Just talking with Muxi, Muxi thought it was not the way, so he said to him with a smile: "I'm pregnant, I have a baby, you want to be a grandfather."

Bai Li Ye is stunned for a moment, then says happily: "really? That's great, but I'd rather be a grandfather than a grandfather. "

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere of the scene immediately became embarrassed. Baili Fen Jin just sat quietly and didn't say a word, but the chill around him showed his displeasure now. Bailiyie is not willing to continue to say to bailiyin: "boy, take care of your mother and child. If there is any mistake, I only want you to ask!"

Hundred Li burn Jin this time is not willing to lag behind, coldly looked at him, said: "not firm you worry, I must do better than you."

Seeing the tense atmosphere between the father and the son, Dushi can't help but feel nervous. She doubts whether she has done something wrong. However, Bai Liye just laughs and says, "I believe that."

Then he looked into Bai Li Fen Jin's eyes and said, "if the one you love can't get it, but the one you don't love is pregnant with your child, how can you deal with it? I know you love twilight. I'm glad to hear that. I think you should understand me and think about what you would be like if Twilight didn't accept you. "

Bailiyin doesn't regard bailiyin as his own child, but a peer in communication. He has deep envy and jealousy for bailiyin. In front of bailiyin, he is not a father, but a lovelorn man.

Bai Li Fen Jin said faintly: "the only difference between you and me is that if the people I love don't accept me, I won't let the people I don't love conceive my child."

Bai Liye laughs loudly. After a while, he says something he doesn't want to admit: "yes, you are better than me, so you are so happy now."

Baili Fen Jin can understand Baili Ye's pain, because he has experienced this feeling when he pursues twilight, but he can't accept Baili Ye's practice, not because he left his wife and children, but because he has his favorite person.

Can also have relations with other people, this is Baili burning Jin can not understand and accept, love a person should be wholeheartedly, even if it is a failure, also can't abandon oneself, in order to selfish desire, to find a person they don't love at all.

Bai Li Fen Jin has a mental cleanliness habit. He can't understand such things. He doesn't resent Bai Li Ye, but he doesn't want to contact him. I don't know whether this conversation is a success or not, but at least both of them have spoken their inner words.

This is a good omen. As time goes on, the relationship between father and son will certainly improve. However, after Bai Li Fen Jin came out, she said to Mu Xi in a soft voice, "lady, you or I will not come to this place in the future."

Evening evening smell speech don't understand of say: "why? He's very lonely here by himself. "

Bai Li Fen Jin chuckled and explained to Mu Xi in a soft voice: "that's just your idea. For him, he may not be lonely. He lives in his own fantasy world, where he can stay with the goddess forever. However, our appearance breaks this fantasy. As soon as he sees me, he will think of his betrayal, and as soon as he sees you, he will think of me, It's a series of reactions that lead to painful results in the end. For him, it would be better to be quiet in that fantasy world. "

At dusk, Wen Yan frowned slightly and said, "but..."

However, before she finished, Bai Li Fen Jin said to her with a smile, "I have experience in this kind of thing. Every time you leave, I always fantasize like this, but I have you. I'm willing to wake up, but he doesn't have a goddess. It's better to fantasize like this all the time. How can we have the heart to disturb him?"

Hearing this, Dushi also began to reflect. She was doubting whether she was doing it right. She didn't consider bailiyie's idea. After a while, she also raised her smile and said to bailiyie, "well, I'll listen to you. I won't go to him in the future."

Maybe from dusk night when he asks bailiyie if he wants to leave, bailiyie has made a choice. He doesn't want to face the cruel reality. He wants to indulge in his happy fantasy. How can dusk night cruelly wake him up?

After thinking about this, Dushi felt relieved. When she went back, Qin Chaoyang quickly welcomed her and said to her with a smile, "I've prepared a surprise for you! Guess what it is ~ "

The evening evening hears speech then doubt of say: "surprise? I don't think any surprises will scare me now. "

The reaction of dusk evening makes Qin Chaoyang very unhappy. She thought that dusk evening would be full of excitement and ask what the surprise is, but dusk evening is like this. But she still said: "you guess again, you will be happy."

However, the evening is said with a smile: "you take it out, I know whether you are happy."

The appearance of Twilight makes Qin Chaoyang feel helpless. It's a headache to prepare a surprise for twilight. Just at this time, a familiar voice appeared outside the room and said, "I'll tell you, how can Dushi like such childish things? It's better to show up directly."

She was about to push the door in. As soon as she heard the sound and looked at the action, she knew that it must be liuge'er, but the bigger surprise was still behind. Not only liuge'er, but everyone in the lower world came. Qin Ying, Yu Lan, Qin Qingyun, Feng Qingyue, Chu Tianrun, Lin Shuyu, mu Xiaoran

These people occupied the place in an instant. It was a great surprise for Dushi to see these people. She immediately left tears of joy. During the time in the temple, although they were accompanied by Bai Li Fen Jin and Qin Chao Yang.

But Dushi still felt that there was something missing. As soon as these people came, she felt that her heart was occupied in an instant. Bai Li Fen Jin also wiped her tears and said in a soft voice: "pregnant women should not have too much emotional ups and downs."

As soon as she heard this, she was not happy. She said, "who is pregnant? I'm an 18-year-old pregnant girl. How can I be pregnant? "

Twilight night in pregnancy during this period, the temper is not very good, in not pregnant, it is not very good.

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