At the thought of such a person and Bai Li Fen Jin as brothers, the dissatisfaction in Mu Xi's heart is a little more, she coldly said: "at that time you were not there, so now I tell them again: when autumn comes, September 8, I will kill all flowers!"

Say, dusk night side burst out a terrible strength, let Fei Jimo can't help but want to surrender, but he can't believe, dusk night just left so short time, strength has so big progress.

However, Dushi ignores him, turns around and goes out of the camp with Qin Chaoyang. At this time, Lu Li is already sitting on the chair. The expression on his face is incredible, but also with a little surprise. He murmurs: "goddess... Goddess..."

Hearing this, Fei Jimo turned his head fiercely. He said in a trembling voice, "what did you say just now?"

Lu Li took a deep breath and said, "I said, there is a goddess's breath on the body of Dushi..."

After hearing the words, Fei Jimo realized why he wanted to submit just now. When everyone in the temple faced the goddess, he felt like this. Thinking of this, Fei Jimo collapsed underground. What did he do?

Because Chu Xinyao forced the dusk away and made Bai Li burn Jin into the devil, the temple was attacked by the devil Kingdom, which almost crushed Fei Jimo. However, a burst of cheers outside, but instantly sobered people up.

He and Lu Li quickly ran out of the camp together, and saw that twilight and Qin Chaoyang were flying in the sky like two fairies, and they were spreading blessings to the camp side of the temple. They had all kinds of healing herbs and pills.

Temple soldiers looked at them and kept shouting: "thank you fairy! Thank you

However, one of the soldiers said: "they are not fairies. There are portraits of fairies in our family. I think they look like fairies."

"I've never heard of two goddesses in our temple!"

"There are so many things you haven't heard of, or let's make a bet!"

Muxi and Qin Chaoyang not only brought healing herbs to the soldiers in the temple, but also their morale, which had been depressed for a long time. Muxi and Qin Chaoyang fell safely in the air, and the movement of the temple also attracted the attention of the demon kingdom.

As soon as mengtianling and menglingxiao get out of the tent, they see dusk and Qin Chaoyang in the middle of the sky. Even though they never knew that dusk had a sister before, menglingxiao recognizes dusk accurately. There is an uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

The corners of his lips rose slightly uncontrollably. As long as he conquered the temple, twilight was his. However, devil Tianling was also frightened by the scene in front of him. He looked at them and said, "God... The goddess is back?"

Hearing this, dusk evening and Qin Chaoyang look at each other and smile, dusk evening also pick eyebrow to say to him: "how? Do you know our mother? "

At that time, not only the people in the temple admired the goddess, but also the people in the demon Kingdom admired the goddess. However, it was because after a long period of time, the goddess disappeared, so the demon Kingdom began to think about the temple.

Now, seeing the offspring of the goddess again, magic Tianling said that it was false not to be afraid. He could not control the shaking in his voice. He said in disbelief, "you... How did you come back?"

After knowing that twilight is the descendant of the goddess, Mo Lingxiao is not surprised. He thinks that it is reasonable for an excellent person like twilight to be the descendant of the goddess. He also thinks that with his own excellence, he can be worthy of the descendant of the goddess.

Qin Chaoyang noticed the fear of devil Tianling, so she proposed: "if you return to the original position of the temple, we will not fight. I hope this matter can be solved peacefully."

Qin Chaoyang said this very sincerely. She really didn't want to see disaster happen again. Especially after understanding the heaven and earth road, she felt that both the temple and the devil Kingdom needed to understand each other. At this time, however, magic felt that he was only one step away from success.

This is the first time he has made such a great achievement. He didn't want to give up at all, so he emboldened himself and said, "what happened to the descendants of the goddess? Now the temple is at the end of the storm, even if you come! It will not turn the situation around! "

Said, magic day Ling began to organize troops, launched the next war, but Qin Chaoyang just a light look at him, and then said: "stubborn."

It was Qin Chaoyang's calm attitude that made Mo Tianling feel very weak. He thought that only confident people dare to be so relaxed, but it's true that as he thought, dusk night and Qin Chaoyang are well prepared.

Before the war, Dushi and Qin Chaoyang each took out their own jade pendants and put two fish shaped jade pendants together. Suddenly, the two jade pendants formed a shape of eight trigrams, which rose up in the air and shone on the land below. At first, magic Tianling didn't know what the eight trigrams were for.

However, it wasn't long before he found that the strength of all the people in the demon kingdom had been suppressed, while the strength of the temple soldiers seemed to have improved. He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. He didn't believe that such a thing would happen.

Dushi and Qin Chaoyang already know the secret. When Yin is high, Yang is low. The function of the eight trigrams is to keep balance. Now that the spirit of the devil kingdom is higher than that of the temple, the eight trigrams have to reverse this situation. As expected, in this situation.

The soldiers and horses in the temple were as good as God's help. Each of them was high spirited and soon took back part of their land. Seeing this, dusk Xi picked his eyebrows and said to magic Tianling, "you can think about it. I'll give you another chance. If you withdraw now, you may not have such a big loss. If you are still stubborn, even if you want to restore your current strength, It's going to take a long time

The people in the devil kingdom are very bloody, especially the devil Tianling. He firmly said: "I don't regret it! If we can't attack the temple this time! Laozi will die on the battlefield! I will never retreat! "

It has to be said that devil Tianling's temperament is right for her. Such a real and bloody man makes Mu Xi appreciate it very much. But since he has made such a choice, Mu Xi respects him, and she calls out all the people in the space.

Put them on the battlefield together. People like them are invincible on the battlefield. Qin Chaoyang also began to use his power of life.

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