War in Heaven

Chapter 1009: "vulture" (four more)

In order to avoid the lion band's brigade to find the door, continue to waste precious time, the torture of Masok is carried out in Lin Chi's off-road vehicle.

After leaving the parking lot, the tied Masok was soon awakened by the female form of the butcher, who received a "pleasant" trial in the back seat.

Lin Chi had to say that this black man was still a bit sturdy, at least more reliable than the shameful observer last night. It is a pity that this is not a self-inquiry, but a more horrible "humanoid monster."

Under the brutal interrogation of the butcher, Masok did not last long, and he explained the information that Lin Chi needed.

Later, Masok finally got the freedom he wanted again, but his body that was cut into dozens of pieces and then put it into a black woven bag, the only destination was the garbage bin on the street.

"I am very happy to play today, thank you." The woman in black sitting in the back seat, satisfied with the **** lips: "I still feel good about myself, the child is too weak."

"The next time you still don't come out, the picture just made irreparable damage to my young mind." Lin Chi snarled.

"Well, I will go back, the child is already protesting." The butcher smiled and lifted his long, right hand and waved, and the splattered blood in the car disappeared.

Even if it was driven out of the hell-like parking lot, the red shell of this off-road vehicle was still as clean as new. The cruel slaughterhouse did not leave a trace on the car, which was what the butcher could do. .

Dealing with the killing scene in the car, the figure of the black woman began to "shrink" again, and the boy who did not appear again after eating breakfast finally took back control of his body.


Jane took a deep breath and looked down at his hands, whispering: "She is crazy..."

"The things she does have nothing to do with you, don't have to be sad because of this kind of thing." Lin Chi looked at the child's face through the rearview mirror.

- This kind of severe schizophrenia is tantamount to being completely transformed into another person. The butcher's actions are not actually derived from the child's will.

"I know, but if I don't become like this, she won't appear." Jane leaned back in the back seat: "Every time I kill, I am tired..."

"Sorry, I won't let you do this again next time." Lin Chi smiled.

"No, if it is necessary to kill, I can accept it." Jane said seriously: "I hate that like the woman, her method is really cruel."

In fact, it seems like a cruel look to smash people into a group...

Lin Chi thought about it, but decided not to vomit. Just continue to drive back to Beicheng District, once again into the territory of the Lions.

Just now he got a lot of information from Marsok's mouth. Now he can carry out the next investigation, and Lin Chi is going to find the person in the lion's gang who is responsible for contacting No. 21.

According to the clues provided by Masok, the Lions are indeed in cooperation with the 21st. Nearly all the “pharmaceutical” transactions in Beicheng District have been completely contracted by the Lions. If there are outsiders who want to share a piece of cake, wait They only have to be robbed.

In the Lions' gang, the person in charge of contact with No. 21 is a high-ranking cadre of the Lions. Masok does not know his name. He only knows that the guy's code name is "vulture". It should be Wood in Beicheng District. Block, but the specific address is not clear.

- As long as you can find the cadre named "Vulture", you can find the information related to No. 21, although you don't know what the vulture looks like, and you don't know the exact address of the guy. But according to Masok, the code for vulture seems to be derived from the appearance of the cadre.

- If this is the case, the search scope has undoubtedly shrunk a lot.

Lin Chi parked the car in the alley, messed up his hair after getting off the bus, and made the suit on his body crumpled, and put a little gray on the clothes to complete the simple "disguise."

After this toss, he looked like a tramp with a suit from the rubbish, and the relationship with the merchant was not a little bit. Seeing Lin Chi’s disguise, Jane also added some “dirty camouflage” to her little face, which made herself a lot more.

Because the shape is very inconspicuous, this time there is no lion helper to come to find 茬, Lin Chi and Zhen smoothly mixed into the Wood District in the center of Beicheng District, began to look for the "Gryphon" trace.

On the streets here, the same members of the lions wearing green sweaters, the gang's top cadres, certainly can't stay with the little gangsters on the street. If the guy lives here, his house may be more luxurious than the other buildings nearby.

Lin Chi walked along the street, did not find a particularly conspicuous building, it seems that "vulture" seems to be low-key, and did not straightforward to show off wealth.

But even then, that guy can't completely hide this, and will definitely leave some clues:

"It seems to be quite clean over there..."

Looking at an apartment across the street, Lin Chi frowned slightly.

On the lawn in front of several small apartments, there were more or less garbage and sundries. Some people even threw the inflatable dolls at the door of the house. There was nothing in front of the apartment in the middle. The automatic sprinkler system moisturizes the lawn green oil, which looks extraordinarily clean.

"Maybe the owner has cleansing?" Jane scratched his head.

"It may also be someone who helped him with the cleaning work, such as the members of the Lions." When it came to this, Lin Chi opened his eyes and showed a playful smile on his face.

- Subordinates who work hard to make a good impression in front of the leadership, there are many in the real world. If you take this into consideration, the apartment is a bit suspicious.

With this in mind, Lin Chi stood on the street and continued to observe the building. I saw the few windows on the white façade, all holding thick curtains, and I couldn’t see the situation inside.

Unlike other apartments, there is no mailbox in front of this apartment, and there is no house number that identifies the name of the occupant. Taking note of these details, Lin Chi smiled and whispered: "I found the target."

"Do you need me to catch people? I can." Zhen raised his face and Lin Chi.

"Wait a minute, I haven't seen the ‘vulture’ appearing.” Lin Chi whispered: “He may have a substitute, and then he will do it after confirming it.”

As a high-level cadre of the Lions, the protection of the vultures at home is certainly not as lax as it seems. Now rushing to grab people, it is very likely that an accident will occur.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi took Zhen on the wooden bench on the corner of the street and sat down with a newspaper, and began to read the above contents while quietly observing the suspicious apartment.

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