In an instant, she flashed to one side and let the runaway muruoer trip on the threshold and fall to the ground heavily. At the moment of falling, she noticed that there was a figure around her. Naturally, she blamed this person for her crime.

Mu rou'er is burning a fire in her heart. She is worried that there is no one to vent her anger. So when she falls to the ground, she points to Bai Li Fen Jin's breach and scolds: "are you blind?! Walking without eyes? Believe it or not... "

However, before mu rou'er finished speaking, she was stunned by the sight. Bai Li Fen Jin put her hand behind her, looked down at her without any emotion, and deeply wrinkled her brows, showing great dissatisfaction. However, this extremely evil and beautiful face.

But she left a deep impression in Mu rouer's heart. At the sight of a hundred Li's mistake for her whole life, mu rouer actually felt that she was in love. Her love for mu Xiaoran in her heart was suddenly thrown aside. What she loved was never mu Xiaoran.

It's his identity and status, because mu Xiaoran is the most outstanding young generation of lingmiao nationality. He has strong strength and excellent appearance. Mu rouer thinks that only such an excellent person can be worthy of her, so she always adheres to Mu Xiaoran.

Until today, when she meets Bai Li Fen Jin, she feels that the lingmiao people are too small. In front of her, this gorgeous and charming man can match her. Mu rouer quickly takes back her impolite hand pointing at Bai Li Fen Jin.

Then she put on a charming posture and waited for Mr. Baili to help her up. However, her idea was so beautiful that she completely ignored how embarrassed she was when she fell down. Just as she was immersed in her own fantasy.

In the evening of the drugstore, he saw the comer and asked, "what are you doing here?"

Bai Li Fen Jin immediately stepped into the pharmacy after hearing the speech. In addition to the disdain and displeasure just now, he never saw mu rou'er who was still on the ground. Moreover, when he heard the voice of dusk night, he had a smile on his face.

Mu rouer also saw in the eyes, such a beautiful person's smile is addictive, but as long as you think that the smile is not because of her, just how addictive, now how jealous. But Bai Li Fen Jin can't manage so much.

He stepped into the pharmacy in a hurry, and walked to Dushi's side with a big stride, and habitually held her in his arms. For him, this seems to be a way to declare ownership. Since he was with Dushi, he has been used to doing so.

Bai Li Fen Jin said to Mu Xi with a smile, "because I miss you for my husband, so I came here."

Listening to the appellation of Bai Li Fen Jin to Mu Xi, mu Xiaoran reacts. Just now Qin Chaoyang says that Mu Xi has been married. It turns out that it's true. Mu Xiaoran looks at Bai Li Fen Jin curiously, a man who can conquer Mu Xi.

There must be something extraordinary about him. However, he was wrong about one thing. It was Muxi who completely conquered Baili Zhenjin, not Muxi who was conquered by Baili Zhenjin. Bai Li Fen Jin noticed mu Xiaoran's sight. Subconsciously, the distance between him and dusk was closer.

And Bai Li Fen Jin also looks at him like mu Xiaoran, and there is a hint of provocation in it. Mu Xi is very speechless to Bai Li Fen Jin's childish action. She says to Bai Li Fen Jin helplessly: "what's the use of coming here now? You can only disturb my work

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at Mu Xi wrongly when she hears the speech, and then says to her, "but I just miss you... And how can I disturb you..."

Bai Li Fen Jin is very good at using this trick, which is the behavior. She sets off the dusk evening fiercely, and makes the dusk evening become a tiger. But she can only look at him and say: "you talk well..."

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech this just serious get up, and then light cough a few, still is looking at the dusk Xi soft voice say: "I come over really have business son, hope the Niang son and I explore together."

Because Bai Li Fen Jin is always not very serious in front of Mu Xi, so even when he says he wants to say something serious, Mu Xi also maintains a skeptical attitude. She says with half faith: "what's the matter? Do you need to come by yourself? "

Bai Li Fen Jin automatically ignores the expression on Mu Xi's face. He still explains to Mu Xi in a soft voice: "there are many cases of death and rebirth in different areas, but they wake up like empty shells, without any sense."

Hearing the story of Bai Li Fen Jin, Mu Xi feels a little familiar. She asks suspiciously, "it sounds like something happened in Lvshui village. Isn't the toxin refined by yunmengyi?"

Smell speech hundred Li burn Jin hesitated for a while, then said: "very similar, but different, in the green water village, poisoning are living people, there is room for recovery, but now these situations are the resurrection of the dead, so they are not bound by any force."

After hearing the words, she nodded and frowned. She asked in a low voice, "what are Lingxiao and yunmengyi going to do..."

Until now, Dushi still has no clue about these things. Bai Li Fen Jin then frowned slightly and said, "according to the results of their investigation, all the people who died of poisoning before will come back to life, and the lethality is much greater than before. In addition, the previous poisoning incidents have occurred in the three continents, so it's a big force."

Hearing this, Qin Chaoyang suddenly asked, "but we've been here for a few days, and we've never seen this before?"

Bai Li Fen Jin calmly replied: "these days you are all here for free medical treatment, so the death of personnel is less than that in other places, so up to now, you haven't seen it, but no one can guarantee that there will be no new situation."

Evening smell speech also frowned and said: "before the city Lord investigation, the number of deaths in the city is not optimistic... Not good, we have to act immediately!"

With that, Zhuqing, Zhuan and Yulan are assigned to quickly close the gate of the city and clean up those who have lost their normal life. Everyone is in a bit of a panic when they see the appearance of dusk, but Zhuqing, Zhuan and Yulan have already started to take action.

Later, dusk night said to Bai Li Fen Jin, "you should build a protective cover beside the pharmacy. No one can come in."

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