What Bai Li Fen Jin said is not a lie. His identity in the temple is well known. People in the temple look forward to and admire him more. Here, in fact, many people don't know that he is the name of the guardian of the temple. His most frightening identity is the master of the burning Palace.

The evening evening hears speech just displeased of say: "that time again chant, now you let them get up."

Hundred Li burn Jin this just smile of looking at dusk Xi to say: "good, Niang son, obey for husband." Then he said to the crowd, "get up, all of you."

Although Bai Li Fen Jin's voice was small, it was very powerful. Everyone on the scene heard it, and everyone stood up one after another. It was comfortable to watch the evening. At this time, the city master who stood up also saw the evening beside Bai Li Fen Jin.

And they were very close. The city master looked at the evening with doubt and curiosity and asked, "what's the relationship between you and the palace master..."

In fact, the Lord of the city has his own judgment in his heart, but he still needs to say it by himself. Without waiting for twilight to speak, Bai Li Fen Jin looks at twilight and says, "she's my wife, my only wife."

After getting married to Mu Xi, Bai Li Fen Jin's happiest thing is to introduce the identity of Mu Xi. He can openly say that Mu Xi is his wife. After reporting his identity, no one will dare to think about Mu Xi.

When the city Lord saw their gluing appearance, he said clearly: "it turned out that you married this girl. The previous wedding was really grand. Now when you see me, you are really kind. This girl is beautiful and kind-hearted. You are so wise and powerful. You are really a good match."

On hearing this, Bai Li Fen Jin is very happy. He is more willing to be the husband of Mu Xi than the leader of the burning palace. No matter what other people praise him for, Bai Li Fen Jin can't praise that he is a good match with Mu Xi.

Bai Li Fen Jin dotes on Mu Xi. It's really deep in the bones. All the people present begin to praise Bai Li Fen Jin and Mu Xi. Some people say, "no wonder this girl is so powerful. She married the palace master."

"It's true. I guess which girl has such a good life before. It's the fairy."

"This fairy is very lucky. I admit it, but I won't admit it if I were someone else."

As one falls, another rises, and what she can do is to keep her stiff smile. She whispered to Baili Jin Jin Tucao: "why do I make complaints about you? Do they understand? I've earned it on my own, OK

When Bai Li Fen Jin saw her angry appearance of arguing for herself, he thought she was very popular. He also said to Mu Xi with a smile, "yes, it's because the lady is very powerful, so I like you for my husband. It's not because of me."

Bai Li Fen Jin's words in the evening sound, that is to get cheap and sell well, she immediately put on a high-profile to express her dissatisfaction, but the words of the city Lord, instantly put the evening back to the original, he looked at Bai Li Fen Jin gratefully and said: "you really married a good wife, she has been seeing the residents of our city from morning to night, I haven't had a rest. She's so kind. "

The city master is very honest. His purpose of saying this is to praise Muxi. However, he doesn't understand that in the eyes of Baili Zhenjin, Muxi is perfect, so he doesn't need others to praise. Baili Zhenjin cares about it.

It's whether Muxi has a good meal, a good sleep and a good rest. However, today, Muxi doesn't do everything. Muxi doesn't think that Zhuqing didn't betray her. Unexpectedly, she was betrayed by the city leader.

She really wanted to cry without tears. She could only look at Bai Li Fen Jin with a smile. Her eyes revealed a kind of innocence, and then she said softly, "listen to me..."

However, Bai Li Fen Jin immediately occupied the dominant position, and then said to her, "no need to explain, now go to rest with me."

But dusk still doesn't want to leave. She blinks her eyes and asks Bai Li Fen Jin, "but the Lord of the city is coming... His affairs haven't been reported yet..."

Bai Li Fen Jin is about to speak, and Qin Chao Yang stands by. Mu Xi thinks Qin Chao Yang is here to help her. However, when Qin Chao Yang opens his mouth, he says to Mu Xi vaguely, "sister, you should go to have a rest with your brother-in-law as soon as possible. We are here, so you don't have to worry."

On hearing this, the evening was silent again. Is this still her sister? First Yu Lan, then Qin Chaoyang, why are they all burning Jin toward the hundred Li? However hundred Li burn Jin to hear this words, seem to get permission similar, pull dusk evening to want to leave.

Dusk night helplessly looking at Qin Chaoyang said: "but you are busy all day, you have to go to rest, as long as you rest, I will rest."

However, Qin Chaoyang said carelessly, "you don't have to worry about me. I'm alone now, and I don't have anyone to sleep with me. It's like you. Maybe you'll have a baby one day, so you must take good care of yourself. I want to see my little nephew and niece soon."

At dusk, she almost bit her own tongue. It's her elder sister. She teases her all the time. The most important thing is that Qin Chaoyang is gentle and decent to other people, but when she faces dusk.

But she is always like a child, and the way of playing and making noise is similar to liuge'er. She can only shake her head helplessly, and then pretends to be cruel and says to her, "then you can do a good job! If I'm not satisfied the next morning, I'll take care of you! "

When Qin Chaoyang heard this, he bent his eyes with a smile and said, "I'll come on! You should come on, too. "

The evening evening hears speech and can only leave quickly. Now Qin Chaoyang's mouth is so smooth that she can't even tell her. When she meets Qin Chaoyang, she knows what it means to drop one thing from another. In the past, other people couldn't help her.

Now, however, she was taken away by Qin Chaoyang. After she left the pharmacy, she looked at Bai Li Fen Jin and said, "I didn't let you guard in the burning palace. How did you come here by yourself?"

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech spread Jiao like to dusk Xi said: "I miss you, ah, since married, when we left so long."

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