eyes as if he were looking at a weak mole ant, and the man covered his painful chest.

He wanted to push Zhuqing's foot away, but he couldn't push it away. Zhuqing's strength was getting stronger and stronger, and he could hardly breathe when he stepped on it. He could only say intermittently: "I'm... The housekeeper of... Today's city Lord's house... Ma Xiangfu... How dare you do this to me..."

Zhu Qing took a sad look at Ma Xiangfu, who was trampled on by him. A housekeeper of the city master's mansion dared to show off his identity, and he was not afraid to laugh others' big teeth. At this time, the evening and Qin Chaoyang heard the news.

He came out from the inside and saw the scene as soon as he came out. The ground was full of people. They were all bodyguards of the city Lord's mansion, and at the foot of Zhu Qing, there was a person who showed his teeth in pain. At dusk, he frowned slightly and asked Zhu Qing, "what's the matter?"

When Zhu Qing heard the speech, he respectfully replied, "madam, the master of the palace, when he comes, he will disturb the order of the scene and frighten the patients on horseback."

Dushi looks at some seriously poisoned people lying in the ground. They have missed the best period of treatment, and the only one waiting for them is to die. If it were not for this group of people making trouble in front of them, it is estimated that many people present would not die.

For many severely poisoned people, the delay time is equivalent to murdering them. Mu Xi takes a deep look at the person who is trampled by Zhu Qing, and then tells Zhu an and Yu Lan, "reorganize the team and let them continue to wait in line for free treatment."

Then dusk night said to Qin Chaoyang, "elder sister, you and the doctors inside will continue to see the doctor. I'll deal with it here. Now for these residents, time is life."

Qin Chaoyang Wen Yan nodded heavily. She knew the importance of things, so she quickly adjusted her mood and continued to see these people. With the arrangement of the three of them, the scene soon returned to the original order.

And dusk night is to those who come to make trouble in front of the people, dusk night frowning at bamboo green said: "who are they?"

Zhu Qing raises his feet. Ma Xiangfu wants to take advantage of this opportunity to get up. Then Zhu Qing doesn't give him this opportunity. At the moment he gets up, he steps on it. Then he reports to Mu Xihui: "this man says he is the housekeeper of the city Lord's mansion."

The evening evening hears speech and looks at Ma Xiangfu doubtfully, then pick eyebrow to ask: "city Lord mansion? What are you doing here? What's the purpose? "

Ma Xiangfu saw that Dushi was a woman, and he seemed to be the leader of the man. He was also interested in her, so his arrogance became arrogant. He snorted and said, "you know I'm from the city Lord's mansion, don't you let me go as soon as possible! Otherwise, when the Lord comes, you will suffer! "

Dusk Xi felt a little funny, she snorted and said: "with you as a housekeeper, the city master will come to me for you? You think highly of yourself. If you don't tell me what you're doing here, I don't mind letting them beat you up again. "

Hearing this, Zhu Qing clenched her hands and made a "bang bang bang" sound. He also looked at Ma Xiangfu fiercely. This was a threat, a naked threat. Ma Xiangfu could not help shivering when he saw such a look.

He knew that the man in front of him must have done what he said, so he immediately counseled, but he couldn't be too humble, so he coughed a few times and said, "the Lord of the city heard that you are here for free clinic, so he wants to invite you to sit in the mansion."

The evening evening didn't expect that just one morning, the news had already spread to the Lord of the city. It seems that the Lord of the city is still in charge, but the evening looked at Ma Xiangfu and said, "is this the way you invited me to the Lord's house? Frighten my patients? "

Ma Xiangfu murmured in a low voice: "I told you to go to the Lord's mansion to give you face. Don't be disrespectful..."

Even though he said it in a low voice, Dushi still heard it. She snorted and said, "if you have the ability, you can speak out loud. If you say it, you are afraid that others will hear it. How can you be such a counsellor? You don't look like a man at all. One more thing, if your city master sees me, he will come in person. Doesn't he know that we are in free clinic? Shall we go to him? "

Ma Xiangfu didn't dare to say a word this time. After all, Zhuqing's feet were still firmly on him. Then dusk waved to Zhuqing and said, "let them go and let their city master come to me."

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