War in Heaven

Chapter 1027: domestic violence

Standing on the empty square, watching the fire of the gun in the main hall of the Silver Shield headquarters, standing in front of an old cowboy burning the armored vehicle wreck, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"The woman is completely crazy," he said.

The old man who had just started to charge from the outside with the black woman witnessed the woman's resolution of all the armored vehicles and machine guns on the square and the whole process of entering the Silver Shield headquarters hall. Because the woman ended the battle too fast, he did not become cannon fodder, but was left behind, and looked at the black woman's figure disappeared at the entrance of the building.

The old cowboy knows that now he has the opportunity to escape and can go directly. But when he really faced the Silver Shield headquarters, his thoughts changed again:

The soldiers outside the building are now almost killed, and the "unguarded" Silver Shield headquarters building stands in front of their own eyes. Although there is a big war in it, as a professional robber, the ability to fish in troubled water is naturally necessary.

The old cowboy's reason told him that he should run fast, but another impulse in his heart was driving his body toward the side door of the Silver Shield headquarters.

As he said to the woman, robbery is his greatest hobby.

Now that the nearby Silver Shield soldiers have all been hanged, it is an excellent opportunity to enter the headquarters building and search for it. Old cowboys certainly know that this is extremely dangerous. but……


He stretched out his thin right hand and touched his cheek. He suddenly pulled out the revolver with his left hand and rushed to the door on the east side of the Silver Shield headquarters.

Even if you don't know what "trophy" is hidden in the Silver Shield headquarters, there is no map of this place, but the perfect opportunity is in front of you, now is the time to enjoy!

For the old cowboy, to "rob" the headquarters of the largest mercenary organization in the city, even more exciting than the Central Bank of Alvara, this "challenge yourself" opportunity, of course, he is impossible to miss!

"I'm coming!"

The old man made a crazy laugh, stood in front of the door and smashed the door lock with a revolver. He opened the door with one foot, and even the bullet-proof vest and the helmet did not bring it, and rushed into the headquarters of the Silver Shield.

The dull gunshots continued to reverberate in the building. I still didn't see the situation in the passage. The old cowboy had already sneaked into the next office, hiding under the plastic desk and taking it out of the "bag" behind him. A small remote control car began to investigate the situation nearby.

Even if the age is already high, the old cowboys are still not outdated in terms of criminal methods. After all, it is necessary for the desperados who are active in bank robberies to keep up with the times.

On the black-box remote control car, the camera's lens is shining with a faint glow. The old cowboy used a tablet computer to operate the remote control car and drove out of the office. Before the time was observed, the picture suddenly became black.

There was a loud noise outside the door, like someone kicking the remote control car. The old cowboy suddenly pulled the gun and aimed at the wall next to the office door, and pulled the trigger of the revolver!


The power of his custom-made revolver was much larger than that of the ordinary revolver. After a shot, the wall was blasted with a large hole in the bowl, and the metal fragments scattered around.

However, aiming at the gun where the remote control car lost its contact position, it did not hit anyone. Through the round hole you can see the wall on the other side of the corridor and the white marks left on the wall.

Without a shot, the old cowboy immediately changed position and hid behind another desk. Then he saw a green cylinder flew into the office from the bullet hole and landed on the ground to make a crisp clink. .

The smoky white smoke spurted out of the cylinder and quickly covered the entire office. It smelled like a pepper. The old cowboy slammed open the window and jumped out, and fell on the open space outside the building. But still being coughed again and again.

For his old bones, the irritating nature of tear gas is too strong. The old cowboy bent over, his body trembled fiercely, and almost coughed out the lungs.

He just stood up, but saw a man wearing a black leather mask, already in front of himself!

"It's you……"

The old cowboy who once saw the other side with the wolf, immediately recognized the other is the robber who once wanted to win. But now, the relationship between the two sides is obviously not as harmonious as it was last time.

Lin Chi, who just jumped out of the window, pulled out two sabers, and the whole person turned into a blast. He rushed to the front of the old cowboy and waited for the other party to shoot. He had already started a close combat with the robber!


Although the body is not the same as when he was young, the rich experience of the old cowboy saved his life at a critical moment. He threw the revolver aside and pulled out a scabbard hanging behind him. A long knife with a length of one meter, facing the enemy and waving!

Unfortunately, this knife only cut the air.

Under the addition of the mask and the value of the Titan's grip, Lin Chi's speed is far from the old cowboy's comparable, easily flashing the old cowboy's slash, and then squatting on the back of the old cowboy.

With a bang, the old cowboy’s waist screamed with a sharp pain, and the mourning fell down. The long knife in his hand fell to the ground and was kicked by Lin Chi.

"How can Laozi... planted in such a place..."

The old cowboy struggled to get up, and the cold blade had once again reached his neck. Like last night, the gangster was once again held hostage by the enemy.

"Don't move." Lin Chi looked down at the old man who couldn't afford it.

Like the wolf, this old man is also in a state of “unrecognizable”. However, in the game of war paradise, whether npc can be recruited is not as absolute as other games.

"Do you want to live?" Lin asked.

The old man’s **** eyes squatted and bit his teeth and said, “I have to... live, I haven’t done anything yet.”

There are countless big banks in the world, waiting for their own patronage. Even if he knows that his death is coming, the old cowboy is not willing to let go of the last chance to survive.

Seeing that the old man seemed to be very persistent, Lin nodded and continued to ask: "You think --"

When his words were not finished, he was interrupted by the shock wave and the bang of the explosion.

The office shrouded in tear gas suddenly exploded. Lin Chi ran a few steps backwards with both hands, and the fragments of the blown wall rose to the sky and then fell.

Although he managed to escape, the old cowboy who fell to the ground was not so lucky. The persistent robber had no time to stand up and disappeared into the flame of the explosion. The revolver that had just been thrown away flew out in a circle. I was caught by Lin Chi.

"Unfortunately, I still wanted to try to recruit."

Looking at the burning ruins behind him, Lin sighed and lowered his head, focusing his eyes on the revolver in his hand.

The silvery revolver's outer casing was exceptionally dazzling, and even if it suffered an explosion, it could not see any damage at all. The flawless appearance was like a handicraft with exquisite workmanship. The item description quickly popped up:

Smith Wesson's "Western Pioneers" revolver.


Item Level: Epic.

Use requires proficiency. Minimum force value required: 12. Reaching the maximum attack power requires a power value: 14.

The weapon can be loaded with special high-power bullets to penetrate the body armor at close range.

The weapon may receive special rewards when sold to a particular collector.

"Today, the old revolver has basically become a collectible, and few people have used this weapon to fight. But very few nostalgic fans still carry the modified revolver as their own self-defense weapon. ""

- This thing seems to have a mysterious look...

Paying attention to the words "special remuneration", Lin Chi put the revolver into the backpack and returned to the building from the side door. Just entering the corridor on the first floor of the Silver Shield headquarters, the bombs that had been attacked blew out.


"do not do that……"

The screams of a man and a woman are constantly echoing in the sound of guns. At this time, the first floor of the Silver Shield headquarters has turned into a more brutal battlefield than just now. Lin Chi couldn't understand it at all. The gun battles that only two people participated in were more violent than the large-scale battles just now.

Bullets and grenade flew in the hall, and several offices exploded. The battle between the jackal and the woman had already entered a feverish degree. Even Lin Chi, who stood outside the building, began to worry about whether he would be affected by the fighting inside.

"How much hatred do you have in the end..." Lin sighed.

Now the wolf is "sports with the woman" and can't go back for a while. Since the main entrance and the corridor on the east side are inaccessible, they can only go around and go to the opposite side with Mason.

After determining the next action goal, Lin Chi was about to leave, but he heard a screaming sound behind him.

"Ah! I am grass!"

Among the burning wreckage, a figure cursed loudly, smashed out of the flame, and rolled two turns on the ground to extinguish the flame that was beating on his body.

The old cowboy who had just been bombarded by the explosion was still alive, but from his blackened skin and the disappearance of his hair and beard on his head, it was obviously not a bad injury.

"Oh ah!"

With a strong willpower, the old cowboy who was seriously injured actually stood up. Under the gaze of Lin Chi’s strange eyes, he limped to the outside of the square, and the charred clothes turned into black pieces. Sliding down while walking.

"I won't die here... I have to rob the bank! Central Bank! Open the vault! Money!"

The old cowboy is like crazy, and his mouth spits out a lot of ambiguous words. I saw this guy's incomparable vitality, and even Lin Chi couldn't help but raise a trace of "respect":

- This old man seems to be quite capable.

Lin Chi, who wanted to make up the knife, thought about it or put down the gun in his hand. Decided to let the old man "self-destructive."

Lin Chi soon discovered that the old cowboy's injury did not seem to be so heavy, because the old man who was streaking had become a trot without taking a few steps.

"Bank! Bank! Bank!"

The old cowboy shouted loudly, like a student who was running under the school.

Looking at the old man's appearance, Lin Chi knew that the "old cowboy" had to escape. It was only a matter of time: the existence of the old man itself seemed to be a symbol of "grabbing the bank". It was in the firm belief of wanting to grab the bank. Next, the old cowboy can survive from the deadly explosion!

The old man who is not dead seems to be the "robbery god" created by God. Even if he is seriously injured, he still has to complete the mission he has been given.


As the figure gradually fades away, the old cowboy's voice is getting smaller and smaller. Seeing that the injured old man really ran, Lin Chi turned his gaze back to the building of the Silver Shield headquarters, and once again a light was shining in the line of sight.


The area on the east side of the first floor exploded again. The windows of the two offices spewed a dozen meters of fire tongues. The tables and chairs that were blown up were shot from the window. One of the computer chairs ran straight into the road. Someone.


The old cowboy couldn't dodge, and the smoky chair was squatting on the body. There was a burst of cracks in the whole body. The body full of scars fell to the ground, and after a few more, finally again. Not moving.

"What a pity..." Lin Chi felt again.

Although I know that the old cowboy is now his own enemy, after seeing the death of the other party, Lin Chi still has some sense of loss: after all, the old man can escape from this place as long as he runs more than ten meters. It’s a pity that people are not as good as days, and they are still being taken over at the last minute.

However, what happened on the first floor?

After a burst of "嘭嘭嘭" explosion, a lot of things flew out of the window. Lin Chi hid behind the cleared machine gun bunker and found a safe location to use radio to contact Mason and asked: "What is inside?" ?"

"The wolf is fighting a woman, the fire is too fierce, I can't get close." Mason's voice is mixed in the sound of gunshots and explosions, which is particularly "weak".

"What is going on, is there any festival between them?" Lin Chi asked.

Mason has not answered yet, and there has been a roar of roaring from the headphones, answering Lin Chi’s question:

"Go to **** and repent, you waste!"

"Wife, don't do this... I am already repenting, really!"

"What kind of fart is used for confession? It was my mistake to kill you last time. Let's die and die!"


The shouts of the two were overwhelmed by guns, and Mason added in a timely manner: "That's it."

"The trough, the woman is the wife of the wolf?"

Recalling the scene when I was confronted with a woman in black, Lin Chi could not tell the age of the woman because the other person was wearing a mask. I did not expect that the other party would be the wife of the "wolf".

In this way, the reason why the battle on the first floor will be so fierce is clear at a glance. The first floor of the Silver Shield headquarters is happening. In a sense, it is not a battle, but a...

"This is the cruelest domestic violence I have ever seen." Lin Chi smiled.

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