War in Heaven

Chapter 1039: New expansion pack "Eye of the Nightmare"

Unlike several other DLCs, Pulse Entertainment has clearly made a lot of effort this time, not only releasing announcements in advance, but also broadcasting live events in the evening.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Lin, who was full of wine and food, leaned back on the sofa, connected to the TV with a mobile phone, and started the holographic projection function. On the open space in the middle of the living room, a small studio appeared in an instant, so Lin Chi was planted at the scene. The illusion.

Today, in addition to intra-brain imaging devices, external VR devices and projection AR devices also have a high degree of fidelity. However, as Lin Chi saw in the game hall, traditional VR games are even more "lifelike", and there are limits.

Of course, it is also a good choice to use these things to watch the live broadcast.

The lights in the living room were dimmed, and a few beams of light suddenly fell in the middle of the room, reflecting the figure of the hostess standing in the studio.

"Ah, everyone, I am Xia Shuang, the host of the CHTV e-sports channel, and we met again."

Like the previous appearances, the long-haired woman still wore a black T-shirt with a pale pattern, with a baby face on her face and a cold expression.

The host of the live show of the game does not need to be made very formal. Even the host of the style of Xia Shuang is very popular in the player circle.

Looking at the pretty cute host, Lin Chi blew a whistle. Watching the real-time live Frankenstein on his mobile phone, making a doubtful voice:

"Do you like this style?"

"I just blew it." Lin Chixiao smiled.

When he was chatting with the Frankenstein, Xia Shuang spoke again. With the voice of the host, another beam of light cast, reflecting the door of Lin Chi’s bathroom.

"The guest invited by the studio today is Mr. Lu from the China branch of Pulse Entertainment." Xia Shuang introduced.

"So why is this goods coming out of the toilet?" Lin Chi joked.

"It's just a coincidence of the projection position." The Frankenstein explained it in a serious way.

"I know." Lin Chi said with a weak voice, focusing on the man who had just stepped out of the toilet door.

It seems that he was the first to see Pulse Entertainment's employees. On the surface, this man with a face, a suit, and a man who is about 30 years old is no different from other game company members. However, in Lin Chi’s opinion, as long as it is the title of “Pulse Entertainment Company employees”, it will bring a suspicious atmosphere.

"Hello everyone, I am Lao Lu." The man did not say his real name, but used the name "self-cooked" and waved his hand to Lin, who was sitting on the sofa: "I am very happy to participate in today's live broadcast. program."

"Hey, call you ‘Old Lu’, right?” asked Xia Shuang.

"Of course." Mr. Lu nodded. "I am here today to announce the details of the new expansion pack. I can assure you that the contents of this expansion pack will never disappoint you."

"So, this expansion pack is not a follower and equipment, but a new map." Xia Shuang took over.

"Yes, the name of this map is the eye of the nightmare." Mr. Lu said: "Because it is a special map of the expansion pack, the game rules and combat methods of this map are not the same as the maps of the past."

"The evil DLC." Lin Chi said with emotion.

There are a lot of game companies that will take apart a complete game before the release, and the part that is split is the DLC that will collect the money.

Of course, for the entertainment of the pulse entertainment company, Lin Chi is still more assured. After all, companies that can launch quantum computers into space cannot afford to lose money.

However, even if the pulse entertainment company is so reliable, it will not change the fact that players have to save money...

"So, what is the price of this expansion pack?" Before Lao Lu began to explain, Xia Shuang asked all the questions common to the audience.

"The price of this expansion pack is 198 yuan." Lao Lu said.

When this is the case, there is no need to look at the situation in the forum. Lin Chi knows what comments the audience is making. The Frankenstein in the mobile phone is very open to the projection of the forum page. A large number of titles that are constantly refreshing are appearing in the Lin is in front of me:

"A map sells 198? Why don't you grab it?"

"This is too pit!"

"It’s just a map, forget it..."

"Damn planning, do you think I will save?"

Seeing those titles, Lin couldn't help laughing out: "Hah, that's true."

In fact, the war paradise of this game is a very conscience for the game of “innocent players” who are still worthy of thousands of dollars.

The game ontology of War Heaven is free, and only a few expansion packs are charged. However, perhaps because of the previous very conscience, the paid maps launched this time will make players react to this.

- From a company of consciences for the sake of players, it has evolved into a company that is crazy. This example has been seen more than once in the history of the game.

Most of the audience who are making comments are worth more than one hundred yuan. They may have seen the lessons of those who have learned the previous car and said "the lessons of the previous car"...

"I remembered a joke."

Having said that, Lin Chi lazy is leaning on the sofa: "There was a game company a dozen years ago. At the big game show they held, the finale announced the project turned out to be a mobile game. When the players questioned Their staff said: 'Do you have a mobile phone?'"

"And then." Frankenstein asked.

"Then their garbage handcuffs failed and the company went bankrupt and was acquired."

Lin Chi and the Frankenstein talked a few words, only to see Lao Lu open again, the face with no expression on the face, also showed a confident smile:

"I know that everyone who is watching the live broadcast may have an opinion on this pricing. But I can guarantee that the content of this expansion pack is absolutely unprecedented."

Lao Lu paused for a few seconds and continued: "Exactly, 'Eye of the Nightmare' is not just a map, but a new game mode that we have developed over a long period of time. This game mode combines death. The competition, the advent mode, and the commander mode that has not yet officially debut can definitely give players an unprecedented new experience."

"The model that has not been officially released is first released in the expansion package. This seems to be the usual routine of unscrupulous manufacturers..." Lin Chi sighed.

That being said, after listening to Lao Lu’s explanation, he has already begun to look forward to it.

Since playing the game of the old hunter, I haven’t played the advent mode. Although this mode is very interesting, because the loot and the followers can’t bring out the game, even if I win, I can only get some skill points, which leads to this mode. The popularity has always been relatively low, and the death race is completely incomparable.

Therefore, this pulse entertainment company is planning to re-energize the advent mode. Through this so-called "eye of the nightmare", the advent mode will be restored to the heat when it was just launched.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi, who was originally on the sofa, suddenly sat up straight, listening to the old Lu, who was standing in the studio, and continued to introduce the contents related to "Eye of the Nightmare":

"I believe that everyone has noticed that dozens of maps on the "War of Heaven" are currently connected in the plot, and some are clear plot lines. For example, the "City of Chaos" has become decades after it has become The 'killer capital'. There are some plots hidden more concealed, but there are also some plot players or the Raiders group, found the existence of these dark lines."

“Everyone’s guess is not wrong. At the beginning of the game, the game was to make all the maps under the same complete world view before they were created. Of course, some of the special maps are the result of historical deviations. For example, the 'Society City' map is the case."

When I heard Lao Lu, Lin Chi smiled and said: "This is interesting."

—— Combining many of its works under the same world view and building a huge “universe” has become an old routine that has been popular since the last century. At that time, the two major comic giants in the United States, DC and Marvel Comics, all established their own worldviews, and these enormously large "cosmos" are still expanding today.

As a large game that can be killed in various maps, War Heaven will choose this narrative mode, which is actually not surprising.

However, the previous connection about the game story is the player's own guess, this is the first time the official personally admitted this fact.

Lao Lu’s image was a little excited and cleared his throat. He said loudly: “Now, we will reveal an important part of this world, the ‘nightmare dynasty’ two thousand years ago!”

"On a continent in the east, there was a splendid and splendid civilization that bloomed, and then quickly withered. The beginning of the decline of that civilization was the period of time that was later called the "nightmare dynasty."

"At the time, the emperor suddenly died, the new king was unpopular, the country was divided into hundreds of different sizes of territory, each territory is controlled by a lord. The eye of the nightmare will be told about this map, it is about this The story of the dark period!"

"I am going, this is to let the players play the ‘the princes’ to compete for the rhythm of the world?” Lin Chi’s original eyes without eyes finally began to “grow”.

According to Lao Lu's introduction, anyone can guess that in the map of "Eye of the Nightmare", the players will play the lord of the territory. The way to decide the outcome is perhaps the only option to become a ruler. However, if this is the case, the time limit in each game of War Heaven becomes the most important factor hindering the player.

- Even if it is a powerful lord, it is impossible to eliminate dozens of neighboring countries within five days and successfully unify the entire continent. As you can imagine, if you really design this map, Pulse Entertainment will definitely provide a way for players to quickly experience large-scale wars.

Lin Chizheng thought, Lao Lu has already answered his question:

"Every player who enters the map of the Nightmare Eyes will play the lord of the land, recruiting and developing their own forces, and launching fierce battles with other lords who are eyeing."

"Of course, according to the brain-based imaging game acceleration rules, we can only provide up to ten times the acceleration, and one-hundred-hour single-game time in the game. However, in order to let the players 'a good fight', we refer to The old map 'The Ark of the Creator' simplifies large-scale battles."

“In the Eyes of the Nightmare map, players can choose to switch perspectives freely. You can choose to view your territory through the 'God View' and check the status of the territory. You can also choose to return to the body of the 'Lord' and control the lord to give orders. When using God's perspective, the speed of the game will speed up, and when it returns to the normal first-person perspective, the game speed will return to normal."

"It is to overlook the war from the sky, or to wear the armor personally, and all this is left to the player to decide. We believe that this map of the eyes of the nightmare will not disappoint everyone!"

After the explanation of Lao Lu, the Frankenstein commented: "I also want to go back and play."

"It's really attractive." Lin said with a smile.

- If this "Eye of the Nightmare" expansion pack is really like the feeling of Lao Lu, the price of 198 yuan is also completely acceptable. At this point, there were fewer voices questioned in the forum, and instead a large number of posts discussing the contents of the new extension package.

"Listen to your statement, there should be a magnificent battle in this map." Xia Shuang, who has been standing silently, returned to Lao Lu and asked: "I would like to ask before the expansion package is officially launched. Will not provide a short notice? For example, CG animation or projection."

"Well, it is reasonable to say that there should be..."

Lao Lu smiled and the voice suddenly turned: "But I believe everyone is very clear about our style. In our opinion, the trailer may cause spoilers. In order to maintain mystery, we will not be in the expansion before the expansion package is officially launched. Provide any preview screen, what is the appearance of 'Mengmen Dynasty', and please experience it yourself in the game. You only need 198 yuan, you can experience this story, it is definitely a steady loss!"

"Pulse entertainment company's advertising copy is still as bad as ever..." Lin Chi shook his head.

"Do you want to buy it?" Frankenstein asked.

"Buy and buy." Lin Chi's answer is very simple.

Even if the man in the studio was selling the guy and listening to the guy's introduction, Lin Chi also had a strong interest in the new expansion pack. Moreover, in the sudden release of new maps at this time, it may be hidden.

- This so-called "nightmare dynasty", should not be related to Masa Sala?

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