Liuge'er and Qin Qingyun are also indifferent. They are still talking about their lovers. Qin Qingyun is a saint of love, but they don't want the fans of liuge'er. The Deputy patriarch looked at them and sighed heavily as if they were not worried.

But as long as lin'er is happy and comfortable, as a father, he will be relieved. Even these little guys are not afraid. What can he be afraid of? After a while, a group of people came in the lobby, headed by a middle-aged man, followed by a young man.

The appearance is also excellent, followed by a group of guards. The patriarch looked at the Deputy patriarch with a proud face and said, "give your daughter over and marry my son as soon as possible." The Deputy patriarch glanced at him and said, "don't you want to take over the power of the snow clan by marriage? I'm not going to let lin'er be a tool for marriage. "

The patriarch looked at the dusk and said, "who are they? Where did you just come back from? Isn't it the place to hide xueqinglin? " With that, they are forced to ask the four. The vice patriarch immediately stands in front of them. This is lin'er's friend. As an elder, he wants to protect them.

The Deputy patriarch said, "this is my niece, her friends and entourage. They came to me from their mother's home." The patriarch sneered, "how many years has your wife died? Where are the people from? They want to die now? If you don't give me an account, I won't let them leave alive. "

Dusk night several people are a pair of indifferent, irrelevant appearance. But the patriarch's son was obviously worried. He pointed to dusk and said, "father, I want her to be my wife." Liuge'er and Qin Qingyun stare at him with the eyes of the warrior.

Qian Mo's hand had been caressing the sword, and he was full of murderous spirit. Dusk stopped him. The patriarch looked at him and said, "you must marry the daughter of the Deputy patriarch." Xue Qianzhi said humbly: "for my father, what I want is just a proper statement for the people. Now the Deputy patriarch has admitted that she is a niece. It's fair to say that I married her in line with my son's mind, but not my father's mind. Besides, the daughter of the Deputy patriarch is missing. It's better to take care of her good life and get married one day than to go to the trouble to find her. What the father has to do is to name a daughter of a deputy head of the clan for her. "

Finish saying then hook up lips Cape to evening night evil a smile. The son of the clan leader always has his own ideas. Even if he doesn't agree, he will find a way to get him to agree. Anyway, it's his son who has won the power of the snow clan. The patriarch nodded faintly and said, "she is the daughter of the Deputy patriarch, and you should deal with the rest."

Then he went out. His son is old and needs to exercise early. The smile on Xueqian's face did not stop. She raised her hand and said to dusk: "dare to ask the girl's name?" Dusk night ignore him, self-care look at their fingers, as did not hear the appearance.

This is not as good as Bai Li Fen Jin in appearance or strength. What's good to see? The smile on his face sank. The vice patriarch looked at the dusk and said, "we are sorry for you." She didn't answer at dusk. She didn't care.

Just don't know to hundred Li burn Jin's temperament, know what will happen. Snow shallow stop and evil smile like looking at dusk night way: "big wedding day in half a month later, you give me a good stay." Then he left. Liuge'er looks at his back.

A face of eight trigrams of ask Qin Qingyun: "you say burn silence palace Lord know how?" Qin Qingyun meditated: "exterminate the family? Or lingchi? Anyway, the patriarch's son will die miserably. " Qian Mo said to Mu Xi, "let me kill him."

Dusk Xi light said: "not urgent, the future is long." Qian Mo knelt down and said solemnly to the evening: "please be loyal to the Lord." He followed the Lord and knew what he thought of his wife. As a confidant, he would not let the Lord's thoughts go to waste.

The dusk night cold hummed a way: "you still really are loyal to him." A bamboo green like this, and a field also like this, as if she is a hundred miles burning Jin accessories, two human feelings which need other people to intervene. Qian Mo replied, "if my wife is stubborn, I will report it to the Lord."

Dusk Xi said with a smile, "your Lord has something important to do. If you don't care about me, won't you be distracted? If you miss his important event because of his distraction, do you think he will punish you? Don't worry. I have my own plan. Do you think I'll be blind enough not to ask the Lord for that man? "

If she didn't explain it, the fields would still pester her. As for Qian Mo, he is very confident in the Lord, so he can rest assured after listening to Mu Xi. However, what he didn't expect was that for Bai Li Fen Jin, the evening was the most important thing, so later he was punished heavily for not reporting it

Dusk night and hope to the deputy chief asked: "Qinglin said your strength is stronger than that chief, why are you deputy?" The Deputy patriarch said with a sad face: "I didn't like to fight for profits. When he begged me for the position of patriarch, I was happy to be at leisure and didn't care too much. But it is because I am stronger than him, so even if he got the position of patriarch, he has always been suspicious of me. When I noticed, his position had been firmly established. If I hadn't given it to him at that time, lin'er would not have been like this and would not have been a drag on you. "

He said with a long sigh. Even if you become the patriarch, I'm afraid you will be pulled down by the two fathers and sons. Maybe you will die more miserable than now. She asked, "what's the point of being the head of your clan?"

The Deputy patriarch bit his teeth and said, "girl, you are lin'er's friend. I don't want you to bear the fault of our father and daughter. We snow clan have two keys. One is with me and the other is with the clan leader. With these two keys, you can go to the Holy Land in the clan. You can stay there to avoid the wind. But I don't know where the clan leader's key is. If you enter the holy land, you must be very careful. "

He said that he gave Dushi a key. He thought that Dushi should be the woman who would rather die than surrender. Even if the holy land was dangerous, he would try it. He thought right that Dushi would go to the holy land to try, but he miscalculated that Dushi was not a woman who would rather die than surrender.

If Shao clan leader is strong enough, Dushi will never be this attitude. Otherwise, how can Bai Li burn Jin's forced engagement succeed? After thanking the vice patriarch, Mu Xi goes to the guard outside the door. She says to one of them, "go to tell the young patriarch that I want to get in touch with him and stay with him for a few days, together with my friends."

The two guards looked at each other.

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