War in Heaven

Chapter 1017: Dangerous hunter

In the evening, Lin Chi took the treasure of strange personality and entered the street of the city of chaos.

Due to the riots in Beicheng District, the extra quietness of the streets tonight, except for the two of them, did not see any other people.

"City, I have been here from the future..." Jane curiously looked around, green eyes wide open, apparently the first time I saw this scene.

Seeing the red hydrant on the street, she suddenly jumped back to hide behind Lin, and stared at the bright red "enemy."

Realizing that Jane seems to be particularly sensitive to red, Lin Chi smiled and said: "It's okay."

——The child seems to have been living in the wild for a long time, living a life that is isolated from the world, and suddenly coming to a modern city like the city of chaos, naturally will not adapt.

However, since this child is also one of the seven personalities,

"Do you recognize that thing?" Lin Chi pointed to a Mercedes-Benz slk300 parked on the side of the road.

"I haven't seen it, but it seems to be a 'car' right?" The young boy raised his face and looked at Lin, with a confident smile on his face.

"I got it right." Lin nodded. "Do you need me to reward you with a little red flower?"

"Don't be a fool!" The boy waved his fist in dissatisfaction.

- It seems that this child still knows about the various devices in the modern world, not the "primitives" who know nothing about the world. After all, even if it is an independent personality, this "zhen" is also differentiated from the main personality of the juvenile. It will be nothing strange to understand the situation in this world.

"What is that?" Lin Chi continued to test the child's common sense.



"Telephone! No, what is it?"

The child who was led by Lin Chi with his nose, after a moment of enthusiasm for a while, finally reacted. He said that he didn’t have a good fist and said: "Isn’t it good to come out and see? Don't take me again!"

Looking down at the "innocent and innocent" child, Lin Chi felt like a single father who raised a rebellious child alone. His face could not help but reveal his old father's smile. The shoulders were hidden by the child's dexterity.

"Don't touch me, I am dirty!" the child said loudly.

Lin Chi had no time to talk, and he saw the light of several flashlights cast over, creating a circular aperture on the ground around the two.


Jane’s pupils shrank in an instant, and after jumping back to Lin’s body, several Silver Shield soldiers walked over and asked, “What are you doing?”

Even if this is not a riot zone, in order to beware of the members of the lions who ran outside, soldiers with silver shields are patrolling. They originally only wanted to ask casually, but Jane’s strange behavior caused them to be suspicious.

"We are just passing by." Lin Chi raised his hands, a gentle and gentle appearance of human and animal: "My daughter wants to turn around, right?"

"I am not your daughter, I said that I am a man!" Jane's answer is very disappointing. Since the debut, the child who is always straightforward, can be described as an abnormal straight, completely without the meaning of Lin Chi lying.


After Jane’s opening, the three silver shield soldiers who were surrounded were also forced. In the mask under the black helmet, a confused male voice was heard: “Are you a boy?”

"Don't worry about these useless, we suspect that you are suspected of abducting children, kneeling on the ground, put your hand on the place we can see!" Another Silver Shield soldier said to pull out the Colt pistol and aimed at Lin Chi's chest.

Realizing that he could not continue to communicate with these silver shield soldiers, Lin Chi was considering whether to kill these three people. The Jane behind him suddenly spoke up. The trembling voice seemed to have a little alertness:

"You... very dangerous."

"Little girl, don't be nervous, we are good people..." A silver shield soldier bent down and waved at the "beautiful girl" who showed his small head from Lin Chi, a strange uncle: "We are here to save." Yours won't hurt you -"


The silver shield soldier’s words have not been finished yet. The right hand that is waving suddenly bends backwards with a strange amplitude. The severe pain of the fracture suddenly erupts, causing him to fall to the ground and mourn madly.

"Not bad." Lin Chi blew a whistle.

The attack just did not come from his handwriting, but a masterpiece of a "beast" that felt the danger of danger. Under the gaze of Lin Chi, Jane’s figure was like a wandering ghost, directly turned into a black fog, and passed by the other two silver shield soldiers.

"do not move--"

The other two who haven't figured out the situation, I don't know if it was the child's attack. They are still aiming at Lin Chi, but they have no time to shoot, their arms are directly lost, and their heads are twisted backwards. Two hundred and eighty-degree soldiers twitched and fell to the ground.

At the moment when the line of sight was shrouded in shadow, the silver shield soldier kneeling on the ground looked up in horror, and the petite figure in the moonlight came into view:

The long, dark hair spread out in the back, the fangs in his mouth seemed to be shining, and the young green eyes stared at the last prey, then suddenly appeared behind the other side, holding the other's head with both hands.


It was another crack, and the battle on the street was over.

- Is this child using super powers?

Lin Chi, who has been standing in the field, has witnessed the whole process of the battle. If you are not mistaken, Jane’s speed has far exceeded the limits of humanity. Even if he wears the mask of Van Dykeholm, he can open the anger and battle horn skills by the way, and it is impossible to keep up with the speed of this guy!

The child who has been "hunting" in the illusion space may have used super powers to strengthen his body and turn himself into a fast-moving hunter. However, seeing the miserable death of the three Silver Shield soldiers, Lin Chi suddenly thought of another thing.

Then he asked a question of death:

"Why didn't you kill me just now?"

- When I tried to feed the child to eat pepper, the child could kill himself, but "Zhen" did not do that, that is to say...

"I think you seem to be familiar." Standing in front of the corpse behind the three heads, the teenager licked his teeth and revealed a naive smile: "Although you are very strange... but you are not a bad person."

"Okay, let's go, other people are coming over." Lin Chi smiled.

After the battle, his overnight index reached four stars, and the far-end of the street had already “brushed out” a large number of silver shield soldiers.

Lin Chi, who had no heart to fight, took Jane to the other side of the street and moved to the north city.

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