Hearing the speech, Chu Xinyao said faintly: "I can't help but you don't believe that I was present at that time, and all the elders were also present. This is what we saw with our own eyes. He even wanted to kill me. He has completely become a demon."

At this time, the people of burning silence palace heard such remarks, and immediately said sternly to her: "you are not allowed to say so, Lord!"

Burning palace is a force established by Baili burning Jin. It is interspersed between the two planes. Apart from Baili burning Jin, Qianmo is their biggest leader. They are all loyal to Baili burning Jin, no matter what he becomes.

One side of Lu Li has been thinking about something. He has always been careful. He observed that every time there was a big fluctuation in Bai Li Fen Jin's mood, it was all related to the evening. So he frowned and asked: "where is the evening girl? Who saw her? "

On hearing this, Fei Jimo immediately responded. Since dusk appeared, Bai Lifen Jin didn't look like the person he knew before. He began to have some fireworks on him. He would laugh, be sad, and be angry. He didn't always look like a cold model before.

This kind of change is actually good, but Fei Jimo is for Chu Xinyao hold injustice, so will together with them, want to drive away Dushi, at this time, Fei Jimo is a panic, hundred Li burn Jin into the devil should not have a lot to do with this matter?

Almost half of the people present were the killers who caused this incident. If he had known such a result, he would never have forced his brother to leave Muxi and put his brother in such a dangerous place. He rushed to Chu Xinyao and asked anxiously, "where is Qin Muxi? Where did you send her? "

Hearing this, Chu Xinyao frowned and said, "how can I know where she has gone? I can't find her yet... "

Before she finished, Fei Jimo reflected something. He looked at Chu Xinyao in disbelief and said, "do you want to find her? Looking for her? I thought you just wanted her to leave... So you wanted to kill her! I'm confused... Confused... If it wasn't for her, how could Baili be possessed! It's all your fault! "

Hearing this, Chu Xinyao said anxiously, "we didn't kill her! As soon as the killer was sent out, Baili came! How could they hurt that woman! "

At this time, however, Fei Jimo couldn't listen to any explanation. What he thought was that Dushi had been killed. That's why Bai Li was so excited that he became a demon. In this way, he was also an indirect murderer.

His heart is full of suffering, he sneered, and then looked at Chu Xinyao without light in his eyes and said: "I didn't expect you to be such a person... No wonder for so many years, Baili has never looked you in the eye... He pretends to be innocent and kind... In fact, his heart is very vicious, Baili didn't choose to marry you, it's really right!"

These words undoubtedly stabbed Chu Xinyao's heart like a sharp knife. Before that, even if Bai Li Fen Jin ignored her, Fei Jimo always stood on her side, but now, both Bai Li Fen Jin and Fei Jimo deeply hated her.

Chu Xinyao's tears have been falling uncontrollably. However, Fei Jimo doesn't feel half distressed. Before that, he admitted that he liked Chu Xinyao. However, after knowing that she liked Bai Li Fen Jin, he put this in his heart.

He even helped her chase Bai Li Fen Jin. However, when Fei Jimo saw her, he felt sick. He didn't know what had happened to him before. He would fall in love with such a woman and destroy Bai Li's happiness for her.

Fei Jimo now a thought is to find Dushi, a good apology, to let hundred Li burn Jin recovery. The atmosphere at the scene was very stiff. The elder of Chu family came out to rescue Chu Xinyao and said, "Bai Li is possessed by the devil. In fact, when he comes out of the endless darkness, there will be signs. If I didn't care about this girl, I would have eradicated Bai Li long ago. How can I wait until now? It's caused us so much trouble. "

The elder of Chu family is to comfort Chu Xinyao. However, he angers all the people in the burning palace, including Lu Li and Fei Jimo. Fei Jimo looks coldly at the elder of Chu family and says, "do you mean Bai Li should thank her? You ungrateful things, bailibai has been guarding you for so many years! "

With these words, Fei Jimo, Huoji palace and others left their study. This was originally the place where Bai Li burned Jin, but it was disappointing that so many people were mixed up. After they left, they were discussing how to find Bai Li Fen Jin and get rid of him.

The temple is looking for the news of Baili burning Jin in such a big way, and it soon spread to the devil kingdom. Since Lingxiao was defeated last time, he returned to the devil kingdom. He not only accepted the punishment, but also was not welcomed by the Lord of the devil kingdom.

The Lord of the demon kingdom is magic Tianling, the father of magic Lingxiao. He is brave and militant. He has been fighting with the temple for many years. His whole thought is to rule the temple to show how powerful he is. He has great ambition. In this life, he only pays attention to the things about conquering the temple.

At this time, he was in the bedroom of the demon Kingdom, and a bodyguard quickly came to report to him: "demon lord, according to the information from the informant, the temple is looking for the news of Baili burning Jin."

On hearing this, devil Tianling patted his chair fiercely and said doubtfully: "hundred Li burn Jin? The guardian of the temple? The existence of the God of war? "

The bodyguard nodded his head and said, "it's him. It's said that he has become a devil. I don't know where he has escaped. People in the temple are looking for him."

After hearing this, Mo Tianling burst out laughing. However, he immediately stopped laughing. According to his years of experience in fighting with the temple, the people in the temple were most crafty, especially the hundred Li burning Jin, who had many intrigues.

Every time he was able to cheat him, he lost a lot of soldiers in the devil's land. At this time, the bodyguard who was still kneeling carefully suggested: "demon lord, do we want to take this opportunity to attack the temple? They are definitely not our opponents after they don't have Bai Li Fen Jin."

However, devil Tianling said thoughtfully, "I'll think about it again. There are too many tricks for Bai Li to burn Jin. If it's another trick, we'll lose a lot of people."

Magic day Ling before is not so timid, but it is a hundred Li burn Jin to cheat afraid, the devil's land people have a simple mind, how can than hundred Li burn Jin? This is one of the best people in the temple.

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