The guards are covered with purple flames, and even their souls are burned. The battle is over before it begins. Xueqianzhi looks at the guards around him. For a moment, this is the most elite person of Xuezu. He knew he was dead.

He said with a grim smile to Bai Li Fen Jin: "even if you are powerful, what? When she and I had been married for a long time, her taste disappeared before we finished our words. He did not allow anyone to desecrate twilight. Qin Qingyun takes this opportunity to save the vice patriarch.

Seeing his frown, he gently smoothed it. He pinched his chin and said, "how can you provoke such a person? Huh? Why don't you do that when your husband is not around? " He looks like a bully.

"If I were you, I wouldn't let him want to die with such an idea. It's a pity that the man is dead. " Bai Li Fen Jin's eyes narrowed slightly. Seeing his expression at dusk, she had a bright smile. Provocation. She's provocating him.

"God." A familiar voice suddenly came, and they looked over there, still holding the same posture. Qian Mo side with a man, looks chic and handsome, compared with a hundred miles burning Jin is not much worse. Like the man drinking in the tree that day?

I thought about it at dusk. When the man saw dusk evening, he raised a smile on his face and said in a friendly tone: "dusk evening, do you remember me? Remember that day? " He knew it would be abrupt to call her like this, but when he saw that he was so close to God, he called out unconsciously.

Dusk evening also smile to return a way: "remember, but I this body snow clan dress you still remember?" "Of course," he said with a soft smile Qian Mo and Bai Li Fen Jin explain that he turns the holy land around. He doesn't find his wife's figure, so he goes out to look for her. He happens to meet Lu Li.

Hundred Li burn Jin is very displeased, he indifferent to Lu Li way: "why do you come here?" He respectfully said: "God, this is the time when the two armies are fighting, but you are not there. Fei Jimo told me that you may be here."

Bai Li Fen Jin was impatient and said, "it's not a short time for you to stay with me. It's time for you to be on your own. You're free to deal with me when I'm not here. Power is your experience. Tell Fei Jimo that he knows me, and he certainly knows what I'm going to do. "

Lu Li looked at the dusk and said to Bai Li Fen Jin, "God, I can't bear this responsibility." The tone is respectful but the meaning is not clear. Bai Li Fen Jin hummed coldly, "do you know what I experienced when I was your age? It's not a secret in the temple. "

Lu Li's face slightly changed and said, "yes, please obey God's orders." He is the new genius of the temple. He has been with Bai Li Fen Jin since he was a child. The people in the temple said that they had a good master, but they were gambling that he was better than blue?

Only when he follows Bai Li Fen Jin all the year round can he know how powerful he is. Since he was a child, he was most tired of comparing with others, let alone with Bai Li Fen Jin? Before leaving, he took a few jars of wine to Dushi, and said, "you said this wine was good, so I made some jars for you. I don't want to drink too much."

Dusk night is to take down, conveniently throw into the space. I didn't notice the expression of Bai Li Fen Jin. He was unusually silent. Qin Qingyun and liuge'er deal with the affairs of the snow people. At dusk, he took a bath, changed his good clothes and slept for a while.

After all, I haven't had a good rest this month. Qian Mo has been paying attention to his master. In fact, he has been sitting in the hall of the deputy head of the clan drinking tea, but his momentum is really compelling. Wearing black clothes makes people feel chilly.

It's afternoon after evening's rest. Thinking of Bai Li Fen Jin, does he want to be alone? It's strange that I was silent just now. Walking into the inner hall, I found that there was no one around except him and the fields. I guess I was scared away by him.

Why does he keep that action all the time? It's not like it hasn't moved, has it? It's a bit strange. The emotional intelligence of twilight is not high. When Qian Mo saw her coming, reality left. Dushi stood in front of him and asked, "what's the matter with you?" He sat on the stool and looked up at the evening without saying a word.

Dusk night feel not quite right, bend down to caress his face, soft voice asks a way: "exactly how?" He suddenly pulled off the evening of horizontal embrace in his arms, hard bit her lips, evening night feel pain, hands can't help push him, but failed to push a cent, instead let him more angry.

Dusk night feel a trace of blood, but also mixed with his. After the blood mingled, he let go of dusk. "What are you doing?" the evening frowned He said lightly: "after that you can only be mine." He has just used blood as a curse. If he falls in love with others later in the evening, he will be killed by the slow bite. He will suffer the same pain.

This is a secret skill of the Heavenly God, which was improved by him and used as a love curse. "What are you talking about?" she asked He chuckled, "nothing. I'm just afraid of losing you. I don't have to be afraid in the future. You have to remember that you can only love me, otherwise the consequences will be very serious

Twilight night looked at his smile, a palpitation, almost morbid love, but he is a hundred Li burning Jin, no matter how he is, is her lover, isn't it? She felt his possessiveness and anxiety about her gains and losses. She gently kissed his lips, put her hands around his neck, and kept deepening the kiss.

Is the night, evening lying in bed to the hundred Li burning Jin told Lu Li and snow shallow, during the hundred Li burning Jin has been holding the evening, to swear ownership. He knew that Lu Li was the best of the younger generation, so he cared so much, but the main reason was that Mu Xi said that his old cow ate tender grass.

He is wronged to the dusk night way: "do you think I am old?" Let a handsome and unrivalled man judge himself in such a way that he feels guilty. She laughed and said, "no, you look better than him. As long as the sword is not old

Bai Li Fen Jin said with a helpless smile: "you. What do you want to do? It will be a while before you get married. " "What do I think?" she said innocently? I say you're powerful, but you're not old. " He looked at the evening of a "naive" look, bow gently bit the evening of the shoulder.

He could not resist and said: "sleep." The next morning, liuge'er pushes open the door of Muxi in a hurry, and comes across the scene of Baili burning Jin's affectionate desire to feed Muxi. Muxi is very reluctant, but his attitude is very tough.

Liu Ge'er's beautiful eyes were wide open. She patted her head and said, "I've forgotten that he's here. I'm used to it. I'll go right away. I'll go right away. " The flattering look on his face was exactly the same as when Qin Qingyun met him. Dusk night helpless way: "have what you say."

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