Two little guys, one on the left and the other on the right, were holding Dushi's legs. Xu Yao said with a smile, "girl, are you sick? Don't you want to see him? " Now there is a lot of excitement in the space. Every day he has two little guys with him. He is also very happy. It's hard to see the appearance of dusk.

Dusk Xi didn't want to talk to him. Xu Yao said to himself, "girl, with that person's strength, it seems that you can enter the space freely. What can you do?" Dusk night suddenly surprised, she thought that in addition to her, no one can enter the space. I didn't expect that Bai Li Fen Jin's strength had reached this level.

Luckily she didn't let him in before. Dusk finally looked up at Xiang xuyao, he slowly said: "open space taboo, except you promise, any other living things are not allowed to enter." At this time, the snow tree also happened to come back, heard Xu Yao's words, also can't help nodding.

He took the evening and said, "come on, God is really here." Twilight follows their steps to open the space taboo a little bit, seems to be mixed with array? Mind a little clear, fully integrated into it, open space taboo is not a simple thing, mastery is finally successful.

Xu Yao and Xue Shu look at the dusk night happily. She is very good and has strong comprehension. The space taboo contains the power of array, space and spirit. If she can do it with such strength, her future potential will be limitless. They begin to look forward to the brilliant future of dusk night.

Dushi frowned and said to xuyao, "why didn't you tell me before? I can't use my own jade pendant to get in. Why can he?" Xu Yao said with a smile: "with his strength, is it OK?" Evening night gnaws a tooth way: "can! Very good! "

These people will only think that she is weak. Xiaoyao suddenly pulled the sleeve robe of the snow tree with a smile and said, "well, can you also give me a seed? I plant it in the space." The snow tree took out a bunch of seeds and said, "give it all to you. Anyway, it's the space of the little master. It's all for her."

Xiaoyao's eyes are already exhausted when he looks at these seeds. Medicinal materials are his lifeblood. In this moment, Xiaoyao and xueshu established a deep friendship. And dusk has no time to take care of them, as long as she stops, she will start to think.

She turned to xueshu and xuyao and said, "do you have a good place to go? Where he can't find it, he has branded his breath on my forehead, and he can find it wherever I am. " Snow tree a beautiful face evil white way: "little master, you how so careless, but no wonder you, his strength is strong, you also can't stop.". If so, you can only go to the soul world. "

Then he looked solemn. Xuyao's expression was also dignified. He said to the dusk: "the soul world is a place where only the soul can enter, where all the breath will be erased. It's just that it's very dangerous. It's not a place you can go at this level. Have you decided?"

Dushi nodded solemnly. Bai Li Fen Jin was flustered in her sleep. She sat up and found that the person beside her pillow was gone and cold. He scolded angrily: Damn, how can you sleep so deeply. Since he had been sleeping with twilight night, he had been sleeping soundly and completely lost his vigilance.

He did not care to put on his coat and stockings, but hastened to look around. The vice patriarch's residence is awakened. Xue Qinglin and Qin Qingyun find the letter on the table. Xue Qinglin crumples her face, rubs her eyes and says, "sister Xi won't attend our wedding. She says she will go first. And gave me a wedding present. "

Say to want to cry out of appearance. There are only four words in Qin Qingyun's letter. Bai Li Fen Jin grabs the letter. It's not Xi'er's word. Whose is it? He is covered with a layer of black fog, you really do not want to marry me?

Do you have to leave me? I won't let you do it. But he couldn't trace the breath of dusk. His eyes narrowed slightly and said, "soul world." Would you rather go to such a dangerous place than follow me? The bottom of his eyes was dyed red again, but he was more worried about Twilight than angry.

Qin Qingyun asked, "where is the soul world? I'm going, too. " Bai Li Fen Jin glanced at him and got up to leave. Liu Ge'er patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. It's better for him to go alone than to take you. You don't need to intervene in the affairs of the couple."

Qin Qingyun said angrily, "she's my sister!" Liu Ge'er said with a smile, "she's going to grow up. She's not just your sister. " Qin Qingyun finally calmed down. Forgetting God and Xu Yao work together to open the door of the soul world, which seems to be separated by a layer of water curtain. It is very illusory there, rippling with transparent water patterns.

When crossing the barrier, the soul is pulled away. As the name suggests, the soul world is a place where only the spirit body can stay. Dusk sees his body lying quietly in the space, closes his eyes slightly and enters the soul world quickly. When the twilight body loses its soul, it can also stay in the space.

It's much safer than outside. In the soul world, it is not as illusory as in the twilight imagination, and it is not very different from the outside world. Xuyao and xueshu are more comfortable in the soul world. They are spiritual bodies. Xuyao said to Dushi, "you can't stay in the soul world for a long time. Otherwise, if you get used to it, you can't go back to the outside world. One month at the most. "

Twilight nodded, after a month to find a hundred burning Jin to make it clear, always so hiding is not the way, as if she did something wrong, now it's good to relax. Snow tree nagging said: "by God miss on the people can't run away, how do you provoke him!"

Xu Yao was amused, but it was not easy for him to intervene in the quarrel between the couple. Dusk glanced at the snow tree and said, "be quiet. Now that it's all like this, what else can we do? Stay in the soul world this month. " When dusk comes to the soul world for the first time, he sees many new things, such as food and clothes.

Even people are different. Snow trees explain to Dushi one by one that it's a human form made of spirit grass, a demon spirit cultivated for thousands of years, and a sword spirit made of cold iron. Everything is trivial. He's been nagging all the way. As long as Xu Yao interrupts him, they can quarrel on the spot.

The soul world is more mixed up than the outside world, because it is more inclusive, and different races can survive here. Xueshu and xuyao are also among the best in the soul world. Xuyao is the spirit of jade pendant space, and xueshu is the spirit of wood supported by the God of creation.

They have to argue about who's residence to go to at dusk night. Dusk night is fun. She laughs and says, "Oh, you still have your own place. It's amazing. I'm going to be nurtured. " Snow tree a face dislikes a way: "little master can't say mix words."

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