Bai Yuru looked at them and shook his head helplessly. Young people, they just have fun. Finally half an hour has passed, a cold ladder appeared, everyone scrambled to climb up into the third layer. The students who had been protected by Qin Qingyun and fengqingyue all gave thanks to them.

Because they had been in Xuezu for a while, they quickly adapted to this kind of environment. They were ready to resist the ice knife, but the ice on the ground was melting rapidly. Even like the first layer, a lot of water flowed out of the holes in the wall of the tower.

Even above their heads there was a waterfall of water. A student exclaimed, "Oh, grass! The water is hot The hot water soon melted the ice, and the water on the ground had flooded their calves, and the water level was climbing up.

This feeling of dying gives students more psychological pressure, especially watching the water spread from themselves. Just now that group of people unconsciously close to Qin Qingyun, he took the opportunity to command: "water property and soil property are over."

He and Feng Qingyue stand on one side with the students of water property, while Liu Ge'er stands on the other side with the students of earth property. At the same time, Qin Qingyun took the power of attributes seriously, but the hot water added a lot of difficulties to them.

Almost as soon as the water is turned into ice, it is melted by the hot water flowing out, which is equivalent to doing useless work. The same is true for liuge'er. Their spiritual power is not enough for them to support the soil property to bury so much water.

In an instant, he was washed away by the flood and made the water dirty. It's like losing his wife and breaking his army. At this time, the water has reached their waist position, and some students can't bear the psychological pressure and voluntarily quit the attribute tower. But Qin Qingyun concentrates on the water attribute.

At the speed of the current, they can't last half an hour at all, so they will be completely destroyed. We have to find a way as soon as possible. Since conventional ice can't withstand high temperatures, they have to use more water to make ice hard to melt.

He first made a demonstration, although at the beginning only made a small piece of ice, but it also let other students see the dawn of victory. The whole layer of water attribute students are working hard to turn the outflow water into ice. Qin Qingyun's spiritual power has been in deficit many times.

Thanks to the pills of dusk night training, he was running the water attribute with the heart of breaking through, so naturally he tried his best. Finally, the water level is basically flat in their chest position, no longer floating up and down. Everyone was relieved.

After all, they don't have to worry about being flooded, but Qin Qingyun insists on turning all the water into ice. Before the next stair comes down, he even blocks the hole with ice. He says: "isn't that right? Why didn't I break through? "

Feng Qingyue sighed and comforted him: "it's OK. Let's go up first. There's really nothing left on this floor." He looked around, sure enough, where his eyes could reach was ice. He went up the stairs to the next floor.

Liu Ge'er took him by the hand and said, "don't lose heart. You have to believe in yourself and set an example for me." Qin Qingyun nodded, but he could not hide his loss. After all, Feng Qingyue was fighting alone on the first floor, and many people on this floor were working together.

It can't be said that it's not good. It's just that the pressure is much less and the strength naturally rises less than that of fengqingyue. This layer assesses the fire attribute, but none of them has the fire attribute, so they can only rely on the strength of others. The good fruit planted by Qin Qingyun was also rewarded at this time.

Students of fire attribute are trying their best to suppress the surrounding temperature. This layer is like a mountain of fire. Liu Ge'er frowned and said to Qin Qingyun, "it's so hot." They are sweating and the temperature is rising.

Outside of them were the students he had protected before.

In order to do his part, he put up a cold ice cover around them. As expected, the temperature dropped a lot. He tried his best to maintain the ice cover, but he could see the tongue of fire licking. He only relied on his limited spiritual power and attribute to fight against the constant fire in the tower.

After a while, a lot of sweat appeared on his forehead. Feng Qingyue didn't help him this time, because this is the critical moment for his breakthrough. As long as he can hold on, it's not far from the breakthrough. This time, he didn't take the pills given by Dushi.

All with strong will, almost at the last step down at the same time he broke through, Reiki just deficit was filled with strength after the breakthrough. His whole person appears to be in high spirits, the wind clear month says to him with a smile: "know you can do."

The people outside are still. When is it so easy to break through in the attribute tower? Is it difficult to make a breakthrough, or is it contagious? Do they want to stop looking for a chance to experience in the attribute tower? It's no surprise that there will be another breakthrough.

Liu Ge'er looked at him with adoring eyes and said, "it's amazing!" His male dignity has been greatly satisfied, he said haughtily: "of course, you don't see who I am!" Liu Ge'er blinked his eyes and echoed: "yes, you are the big brother of that little pervert in twilight night. It's called big pervert for short."

But he heard it. Satire. It's satire. But he was still happy to say: "compared with her, she is a pervert among perverts." Fortunately, Dushi didn't hear their conversation, otherwise he would have to take back all the pills given to them.

At the last floor, Feng Qingyue said, "this level will depend on each other's ability. There will be no ladder." Qin Qingyun said to song'er: "we both have the qualification to participate in the competition, but you must work hard at this level, otherwise you can't go."

She knew that it was impossible for her to break through in the attribute tower. She had to compete with others for the first place. At this level, there are only about a dozen people left, and the fixed quota of Qin Qingyun and Feng Qingyue should be removed.

In principle, this level is to assess the soil properties, but this layer is empty and tight, with nothing. Moreover, after waiting for a long time, no mechanism appeared. They could only search on the wall, and liuge'er was just like them. Look here and there.

Time is also passing, people outside are confused, what are the people inside? Up to now, no one came out. As time went on, Liu Ge'er's patience was worn away. She walked anxiously in the tower.

In the end, she couldn't stand it. It took her brains to compare with this.

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