There is no reaction here, she is still submerged in the spirit beast pile, see, she can't help but angrily said: "it's not intelligent! Why don't you let me out! "

As soon as she thought that she would spend some time here, she regretted very much, but she had no choice but to fight with these spirit beasts, otherwise she would also be injured, but her recovery would be faster, and after she arrived at the temple.

Dushi doesn't know what the level of strength is. She just keeps practicing. As long as she can't get out of this place, it means that her strength is not ready. Twilight did not know how long it took, she only felt that as time went on.

The more spirit beasts she killed, the more her strength increased. Up to now, her strength has crossed many classes. After she crossed five classes, she was sent back to her original place breathlessly.

Her whole body was soaked with sweat, lying on the ground gasping for breath, she thought in her heart that she would not talk much any more, so she would practice in peace of mind. How could she bear such strength? Although she made such progress very quickly.

But Dushi feels that she is on the verge of collapse all the time. However, the strength of her cultivation here is to constantly break through her own physical limit. Once she has adapted to the higher-level situation, she will no longer adopt the low-level cultivation method

So, when dusk night had a ten minute rest, she was sent to the spirit beast pile again, and another battle started in an instant. In such a cycle, even dusk night's temper was worn away. She had changed from resentment at the beginning to resignation now.

Twilight can only constantly comfort themselves... The way they choose, kneeling also want to go down... Moreover, in this way, her strength is indeed growing very fast. Twilight is like the monkey king in the alchemy furnace.

Although it's hard to endure, as long as we get through it, we'll be in the spotlight. It's hard to practice here, but it's very stable. At the moment, it's not so stable outside the temple. On a sunny day, the demon Kingdom takes all the strength to attack the temple.

The dark army in the demon Kingdom almost blocked all the sunlight over the temple, and could not see a ray of light, which gave people a great sense of oppression. It seemed that they had already sounded the death knell for the people in the temple, with magic Tianling as the commander and magic Lingxiao as the deputy commander.

The army had to give orders to the demon kingdom. In an instant, they swarmed into the temple. The place where Bai Li Fen Jin lived on weekdays was at the border between the temple and the demon kingdom. Because the demon Kingdom might attack the temple at any time, he had to defend it here.

In order to protect the temple, he gave up a lot of freedom. After dusk, he had the desire and courage to pursue freedom. Most of the forces of the temple also gathered on the border. But this time, without the command of Bai Li Fen Jin, they would be in a panic.

The news that the demon Kingdom attacked the temple soon spread to all the elders. Hearing the news, the elder of Chu family said: "Bai Li Fen Jin has not been found yet! The devil's land is coming. What about Lu Li and Fei Jimo?! Let them go first

However, the bodyguard on one side said with fear: "they have never come back since they went out... They are not in the barracks now..."

On hearing this, the elder of Chu family was furious again. He glared at the guard again and said, "what about the people who burned the palace? Where did they all die? "

The bodyguard immediately and cautiously replied: "they said they were going to find Bai Li Fen Jin. They are going to follow his trail..."

Hearing the words, the elder of the Chu family wanted to swear. He dropped the cup on the ground and broke it into many pieces. He yelled: "bastard! I don't believe it. With such a large temple, there are few people who can resist the enemy! "

With that, he led several elders to the front line to fight against the soldiers and horses in the demon kingdom. Although they were stubborn and rigid, they all wanted to protect the temple sincerely. On this point, they were no worse than anyone else.

After all, this is the home where they have lived for many years. This is the land where they grew up. They will never allow people in the devil's land to trample on it. However, only one thing is wrong for them. Even for people with high strength, it is not easy to arrange troops.

There are few temples like Bai Li Fen Jin, who has both high strength and the ability to lead the army. Otherwise, Fei Jimo and Lu Li would not have insisted so hard. Unfortunately, these elders have not paid attention to this at the moment.

They resolutely stood on the front line. When they saw these old guys, magic Tianling couldn't help laughing. He pointed to the elders of the temple and said, "you old people who should be in the coffin, do you want to stop me? It's fantastic

This undoubtedly angered these elder elders, especially the elder of Chu family. He was the oldest and the most powerful one among them. He held on airs and refused to talk to magic Tianling. However, magic Tianling said reluctantly: "old man, I don't say that without that hundred Li burning Jin, you are not even a fart in my eyes!"

Mor Tianling's words are true, but there are also some exaggerations. His purpose is to irritate these elders. Compared with them, MOR Tianling has experienced many battles, and he is very clear about the ways in the battlefield.

Sure enough, this poked the pain of all the elders. The elder of Chu family said straightforwardly: "don't say much, let's do it directly!"

Then he led his troops to rush up, and the eleven elders behind him also rushed up with him. Seeing such a scene, magic Tianling was overjoyed. However, he didn't show it. He just waited quietly in the same place.

After a long time, the elder of the Chu family found some mistakes. Why didn't the soldiers and horses of the demon Kingdom rush up? However, at this time, he had no chance to think and regret, and suddenly there was a huge sound under the feet of the soldiers and horses in the temple.

This is the thunderbolt buried in the ground. This is the idea of Mo Lingxiao. He has been in the temple for a long time, and he has learned almost all the tricks of the people in the temple. If you want to say this, he learned it in secret space with Dushi.

Unexpectedly, these elders were so easily fooled that magic Lingxiao felt that he had no sense of accomplishment. Fighting with such a stupid man was an insult to his intelligence. At this time, the soldiers and horses in the temple were fried into a pot of porridge, and the infantry were blown up by the power of thunderbolt.

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