War in Heaven

Chapter 1006: Return of the murderer

"I'm stuffed."

Cherished on the back of the dirty plastic chair, staring at his stomach with satisfaction, seeing that the child had finished eating, Lin late to the side of Zhen, whispered a few words to him.

"To do this, okay... I understand." Jane nodded.

After explaining the battle plan, Lin Chi stood up and left the fast food restaurant with Zhen.

Looking at the back of the "businessman", the courteous smile on the face of the young woman in the fast food restaurant disappeared. The mobile phone was taken out from the counter and dialed a number:

"Hey, it's me..."

Lin Chi, who left the fast food restaurant, took Jane back to the underground parking lot that had just stopped and began preparations for the next step.

At the same time, a group of green and oily figures began to gather.

Dozens of lion gang members who were already on the streets appeared in front of the only entrance to the parking lot. The gangsters took out the squatting submachine gun hidden in the sweater, put on a black mask that had been hung around the neck, and bent his eyes to reveal an evil smile.

The illegal trade here has always been under the control of the Lions. If there are other "businessmen" who want to come here to open up the market, it is undoubtedly a huge mistake.

The illegal businessmen who came here were beaten once and buried on the streets. Regardless of whether they can escape, the goods and money in their hands must not be saved.

Robbery of those "misunderstanding" illegal businessmen is also one of the ways for the lion to help the family get rich.


The black man with a dirty body standing in the middle of the crowd shook his mop-like hair and smiled uncomfortably.

The "businessman" who arrived this time seems to be very rich. After the vote is finished, he should be able to make a big profit.

Da da da.

The footsteps sounded from the underground parking lot and began to approach the entrance. The members of the lion's gang were surrounded by a semicircle, staring at the entrance of the black-painted underground parking lot.

Then, two figures appeared in their sight:

On the left is a young man with a big back. The handsome face has a gentle smile. The gray suit on his body is more formal. He can't see any folds. He is carrying a silver metal box on his right. The spotless black leather shoes shine in the sun.

Standing next to the man, is a tall black-haired beauty, under the black long hair, a pair of clear green eyes seem to bring their own power. She took two long legs covered by a long skirt, and the slender heel struck the ground to make a crisp sound, like a princess from an ancient castle, which made the nearby lion members lose their hearts.

Seeing that the two stood on a small open space in front of the parking lot, a lion gang member finally came back and raised his gun at the man holding the suitcase and shouted: "Don't move!"

"Sorry, we are just talking about business." The man with a neatly rearward hair smiled slightly: "We didn't mean to be against you."

"Less nonsense, you are here is a mistake!" The black man standing at the front pointed the gun at the head of the "businessman": "Hand over the things and the money, then quickly get out, I can leave you alive!"

In the face of the muzzle almost on the face, Lin Chi, who stood in the same place, did not have a trace of panic, just shook his suitcase and continued to show a cheerful expression, and the gang members who surrounded the entrance to the parking lot. Conduct a "friendly" exchange:

"Can't talk about it anymore? We really just come to sell things."

“The market here is monopolized by the Lions.” The voice of the black man is unusually rough: “Whether you bought a gun or a medicine, or something else, you have come to the wrong place...”

When talking, the dirty black man turned his gaze to the black beauty around Lin Chi, staring at the woman's delicate white face like a work of art, blowing a whistle in a good manner and proposing another solution. :

"Of course, if this beauty can stay here, you can take your own money and goods."

As soon as this was said, a group of gang members around the entrance to the parking lot made a barbell-like laugh, and the inside and outside of the parking lot were filled with happy air.

Realizing that he couldn't communicate with the other party, Lin Chi was not surprised. After all, it was already in his plan. He turned his head and looked at the "beauty" standing next to him, nodding his head in a small amount.

Then, the two suddenly turned and rushed to the inside of the parking lot, so fast that the members of the Lions had no time to react.

"Catch them!" The black man screamed, and the squat-type submachine gun in his hand shot a string of bullets and hit the wall at the entrance to the parking lot. A few smoky smokes appeared at the bullet hole.

The speed of the two people was as fast as a teleport, and the members of the Lions were all face to face, not knowing what to do next. Seeing that the subordinates were all forced, the black man snarled and said: "What do you want to do, catch them!"


At the same time, Lin Chi and the "butcher" standing in the ground, standing in the deepest part of the parking lot, began the final preparation.

There was no light inside the parking lot, which was in disrepair. Only the secluded yellow light emitted by Lin’s military tactical light sticks reflected the nearby space.

"Let's get started?" The butcher blinked at Lin Chi and looked like he was eager to try.

As the most ferocious killer of Jane's seven personalities, he finally got a chance to get started. At this time, the butcher couldn't wait to start.

But before that, Lin Chi still had something to remind her:

"Leave a few live, don't kill it, I have to ask."

"I know." The butcher shook his head impatiently: "Don't remind me every time..."

The voice has not fallen, the woman’s body has changed again abnormally:

The long black dress on her body began to transform into a **** human coat, and the body suddenly expanded two times. It reached nearly two meters high.

The butcher's entire body began to transform into a dead gray, with a rusty spire on his head covering her face. On the hand, he dragged a wide-blade knife. The blade was two meters long, and the dark edge of the blade was stained with dark red stains, like blood marks that had not been washed away.

As the shape of the woman in black changed, the murderer who had been confronted with Lin Chi in the Doomsday Inn once again appeared in front of Lin Chi, and there was also a scarlet skull icon and the text indicating the identity:

The butcher of the Doomsday Inn, the heroic character (the leader level).

"Are you doing this again?" Lin Chi smiled and took a black leather mask from his backpack and put the thing on his head.

The leather mask covered the upper half of Lin Chi's face. While wearing the mask, the name of the equipment appeared in Lin Chi's line of sight:

Fan, Dakholm's mask. (van.darkholme's-mask)

He opened the skill bar and saw a new skill at the bottom:


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