He should be punished for not fulfilling the Lord's orders. But he didn't know where dusk was. He attacked the fragile looking snow tree, but the tree suddenly hid in front of people. There were layers of obstacles around them, using snow leaves as weapons and ice as strange beasts.

The most important thing is that there is an endless stream of snow and ice in this world of ice and snow. At dusk, it's obvious that there is a skill book in an igloo. After a look, I found that it was the skill of the snow clan, but Dushi already had the fire of congenital chaos given by strawberry.

She didn't really want to practice Xuezu's skills. She looked around the room and found no place to go out. She didn't even see a crack. She wanted to use divine consciousness to look into the space, but found that the space could not enter here. It can't be true?

Do you have to practice that skill before you let it go? I guess you're right. But now she really can't settle down to practice. She doesn't know what happened to her elder brother and sister-in-law, the fields, the wind and the moon, and what happened outside the holy land.

Originally wanted to pick up the envelope contact hundred Li burn Jin, but thought he had business to do, dare not disturb him, even if. After lying in the ice house for a long time, she calmed down and copied the skill to see how difficult it was. Before that, Bai Li Fen Jin slowly showed her how hard it was for her to learn.

Now it's a book for her to understand. However, she doesn't know that the difficulty lies in no one's demonstration. The difficulty lies in that she has mastered the fire of congenital chaos. Water and fire can conquer each other. It's more difficult to master the water system skills of the snow clan.

She starts to feel the flow of water in her body, but since the last baptism of the fire of chaos, the outside of the meridian is always tinged with the smell of the fire of chaos, and the water can't circulate in the meridian.

However, Muxi did not give up. After repeated experiments, when shuilingli and huolingli could fight each other, Muxi suffered. Two kinds of spirit forces were fighting each other in her meridians. Muxi felt abnormal pain all over her body, and the air was rushing around in her meridians.

She was in a panic. Isn't that a sign of being possessed? She forced to suppress the newborn spirit of water, a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood spit out, although the suppression of timely, but the meridian is still unavoidable some damage.

There's no way to continue to practice. What should I do at dusk? This should be the best place to practice water spirit power, otherwise the new water spirit power can't compete with fire spirit power. But there's no way to practice in this way. It's impossible to continue unless you suppress the fire spirit power.

Twilight began to think about the method by herself. It was a very difficult thing to think about. In his mind, he thought about countless possibilities, screened, overturned and improved them over and over again. Dusk night clearly felt the brain from the bursts of pain.

Her high concentration and excessive use of brain made her frown unconsciously. Anyway, it's always day in the holy land, no matter this strange igloo, the time outside is constantly passing. Xueqianzhi wakes up in the dusk room that day and finds that the key to the holy land is gone with dusk.

He hated the teeth itching, he secretly vowed to let Twilight survive not to die, he wanted to let Twilight become his forbidden, let her never see the day. In his memory, that evening was very happy with him. In his imagination, it was always beautiful. In his memory, it was what he wanted most.

He loves and hates twilight. He loves her pride and hates her pride. His twisted heart can't breed good love. He did not dare to tell the patriarch about the loss of the key to the holy land, so he had to cover it up. He secretly ordered people to stay by the door of the holy land at midnight and catch them as soon as they came out.

He was extreme in character since he was a child, and the patriarch was strict with him in every way. Slowly, he became abnormal, but he found an exciting pleasure in it. This is the first time that he made a mistake because of twilight, but he didn't want to kill her. Watching Twilight collapse is his greatest pleasure now.

At this time, she began a new cultivation. She figured out a way. She concentrated her mind in Yuan Huoxin and controlled the action of Yanxin with her own ideas. After all, the fire of congenital chaos has a subtle connection with her.

In fact, there is no fire source in this igloo. The only thing is the fire of chaos in the twilight meridians. Twilight can feel the fire in the meridians slowly converging into the fireworks.

If this is not a place of ice and snow, maybe the fire spirit power can be improved, but is it so easy? Dushi is surprised to find that the flame has a weak self-consciousness. She smiles foolishly on her face. She likes fire and has her own fire.

She even thought about her name. If she wanted to call him casifa, strawberry would cry faintly. This name sounds better than strawberry. The consciousness of fire is too weak. We need to improve his strength.

But now the important task is to cultivate water spirit power, otherwise I don't know when I will be able to get out of this ghost place. If you practice here, you can recover quickly, and the channels return to their original appearance. The water vapor flows in the channels in circles.

The water spirit power cultivated in the igloo is purer, but more unbearable. Bursts of chilling cold rose in my body at dusk night. The chill from inside to outside seemed to feel as if I was integrated with the igloo. Layers of ice crystals formed on my hair and eyelashes.

For dusk night, the pain is better tolerated. Frozen and rigid, she has no resistance. When the fire of chaos swam in the meridians, Dushi felt that she was burned up, but the pain made her feel her existence clearly.

When shuilingli is swimming in the meridians, she seems to feel that she is disappearing a little bit. It makes people feel desperate that she can't feel her own existence. The more you practice, the more rigid your body is, and the more rigid your body is, the slower you practice. This is a vicious circle.

After a long period of time, he finally cultivated his own water spiritual power, but he had no spiritual consciousness. Dushi is seriously relieved. It's estimated that this time should be much slower than the cultivation of fire spirit power. Dushi likes wind and fire, and she feels very anxious.

And she didn't know what the use of cultivating water spirit power was! Try to use the spirit of water, found in addition to change a snowflake to see, completely useless ah! I'm not the owner of ice and snow. It's good or fun to be a snow!

Besides, do I have to change the ice and snow? When she was cultivating her spiritual power, the scene around her changed, and she was no longer the ice house before.

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