War in Heaven

Chapter 1023: Stealth

Half an hour later, when the second full-band scan ended, Lin Chi and the wolf and others arrived at the headquarters of the Yindun Security Company.

Contracted the entire city security work "Silver Shield", the headquarters is located on the edge of the chaotic city of Dongcheng District, a high-tech hemispherical building stands on a wide square, the brown glass shell scattered in all directions The sun is like a huge gem.

There are several light armored vehicles parked in the square around the building. The 30mm automatic turret on the roof is ready to bombard any enemies that appear in the field of vision. In addition to these cars, machine guns and various bunkers are also available, even There are also two anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles parked in front of the main entrance of the building.

For mercenaries and criminals in the city of chaos, the headquarters of the Silver Shield Security Company is simply a huge fortress that cannot be broken. Although only a small part of the soldiers of the Silver Shield are stationed here, most of them are scattered in the city, but these firepower left by the headquarters are not easily broken.

In the face of this situation, the direct hard just completely is to die, naturally it is still sneaked in faster, as for the method of sneak...

"I'm sorry." Lin Chi bowed his head and turned his eyes to the teenager.


The "hunter" who is very trusting to him has not responded yet. He has already eaten Lin Chi’s seasoning attack, and the pepper on his face has coughed, and his eyes have begun to be confused.

"What are you doing?" The wolf asked with suspicion. Today, he still used the bronze-faced male face of yesterday. It seems that this face should not be his true appearance.

"I am opening the switch in this child's body." Lin Chi said it sounded a very evil line.

——In addition to Jane’s active switching personality, letting this child cough is also a way to forcefully switch his personality. This is already verified in the late Hell’s capital.

Of course, if you do this, the personality you have changed is random, but as long as you can use the super-powerful personality, you can easily let the four people present in it.


The teenager opened his eyes in confusion and looked down at his slender body. He said, "I am back..."

"Which one are you?" Lin Chi asked.

"Ah, it's me, I'm Jane." The teenager raised his head and showed a shallow smile on his small face. He repeated it again: "It's me."

"I understand." Lin Chi licked the child's hair.

Jane’s protagonist has returned, and in this case, the next sneak action is much simpler. But before that, the wolf still had some questions to ask:

"Do you really know that the 21st is the silver shield? Is it the id card?" The hard-faced face of the wolf is full of doubtful expressions: "If this cargo is really hidden in the Silver Shield headquarters, it will also be drawn. The Lions help, then he might be the most powerful person in the city..."

- The "underground emperor" of the city of chaos is generally considered to be the No. 1 user of the gkd forum, and the 21st is only a big drug lord. But if Lin Chi’s inference is correct, the strength of the 21st is obviously stronger than others imagined.

"I am not sure." Lin Chi smiled and turned his eyes to the hemispherical building in the distance: "But we can go in and see, even if this is not the hiding place on the 21st, the Silver Shield must know something."

"Into this place... Are you crazy?" The wolf looked at Lin Chi’s eyes, like staring at a mental patient: "How do we get in? Laozi’s box is not useful at all..."

The "carton sneak method" that the wolf is good at, in the face of the patrol team holding infrared thermal imaging equipment, is simply a display. What's more, there are certainly a lot of snipers lurking in the vicinity of this building. Now they just dare to show their heads, basically the end of being bombarded with bullets.

"This is very simple, just give us the 'secret weapon'." Lin Chi said to Jane.

"Ah, everyone, please come to me, stand within my ten meters..." Jane said, standing up and spreading his arms.

Although the wolf is still dubious, but still obeying Jane's orders, not far from the child, when Lin Chi and Mason are also ready, Zhen deeply took a breath, then -

The body of the four people is like a chalk trace erased by the blackboard, disappearing directly from the air!


The sound of the wolf's mistakes sounded, and Mason took a cold breath.

Even if I had known that the child had super powers, they were still shocked when their bodies "disappeared", and they quickly reached out and touched their bodies, only to find that they could not touch anything.

Then, they found that their "hands" seemed to have disappeared. Just now they issued an instruction to control the arm through the brain. In fact, they did not receive feedback. It was just an illusion.

"What is going on?" Mason asked immediately. His voice sounded from an empty position. If a passerby passed, he would think he would see a ghost.

"I have temporarily modified your body, don't worry, you can get back to the original state in ten minutes!" Zhen's voice came: "You can take this opportunity to sneak into the base and never discover it!"

"Can you come back in ten minutes?" The wolf's voice began to tremble, as if it was scared.

"Well, so go inside in ten minutes and find a hidden location. Let's go." Jane's tone sounds very quick.

Since I have experienced the "observer status" without the body, Lin Chi is not as surprised as the two npcs. He just ordered: "After ten minutes, gather on the north side of the first floor of the base. Let's go now."

After the language is finished, Lin Qi has already driven his "non-existent" body and rushed to the square in front of the Silver Shield headquarters.

Although the five senses are still clear, but the body has disappeared, this wonderful feeling, no matter how many times experience, there is always the illusion of a kind of soul. The invisible Lin drifted past the square, brushed from the light armored vehicle equipped by Yindun Security Company, and crossed the two machine guns and bunkers, clearly seeing the Kevlar helmet on the heads of the soldiers in the bunker, and the meticulous seriousness on his face. expression.

Even if they were close at hand, these people did not notice the invisible people around them. Lin Chi quickly arrived in front of the main entrance of the Silver Shield headquarters, but found a serious problem:

- You can't wear a wall.

As the body disappeared, it was impossible to open the glass door of the entrance. Fortunately, people who have silver shields from time to time at the door are coming in and out, providing Lin Chi with a valuable sneak opportunity.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of two silver shield soldiers to open the door while chatting, Lin Chi immediately drifted in from the doorway. The soldier around him shook his body, as if he felt something, and suddenly looked back at the door.

"What's wrong, buddy?" asked the companions around him.

The soldier shook his head in confusion and whispered, "It seems that someone has hit me..."

"You didn't wake up last night's wine. Where is it?" His companion patted him on the shoulder.

"Maybe I made a mistake." The soldier blinked and looked at his surroundings, slowly following his companion into the hall of the Silver Shield headquarters.

Until their backs disappeared from sight, Lin Chi, who had been hiding in the corner, finally began to move to the north of the Silver Shield headquarters.

It seems that even if the body completely disappears from the cognition of others, if the distance is too close, those people can still feel abnormal. Jane’s stealth technique does not seem to be completely flawless.

However, it is impossible to expose this "invisibility technique" by sensing a little abnormality. Even if the body of the silver shield soldier was really hit, he could only put himself in the case of not being able to observe Lin Chi. The feeling is attributed to the "illusion."

- In this way, it seems that in the real world, it is often the case that something is encountered, but nothing is seen. Could it be that……

Lin Chi thought for a while, still decided not to consider this unsolvable problem for the time being, just manipulating his lost body from the wide hall of the Silver Shield headquarters and entering the corridor in the north.

The walls inside the Silver Shield base are also made of silver metal, which looks like a high-tech atmosphere. On the wall of the hall facing the gate, there is a huge metal sword shield mark, next to the wall next to it. The coat of arms of the Silver Shield is sprayed around 20 meters, which looks quite impressive.

In addition to some of the soldiers in charge of the guards in the headquarters building, most of them are walking around the "white-collar workers" wearing professional attire. Lin Chi observed it in the passage and did not find anyone who wore the same clothes last night.

Looking at the shape, it is impossible to distinguish the subordinates of the 21st, and it is better to arrive at the collection position now.

There are several surveillance cameras installed in the corridor, which are turning at a very rhythmic left and right. Lin Chi manipulates the body that does not exist, and floats into a cleaning room in the corner of the corridor that opens the door. The glimpse of the mop stacked next to the shelf And the broom, and a middle-aged woman in white, who is cleaning the mop.

Unlike the real world situation, automatic robots have not been popular in this era. These were all handled by the robots in 2035. At this time, the cleaners were responsible.

"Hum hum……"

The old woman reached out and slid a gray hair hanging from her forehead, and her mouth was screaming with a jazz minor that sounded so old. Using her hands with plastic gloves, she tightened the wet drip.

It seems that she belongs to someone who knows how to be happy and who is very happy at work. It is a pity that this cleaning aunt apparently did not realize that today's room is not alone.


Four soft screams came from behind, and the woman who was bending her waist and twisting the mop looked back in a strange way. The four high-profile and short-sighted figures were seen in the narrow cleaning room.

"You are coming to visit -"

After cleaning the aunt's words, she was stunned by Lin Chi, and at the same time, Mason had turned back to close the door of the cleaning room.

"This is really...unbelievable."

The wolf stared at his own hands and then slaps himself, as if he is testing whether he is back.

"Since I came in, I was ready to do it." Lin Chi touched his chest while talking, and determined that the "big things" were still there, and finally he was relieved.

Compared with a savage wolf, Mason is still calm, opening: "There are too many monitoring devices in the headquarters, we can only ‘visually' once again, otherwise it will not pass.”

"I also noticed." Lin Chi nodded.

The security measures in the headquarters of the Silver Shield are more than one level of the secret warehouse of the Lions. It is necessary to sneak in with the normal sneak method. Even if it can be successful, it will take a lot of time and effort.

If you want to act quickly, the best option is undoubtedly to continue to let Jane show his omnipotent "invisibility." However, the strength of the child is not endless.

"That, sorry..." Jane shook her head a little embarrassed. "I was too tired yesterday. I haven't slowed back yet. Now I can only hide myself and can't help you."

When the words came out, the expression of the wolf suddenly dipped: "What joke are you doing?"

- If this is the case, they are trapped in this hut. Once a person with a silver shield opens the door to the washroom, they will be immediately discovered!

However, Lin Chi also thought of this for a long time, but nodded to Jane: "You go to investigate and find out if anyone is talking about drugs. If you find someone related to No. 21, you will come back immediately. We report."

"She is gone, what about us?" The wolf pointed at his face.

"We will stay here first." Lin Chi whispered.

Before the invisible form drifted in, Lin Chi noticed that no silver shield soldiers were standing near the cleaning room, and only one surveillance camera was shooting nearby. As long as they don't leave the house, the people of Silver Shield will not find the abnormal situation here for a while.

Now, this small cleaning room is like a temporary "safe house". In addition to the poor air quality in the house, safety can be guaranteed.


The wolf still wants to say something. In the end, he did not say anything. Mason pulled the door of the cleaning room open a small slit. The flash of Jane’s body suddenly disappeared and he entered the invisible state and began to investigate the situation nearby.

"Do not worry, the child is very capable." Lin Chi said leaning against the shelf, taking out Van Dykeholm's mask from his backpack and wearing it on his face, triggering a "philosophical skill" to enhance the attribute value.

"Your combat plan is this? I knew that I wouldn't come to die like this." The wolf's voice was filled with anger: "Is this too risky?"

"Are you scared?" Mason stared at the face of the jackal.

"I just don't want to die in this kind of ghost place." The wolf lowered his voice and retorted: "Do you think Lao Tzu will be afraid?"

"Okay, don't make a noise, don't forget that we are still diving." Lin Chi stepped forward to the middle of the two, interrupting the quarrel. Then turned around and focused on the handsome face of the wolf.

"Let's talk about the past," Lin said.

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