War in Heaven

Chapter 1035: Sudden comrades

Seeing that he had the opportunity to recruit entourage, Lin Chi was decisive and should have made a request from the wolf, and the other party was assigned to his safe house.

Perhaps to express their trust, the wolf did not use the mask again, but the white-haired old man's face appeared in front of Lin Chi.

"Hello..." the jackal entering the living room whispered, "It's me."

"Are you too fascinated with playing games?" Lin Chi snorted.

The wolf did not make a joke, but just sat down on the sofa and explained the meaning straightforwardly:

"Help me to complete revenge, I will be yours in the future, man."

"Where to go, kill a few?" Lin Chi raised the most common problem in role-playing games.

"I haven't found the guy's position yet, but my wife got some information through the CIA's intelligence network before arriving in the city, indicating that the 'sniper' that was shot at the beginning of the game, arrived after retirement. Alvara City.” Speaking of this, the wolf’s shoulders began to tremble slightly, and his face began to turn red. Even if he sat opposite, Lin Chi could feel the anger of the wolf.

"So, are you going to kill him?" Lin Chi asked the question that he knew the answer long ago.

"I want to torture him slowly, let him taste what it is better to die than to die." The wolf slammed his fists and the blue veins on his hands began to become obvious: "The original shot could not be counted. Up..."

"The police sniper will only shoot if it is confirmed that there will be no accidents." Mason standing on the side said coldly: "He can't wait before he shoots in advance?"

"I don't care why he made a mistake because of his reasons. He only wants his dog's life." The wolf's eyes suddenly became red, and Lin, staring at the sofa, stared at him: "I hope you can help me, man." ""

"Then you have to tell me where the goal is." When it comes to business, the smile on Lin's face has disappeared.

- As long as it can help the wolf to complete the task, he will be able to get a "professional bank robber" with a robbery skill. This opportunity will not be missed. More importantly, he has a strong sense of foreboding: If you complete this task, you can recruit entourage, perhaps not just a wolf.

"My wife is still investigating. She is asking for data from the CIA and I should be able to get the information tomorrow."

Speaking of this, the wolf coughed: "Although I really want to complete the revenge, but we are all injured, we can only ask for your assistance. Just help us to do this, let alone be your subordinate, You make me a dog, no problem..."

"Don't stop, I don't have that kind of hobby." Lin Chi shook his head and promised to this vengeful man: "As long as you find the sniper's appearance and address, I will help you get his. ""

There is such a "super soldier" on his side. It is easy to get rid of a reclusive policeman. As long as the wolf provides the other party's intelligence, Lin Chi can guarantee that it can be done without any effort!

"Well, thank you very much." The wolf stood up and dragged the injured body to Lin Qiao's deep bow, and then walked to the main entrance of the safe house. Before leaving, I thanked Lin Chi again: "I will go back first, thank you, man."

"You're welcome." Lin Chi opened the door and watched the wolf's figure go away. He turned back and sat back on the sofa and looked at the other two people in the living room:

"Sleep, there is still something tomorrow."

In order to avoid the conflict between the two followers, Lin Chi still called Zhen to his bedroom, and Mason rested in the living room of the safe house. After turning off the lights, Lin late took off his suit and lay down on the bed. He stretched a bit of a stiff body and took a sigh of relief.

- Compared with today's battle, the revenge that will happen tomorrow is probably just a "small fight". There is no need to prepare anything, as long as there is a super-powered teenager who is in the same room as himself. The original sniper of the incognito is not worth mentioning.

The clues about "Mashisala" seem to have been interrupted, and Lin’s plan of action has also changed. In his opinion, as long as the recruitment of the jackals is completed, you can consider winning the game and leaving the game. After all, if you don't quit this game, you can't get information from the blood blade.


In the darkness, the boy’s crisp childish voice sounded like a somewhat uncomfortable look. Lin Chi asked: “What’s wrong?”

"I am a little dizzy." Jane whispered: "It’s fine to sleep, it doesn't matter..."

“I used to do this often?” Lin Chi still has some peace of mind.

"I can't remember the previous things." The teenager sighed: "There are only some vague memories. If you didn't save me from your dreams, you might have forgotten everything."

"But you still remember the ‘hunter’ in the capital of hell.” Lin Chi said.

"If I can see my former companion, or I hear a feature description, I might still think about it." Jane explained: "The rest can't remember... No, I think."

"What do you think of?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

"There is a guy in our army, code-named 'Violent Flame'." Jane's voice echoed in the dark bedroom: "He was an astronaut. When he returned from space, the failed return cabin was in the air. It’s on fire, and when he falls, he has a serious burn in his body, and he’s almost dying...”

"And then?" Lin Chi moved to the back of the pillow and moved to a more comfortable position.

"When he was rescued, he was burned to a dry body, but he was still alive. He was a great Soviet soldier. Even if he was seriously injured, he still wanted to work for the country."

Jane’s voice brought a little admiration: “After the rescue, he finally survived, but the severely burned body could not be recovered, so the military provided him with a special protective suit for him to protect. His own fragile body continues to contribute to the Soviets as a soldier."

"Does this guy's super powers be tenacious?" Lin said.

"I don't know too well. Anyway, he was incorporated into our army. I haven't worked with him. I just remember that there is such a person. I remember his name seems to be 'Carol'..." Reply.

"How come you suddenly think of this?" Lin Chi stretched his arm.

"I don't know, it seems to be just thinking about it." Jane is also confused: "Maybe where did I see him?"

- This city is also hidden from the members of the Soviet superpowers?

Lin Chi’s mind drifted through a question, then closed his eyes: “Sleep, talk tomorrow.”

Adhering to the principle of “never delay the opportunity to rest”, he quickly fell asleep, and the room sounded a rhythm of two people.

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