However, the road is like endless. At dusk, we still have to stop to recover our spiritual power from time to time. She didn't fall into the pit, nor was she pressed by the falling wall, but she didn't meet anyone along the way.

Just when she thought it would be wrong, she met Lingxiao, but she didn't know him at dusk, so she didn't plan to say hello. As long as you can prove that she's on the right road, but Dushi didn't expect that Lingxiao would take the initiative to talk to her.

He looked at dusk and said, "follow me." Although Dushi has some doubts, they are teammates now, and maybe they can take this opportunity to know more about him. After all, he is still very mysterious. He took seven turns and eight turns in the evening, without any regularity at all.

He didn't hesitate at the fork of the road, and he didn't encounter any pitfalls when he followed him. His speed is so fast that he can't even keep up with dusk. It seems that his strength is also good. Just as dusk is impatient and ready to stop.

The exit of the labyrinth suddenly appeared in front of them. Dushi repeatedly confirmed the exit and found that it was not a trap to cheat people. She felt incredible. She asked Lingxiao with wide eyes: "how did you do it? It's like knowing the right route. "

Lingxiao light said: "intuition." After that, no explanation will be given. Although she was very curious, she knew that the man would not tell her, so she wisely didn't ask. But a line appeared on their heads: plus ten.

Xuanyuan university students are boiling, this has the advantage of winning. However, the casual practitioners in Blackfire city had a hard time. They didn't want to admit it, but they faintly felt that Xuanyuan university had a better chance of winning this time.

After all, only a few people have invested in Xuanyuan University. If they win, they will make a lot of money! Thinking of this, they had to pray for thunder University and Baiyu university to catch up. Dusk night in the door anxiously waiting, after all, now she and Lingxiao two people alone really embarrassed ah.

They don't say a word. Dusk is so idle and boring. I really want to come as soon as possible. Anyone is OK. Lei Xinpeng doesn't have any opinion when she comes. Just as she was waiting, Ling Xiao said, "I have nothing to do with Chu Xiao."

Twilight night in the mind doubts, you and Chu Xiao Xiao have nothing to do with, what do you have to do with me? Just when she was confused and didn't know how to answer, mu Xiaoran appeared. At dusk, her affection for him rose a lot. She said to him with a smile, "yes, the third one is here."

Mu Xiaoran was stunned at first, then said with a smile, "girl, don't tease me. You're here before me." He didn't expect that Dushi would take the initiative to say hello to her. The evening evening looked at the words on his head and said, "it's almost the same anyway. It's all increased by ten."

He arched his hand and said, "it's still not as good as the girl." Dusk Xi chuckled a way: "you don't call the girl, my name is Qin dusk Xi." He looked at the heroic appearance of dusk and said with a smile, "I'll call you Miss Qin. It happens that I have something to ask Miss Qin."

Evening see how also can't break back, his address gave up, as he how to call it. Dusk night doubts of say: "we have never met before, don't know what you want to ask me?" He slowly replied: "although it's a bit abrupt, I can see that the bracelet on the girl's wrist is similar to that in our family."

Twilight night will wrist out, this bracelet is in the tomb from Mu Jiufeng there. She's not so clever, is she? Is he Mu Jiufeng's own son? But she got Mu Jiufeng's inheritance, as well as those herbs and Dan stove.

Mu Jiufeng gave them all to her. Would they want to go back? For the first time, mu Xiaoran clearly saw the bracelet on Mu Xi's hand. He found that although the bracelet was similar to the woman in their clan, there were still some differences.

The carvings and patterns on this bracelet are more primitive and simple than theirs, but they are similar in general. Dusk Xi said to him with a smile: "let's go out and talk about it. After all, we are all watching outside now." Mu Xiaoran heard that, too.

He nodded and said, "thank you, girl. I'm really curious." In the middle of the conversation, Feng Qingyue and Qin Qingyun come out with Liu Hanzhi and Jiang Hongwen. They saw dusk and said, "I knew you'd be there."

Evening evening also said: "you are not bad, ah, four together." Qin Qingyun patted the wind and Qingyue said: "this boy's head works. He marks as he walks. I saw the sign of the moon on the wall, so I went straight down that road, and finally we all got together

Sure enough, only those who are as careful as Feng Qingyue can think of such a way. Next, four students came to Baiyu University and thunder University. When fifteen people arrived, the maze disappeared.

The total score of Xuanyuan university is 40, Baiyu university is 30 and thunder university is 20. The score adopts the stage competition system. The score is recalculated every time the competition system is changed, and the score is unified after all competition systems are finished. After the maze disappeared, the position of the others was clear at a glance.

Li Haoyu and Chu Xiaoxiao walk together, and Liu Ge'er and Wang Zhize walk together. Lei Xinpeng is the most eye-catching one among them. He is covered in ashes, and the whole person seems to come out of the coal heap. They all saw the location of the exit.

They ran to liuge'er's excited dusk. Dusk asked, "don't you see the sign of the moon on the wall?" Liu Ge'er quickly replied, "I see it." Dusk night doubts a way: "see how you don't follow to walk?"

Liu Ge'er was even more puzzled and said, "why do you follow me when you see me? I'm going around the maze, and I'm almost dizzy. I've also met many pitfalls. Fortunately, I'm good at martial arts, and I didn't get hit. Do you see that kid with me? I rescued him from the trap

The more Liu Ge'er talks, the more energetic she is. She looks at her eloquent story, and she knows that her sister-in-law is the most worrying one. She has such a temperament and will not change. After a while, liuge'er's attention was attracted by Chu Xiaoxiao and Li Haoyu who came slowly.

Along the way, Li Haoyu kept saying something to Chu Xiaoxiao, looking very intimate. Liuge'er joked: "you two are wearing this red dress, and you two look like a newlywed couple." As soon as the voice fell, Li Haoyu began to smile shyly.

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