He excitedly went to another hospital and said, "how about filling my old man's mouth?" The evening evening sees a visitor pick eyebrow to smile a way: "the rice that I cook is not so easy to eat."

"I don't care, I just want to eat. You can ask those two old guys for benefits in the game. I'll carry them for you, old man, and they have to get more benefits than you get from me! " Those two old guys naturally refer to the heads of the other two universities.

"It's almost the same," she said with a smile. Everybody sit down and eat! " After a demonstration at dusk, everyone enjoyed it. The most important thing to eat hot pot is the atmosphere. We chat while drinking.

Such a scene makes Twilight feel very warm, and Bai Li Fen Jin is no exception. He was not sensitive to emotion, but since he was with twilight, his emotions and desires have been enriched. He will laugh, worry and feel sad unconsciously.

His love for Twilight makes him whole. In the steaming heat of hot pot, everyone's heart is closer. Such a scene in the past, in their common memory forever survived, this is their future best chapter.

The party lasted for several hours, and both the delicious food and the people around them made them reluctant to leave. The night came quietly, and the banquet was finally over. She went back to another hospital at dusk to have a good bath. Today, she has been busy all day.

Back to the bed, he saw the picture of Bai Li Fen Jin lying on the bed with her hands supporting her head, which stunned the dusk for a moment. His face was speechless, but now he has more romantic and temptation. He waved to dusk and said, "come here."

Dusk night seems to be bewitched by the past, he will dusk night circle in his arms close to her ear, said: "really not willing to let go of you, ah, I really like you." There is a soft and sentimental feeling in the magnetic voice.

He continued: "I really want you to be my little lady soon." Dushi kisses her for a long time. Later, around his neck, Dushi said softly, "I have a gift for you." He hugged Dushi and said, "you are my best gift."

But as soon as the picture turned, his God realized the jade pendant space. Rao is also a little surprised, he asked: "this is the space you said?" "You are the first one to come in, even your grandfather and elder brother have never come in," he said

He gently rubbed his head and said, "you really make me happy." Dushi leads him to the fighting field. Tu Mo and forget God are fighting on it. She points to Tu Mo and says, "that sword is very powerful. Here you are."

Bai Li Fen Jin looked at the sword and said to Mu Xi, "the butcher's sword is held by the strongest person in the devil kingdom. Tens of thousands of years ago, his master fell when he was fighting with the temple. Since then, the sword has disappeared. " The Lord of forgetfulness also fell at that time.

Dushi said to him with a smile: "Tu demon sword is very suitable for you." He said softly to Muxi, "if I become a devil, you..." he didn't know how to describe it. The people in the temple regarded the devil as their mortal enemy, and Muxi would enter the temple sooner or later. He didn't want to see her dislike him, even if only a little.

Dushi teased him and said, "I see you become a devil. It's our secret. I won't tell anyone." "I'm serious," he said to her, pulling his shoulder over dusk Dushi hugged his neck and said, "I'm serious, too. If you become a demon, it is also the most powerful demon. I am the queen. And I like the way you become a demon. "

"You have to keep your promise," he chuckled He didn't care about the eyes of the people in the temple, but he cared about the eyes of dusk. Bai Li Fen Jin held Tu Mo's sword and felt a strange smell. He used it very easily, even better than the sword he had used for many years, not to mention the strength of the sword.

Tu Mo also felt the strong breath of the sword at this time, and he quickly stopped. After seeing Bai Li Fen Jin, he quietly recognized the Lord. The more arrogant people are, the more they respect power. Evening night surprised to him way: "so easy to recognize the Lord?"? What are your principles? "

He was also surprised to say: "principle? Strength is the best. He's the best I've ever seen, and I won't lose with him. " Dusk night again speechless, this man is how fierce ah, again and again beyond her imagination.

She glanced at her forgetfulness, and she had to admit the Lord. With a sad look on her face, she said to Bai Li Fen Jin, "I'll give you that bow, too. You're so good anyway. " He laughed, gently softened the head of the soft evening, said: "good, this is what I give you."

Forgetting God looked at the dusk with an unhappy face and said, "do you think you can send it?" The evening evening buries in hundred Li to burn Jin the bosom wrongly to see to forget a God a way: "but you think I strength is not enough." Buried back in the arms of Bai Li Fen Jin.

Bai Li Fen Jin gently comforts her while embracing her, and looks at the Dao of forgetting God. Forget God like a thorn in the throat, strength is not strong enough to make people dislike it?! Anyway, I am also an artifact! This girl is absolutely intentional, but that man will never believe him.

Whether dusk is right or wrong, he is used to it anyway. Dusk night is intentional, from the hundred Li burn Jin arms out of the head, full of smile looking at forget God. Since he recognized the Lord, Dushi used the Yinghuo sword. He didn't touch him, but he thought it was disgusting.

Besides, she had never behaved like this before the man came. I'm sure I want to eat it. Don't mess with this girl in the future. As a gift given to him by dusk night, he naturally acted as a treasure. Without saying much, he threw his sword, which he had worn for tens of thousands of years, into the storage bag.

Dear Pei, I have a good night's sleep with the sword given to him by dusk.

The new students who won yesterday gathered under the stage the next morning. All around are the old people watching.

The official station said solemnly: "today's assessment is carried out in the attribute tower. You can rest assured that if you encounter any danger in it, you will be sent out safely, but you will lose your qualification. The first student to get out of the top of the tower wins, but it's another matter if he can break through in the tower. "

Liuge'er muttered in a low voice: "now he's acting like a man. Where's the strength of the scoundrel who robbed us yesterday?" Qin Qingyun is also forced to bear a smile at the bottom. The leader of the mansion really has two faces. However, fengqingyue thinks that the probability of breaking through in the tower is very small, because it is more difficult to practice while dealing with emergencies.

More than 50 freshmen who participated in the competition entered the tower together.

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