War in Heaven

Chapter 1012: Four stalkers

When Lin Chi and his party returned to the Wood District in Beicheng District and sneaked into the apartment where the CIA agents were hiding, there were no agents in the room.

Adhering to the principle of not hiding in one place for a long time, the agents left the apartment and left no traces to be traced in the house. Even the homeowners who originally lived here followed the “evaporation”. .

If there is a special tracking expert, or a person with professional equipment, you may still find the clues left by the agents. The four people present alone cannot judge where the agent of the CIA has gone.

"Can you find them?" Lin Chi asked the teenagers around him.

"That, what I am good at is killing, not tracking." Jane a little sorry, shook his head: "I don't know where they went..."

It seems that the CIA agents may have hidden in other places and continue to plan to **** the goods. However, even if it is impossible to track the position of the other person from here, Lin Chi has long thought of the possibility that the agents will leave.

- The goal of the CIA agent is, in the final analysis, the 21st cargo. As long as the drug dealer is found, he can meet those agents again.

In this regard, Lin Chi also returned to the street, sat on his own off-road vehicle, carrying Mason and Jane, and a bald robber left the place and headed for the east crossroads.

It is very difficult to track the agents of the CIA. It is much simpler to track the garbage truck. The few tire marks left on the road have already pointed out the route of the truck. Just find the truck -

"Man, the lions seem to be more and more chopped." The wolf sitting in the back seat suddenly opened.

"I noticed." Lin Chi drove past a broken pickup with only three wheels left, slowly passing through the cracked street.

At this point, their car is heading southwest of the North City, the closer it is, the more Lions members on the street. Combining the information he had obtained before, Lin Chi did not think that the increase in the number of gang members was just a coincidence.

- Is this the transfer station of "goods"?

Lin Chi, who was driving, watched the scene on the street and found no strange buildings. Because the road conditions here were too bad, the ruts of the garbage truck could not be identified.

"Have you been here?" Lin Chi turned back and asked the "locals" sitting in the back seat.

"No, I am too lazy to be associated with the lion's gangsters. They are low-level robbers." The scornfulness of the wolf is beyond words: "Working with these people is simply reducing my style..."

——Is there a style to rob the bank?

The urge to force the spit, Lin Chi whispered: "So you find us, but also because of the style?"

"Yes, you look like a professional bank robber. I don't need the help of a layman." When talking about the topic of robbing the bank, the expression on the wolf's face immediately became serious, as if it became a believer in the gods. To explain the doctrine to the newcomers who have just come to the church.

"Okay..." Lin Chi ended the topic silently and continued to look for clues on the street.

Even if it is not a secret warehouse for the Lions, it is definitely an important place. This can be seen from the weapons carried by the gang members on the roadside: unlike the gangsters in other parts of the North District, which only have pistols and old-fashioned submachine guns, the lion members here carry a shotgun and an automatic rifle. Looking at weapons and equipment is much more professional than that of other regions.

It seems that because of the fear of nearby Lions members, the vehicles passing through this street are much faster than before. Even the broken car with only three wheels in front of Lin Chi’s car began to speed up and “escape” from this place.

"Come on, I don't want to be killed in the car!" The wolf tightened his fist with some tension.

"Do not worry, it is impossible." Lin Chi said that he also increased horsepower and began to leave the street.

Even with Jane’s “super weapon”, it’s too stupid to drive directly into the car. Lin Chi parked the car in the nearby dilapidated city and took the three people back to the suspicious area.

Then, in another neighborhood next to them, they found a place worth exploring:

The heavily armed lion gang members squatted on the street, and the row of low-rise houses on the side of the road looked nothing special, but the building across the street seemed a bit strange.

——In Beicheng District, where consumption power is very poor, it is often seen that some people go to the empty shopping malls and become the home of the tramp. But the abandoned shopping malls that appear in this heavily guarded place are obviously not just as simple as a waste building.

Gazing at the half-ring, two-story building, Lin Chi turned his eyes to the square in front of the deserted shopping mall. I saw several lion members squatting by the fountain without water spray, the automatic rifle in his hand. Especially conspicuous.

"It won't be here..." the wolf whispered.

The four people hiding in the alleys of the road watched the shopping mall that had been abandoned for many years. Lin Chi was silent for a while, and the portable radio communication equipment purchased at the roadside weapons store when he took it out of his pocket was handed over to the wolf and Jane without contact equipment.

"Use this to keep in touch, we split up and sneak in." Lin Chi whispered the command of the combat: "I met other people who sneaked here, don't kill them. The agents of the CIA may be inside."

"Received." Mason's voice was very cold.

For the sog soldiers, the sneak into the assassination was originally their old line. The super-powered Jane had no pressure at all. Now the only one that might fall out of the chain seems to have only a bald robber.

Realizing this, Lin Chi looked at the wolf and asked, "Can you do it?"

"Are you looking at the professionals?" The wolf licked his teeth and snorted and snorted: "Even if the bank is more secure than this, it can't stop me!"

"Find the upper cadres inside and bring people out. We need intelligence, not to kill." Before the start of the operation, Lin Chi reminded him.

"I know, I am not a coward, okay." The wolf snorted impatiently, pulling his old saber from his pocket, and the blue veins in his hand suddenly burst up, his body was like a balloon. Something "expanded" than the original.

Years of experience in the death line, exercised the "wolf" body. Although old, once in combat, the power of the robber will still improve a lot.

Seeing that the wolf was ready, Lin was nodded with satisfaction:

"let's start."

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