Suddenly she flashed in her mind that there seemed to be a similar poison in the medical books left by Mu Jiufeng, but the poison was much more complicated than that left by Mu Jiufeng. Dusk night ordered the small medicine in the space to search for the pile of medical books, and finally found the corresponding records and solutions.

Dushi respectfully said to Bai Yuru: "teacher, I think I may have a way to make my teacher's mother recover, but I can't cure her completely. I'm sure there will be a chance in the future that it can be completely cured. You don't have to worry too much now. " Bai Yuru looked at the dusk in surprise and said, "can you really?"

Dusk night did not speak, if according to Mu Jiufeng left medical books to do, really can. She took out the silver needle left by Mu Jiufeng from the space, deliberated and said to Bai Yuru, "next, I may have to give the needle to my teacher's mother. If you can't believe me, I will tell you that you will give the needle?"

After all, it's only the first time they've met, and distrust is normal. Bai Yuru thought for a while and nodded. But Zhao Lingxiu took Bai Yuru's hand and said, "I believe her." She turned to Dushi and said with a bright smile, "you can do it. My intuition is accurate. I believe you very much."

Muxi also understands Bai Yuru's mentality. After all, this is his beloved woman. However, Zhao Lingxiu's trust makes Muxi very moved. Sometimes women's sixth sense is so accurate. She also gave Zhao Lingxiu a sweet smile and said, "my teacher's mother is really a good person. You will be better."

Although Bai Yuru agreed, he could not stop worrying. Evening in the fire will be silver needle disinfection, Zhao Lingxiu open good-looking eyes way: "you wait a moment can be lighter ah, I am very afraid of pain." Dusk night a Leng, think this teacher mother is really lovely, she just want to comfort dusk night just, don't want to let her so nervous.

Dushi said with a smile: "I know, I hurt you. Teacher Bai can't wear shoes for me in the future." Zhao Lingxiu looked at Bai Yu and said, "he dares! If he bullies you, you can tell your teacher's mother that I am in charge for you! " Bai Yuru helplessly looked at Zhao Lingxiu, eyes full of doting.

Mu Xi makes Zhao Lingxiu lie flat, and applies the needle to her according to the acupuncture technique in Mu Jiufeng's medical book. Mu Xi's action is extremely swift, and the acupuncture technique is particularly ingenious. Almost when Zhao Lingxiu wants to feel the pain, the needle has been drawn out. After a while, there was a layer of sweat on my body.

Acupuncture is a work that requires both energy and physical strength. After half a cup of tea, all acupuncture points have been finished. At dusk evening, he took out the herbal medicine from the space and applied it. In a short time, he leached the black venom from those pinholes. She was bathed by Bai Yuru at dusk.

Wash the venom and give her a glass of Tianling water. It's all in Zhao Lingxiu's face. After all, the teacher's mother is very likable. At dusk, they were waiting outside for her to finish bathing. Soon she was helped out by Bai Yuru.

Liu Ge'er looked at her in surprise and said, "teacher's mother! Can you go now? " Qin Qingyun said haughtily: "you don't see who my sister is!" Bai Yuru looks at Dushi gratefully. He doesn't expect that Xiuer can stand up after a shot.

Zhao Lingxiu said to Mu Xi with a smile, "I knew I didn't believe you wrong. My intuition is really accurate."

With a smile, she said to Bai Yuru, "can you remember the acupoints and acupuncture methods just now? Remember to acupuncture once a day, although it will not eliminate the remaining venom, but can maintain the state of walking, one sunset will be wasted. I also have some herbs here. Take them every day. "

Dusk Xi takes out the herbs from the Xue clan from the space. Anyway, there are many herbs in her space. The herbs of the Xue clan are pure and incomparable. They have some effects on the toxic toxin of Xueyan hall. Bai Yuru looked at the dusk with gratitude and said, "I really don't know how to thank you."

Dushi said with a smile: "originally, my teacher and I were more congenial. Besides, you will teach me how to make pills in the future. And if you really feel bad, just send me some herbs. I don't want more. A fresh herb is enough. " What's more, the porcelain bottle he gave me before.

At dusk, it can be seen that the porcelain vase can not only keep the quantity of liquid medicine, but also refine it from time to time, which is undoubtedly a good treasure for doctors. Bai Yuru said with a light smile, "well, you come with me, and you can choose the herbs in our hospital."

There are many herbs planted in Bai Yuru's backyard, even more than in the wooden house. Dusk evening selects all the herbs that are not available in the space. There are small herbs and space, but there are not enough herbs. Later, Dushi taught him how to grow snow herbs. It was necessary to keep the temperature extremely cold, which also needed the support of water properties.

Fortunately, he also mastered the property of water, he opened up a special place in the hospital, using the property of water to snow in that area. After a while, he spread a thick layer on it. In this way, his pharmacy is also very good-looking, with a piece of sunshine and a piece of snow.

Even Zhao Lingxiu couldn't help admiring him. Bai Yuru said to Mu Xi, "you don't have to call me teacher in the future. Let's make friends with each other as equals." The evening evening picks eyebrow to say: "with your age how the equal generation intersects, I see is to forget the year to make friends just right!"

All the people in the room laughed. He helplessly looked at the strange girl in front of him. She was more than ten years older than her. As for the damage to him. After the herbs were planted, the evening party bid farewell to them. Along the way, Liu Ge'er praised Bai Yuru's infatuated protection.

After listening to the tease, she said: "anyway, you and my brother are sooner or later. I'm not in the dormitory now. You two should live together and get used to married life ahead of time." After listening to liuge'er, she thinks it is very reasonable. She blinks her eyes and looks at Qin Qingyun.

But Qin Qingyun just stares at dusk. She knows that liuge'er is simple and teases her like this. She will take it seriously. He had to carefully comfort: "you live in the girls' dormitory, people come and go, you don't want other people to take me away, in case I can't stand the temptation, I don't want you."

He knows that Liu Ge'er is the most popular, which is also due to her love for him. She can only curl her lips and say, well, according to the temperament of dusk night, to hear this kind of words, you have to teach Bai Li Fen Jin a lesson, which also depends on his love for her.

I have to sigh that the descendants of the Qin family are really lucky! When dusk evening comes back to the other courtyard of Bai Li Fen Jin, he sees that he is waiting there. Seeing the figure of dusk evening, he says: "why did you come back so late? I thought you didn't want me. "

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