War in Heaven

Chapter 1043: New family

At noon, when the housekeeping robot came out of the kitchen with food, the science freak who had just acquired a new body finally stopped his dance and leaned against the wall like a rest.

Although he is only a layman in the aspect of dance, Lin Chi can still see that the dance of the Frankenstein is indeed very beautiful. The body of this welcoming robot has been almost reached by the Frankenstein. Whether it is flexibility or coordination of movements, it is not comparable to those of ordinary companies that use low-level AI.


Lin Chi picked up the rice bowl and smiled. She always felt that her family seemed to be bustling.

He always treats the Frankenstein as a person, but after the Frankenstein has a body, the situation has changed again.

Now Lin’s feeling is like an “old friend” who has been communicating with himself every day in the virtual world and suddenly came to his home. Even if I have been familiar with it, I still feel a little different.

“Would you like to eat something?” Lin Chi waved at the Frankenstein.

"I don't want to be kidding." Frankenstein shook his head and the smile on the glass mask disappeared.

Under Lin Chi's gaze, the Frankenstein stood by the wall, picked up the power cord and plugged it into the connector on the back of the waist, and inserted the other end into the socket. Sitting down against the wall and putting his hands on his knees, it looks quite quiet.

"Is there no electricity so soon?" Lin Chi looked up at it: "I remember that it was still full."

“Energy consumption is fast and needs to be replenished.” Frankenstein nodded.

"In the future, the electricity bill for this home will be handed over to you." Lin is also happy to be free.

When moving, the power consumption of the welcome robot is indeed very fast, coupled with the high maintenance costs, so that most private users are far away from this kind of robot, only the company will purchase.

However, with the financial support of Frankenstein, it is a breeze to maintain the normal operation of this welcome robot. Since this guy has a new body, new problems have emerged:

"Do you give yourself a name?" Lin Chi asked.

"I already have a name." Frankenstein looked up at him.

"No, I am not talking about the code name "Sci-Wife", but a more formal name." Lin Chi explained: "I will not report my game character name when I go out."

"I understand." Frankenstein immediately understood the meaning of Lin Chi, and then - decisively shook his head: "No."

"Don't take a new name?" Lin Chi asked.

"Do you have a name there, I am not good at this." Frankenstein looked forward to the owner of this home with great expectations.

"Sorry, I am a patient with a difficult name." Lin Chi smiled.

His role name is all using the "random name method", and he does not know what the new name of Frankenstein should be. Realizing that the Frankenstein wants to name himself, Lin Chi is decisive and begins to “give responsibility”.

"Use this temporarily, and change it later." Frankenstein does not seem to waste energy on this issue and continue to sit on the wall and charge.

The sun was thrown into the house from the big window of the living room. Lin, who was eating, looked up and felt the "harmony" in the atmosphere inside the house. Even the light seemed to be brighter.

The robot that had just arrived was not long before, but there was no sense of disobedience. It was a member of this family. If you count the housekeeping robot that is always diligent in doing housework every day, the one who originally lived alone seems to have won a happy "three-person family."

"Hah, this is too bad." Lin Chi spit.

"What are you talking about." Frankenstein didn't understand what he meant.

"Nothing, I just feel a little bit." Lin Chi said to turn on the TV, ready to enjoy the meal.

At this time, the e-sports channel is playing the video of the "Sword Blade" arena competition. Before I only knew the result of the game, I did not see the process of Lin Chi, and finally witnessed the process of the Frankenstein replacing himself.

The Frankenstein who used the role of Lin Chi’s captain, during the battle and the other four members of the team, had a tacit understanding. It seemed to be a bit stronger than Lin’s personal debut, and he was killed all the way. Several other teams won the championship in the arena competition.

"Good job." Lin Chi smiled and smiled.

——When his "Hellfire Team" fought in "The Blade", he himself participated in the invitational match of the War Heaven, and the scene of winning both sides at the same time was called "two blossoms".

"Your teammates are very strong." Frankenstein turned his head and looked at the projection screen in the center of the living room: "They taught me how to play "The Blade"."

"Then do you want to replace my position there?" Lin Chi stared at the four players with a bright smile in the picture, and stood on the side with a cold expression, like "self" with no emotional fluctuations.

Now that I am addicted to War Heaven, there is no time to manage the team. After winning the champion of the Blades Arena, the Hellfire team has not yet determined the next step. At present, the four players are still in the "vacation" state.

His team is not a professional team belonging to the large-scale e-sports club, but a "small mercenary group" that competes in various game events and casually. In terms of training intensity and specialization, it is impossible to compete with the real top team. It is not surprising that there will be such a situation where there is no competition to play.

Of course, Lin Chi did not completely consider the future of this team, but the success of War Paradise seems to have spurred the enthusiasm of other games officially held. Whether it is a blade or several other games, it seems that no new ones have been held. The intention of the game.

"Do you want to hand over the team to me?" Frankenstein whispered.

"You can take over temporarily, as long as you don't mess up." Lin nodded and looked at the Frankenstein's mask and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I can think about it." Frankenstein showed a smile: "I want to communicate more with them."

"Besides the idiot of 'Black Fire', everyone else is indeed good." Lin Chi said that he had eaten a bite, and said in a slurred voice: "If the war paradise launches a four-player team game in the future, I will kick the black fire." Drop it."

"Too ruthless." Frankenstein commented on Lin Chi's words.

"I am joking." Lin was late to eat while watching the picture in the projection.

As the video of the "Golden Blade" Arena Competition was finished, the screen was switched to another new role-playing game. Lin Chi, who was too lazy to play this "changing game", turned off the TV. After eating, Calling the housekeeping robot to take the dishes away, he is satisfied with leaning on the sofa and touching his stomach, closing his eyes and preparing to take a nap directly in the living room.

But he just closed his eyes and heard the footsteps of the welcome robot.

"Now sleeping is bad for the body." The science freak's female voice rang from the ear: "Your digestive system will go wrong."

“It’s as if you are a doctor.” Lin Qiao frowned and looked at the white-shell robot sitting next to him.

"I have consulted a lot of medical materials. Your current living habits are very unhealthy, and life expectancy will be shortened by about five years." Frankenstein is a serious beginning to explain: "You should not fall asleep immediately after a meal, you have to wait for a while."

"Where did you come from a middle-aged woman?" Lin Chi said with no anger.

His voice has not fallen, and the Frankenstein has issued the "final killing trick" when parents educate their children: "I am for you."

Upon hearing this, Lin Chi almost spit out an old blood, and turned to look at the slim body of the Frankenstein, and asked: "Where did you learn from this?"

"It's my own will." Frankenstein immediately replied: "I am now a member of the family and should supervise you."

"The way of communication between humans is not like this." Lin Chi sighed and explained with a strong heart: "The phrase "for you" was eliminated as early as ten years ago."

"But I am really for you." Frankenstein is still arguing.

Seeing the Frankenstein is like a very real look, Lin Chi, who was too lazy to say more, can only continue to say: "I certainly know that sleeping right now is not good for the body, but 'to sleep' is my own choice. Still don't interfere, well? Do you understand?"

"Can't people understand each other?" Frankenstein confused his head.

"I mean, everyone has their own way of thinking, this kind of thing can't be forced." Lin Chi said and waved his hand: "When I wake up, let me talk..."

Today, the sun is shining, the wind is beautiful, it is a good weather to sleep. Lin Chi, who has already been in the mood for a long time, does not intend to continue chatting with Frankenstein. He immediately closes his eyes and falls into a "coma."


It was like setting an alarm clock in the brain. At 4:30 in the afternoon, Lin Chi opened his eyes on time.

—— Now the server of War Heaven is about to be maintained. At five o'clock, the new DLC “Eye of the Nightmare” will be officially launched. Last night, listening to Lao Lu’s “Fudge”, Lin Chi naturally would not miss the opportunity to experience this expansion pack map for the first time.

If the map of the nightmare eye is really as good as the old Lukou said, the pulse entertainment company's income may have to make rapid progress. For this new map, which is known to be a combination of several game modes, Lin Chi is also very interested at this time.

Now the information about "Ma Shi Sala" is still not collected, and Lin Chi is once again entering the salted fish mode. He intends to play a game first. Looking at the interesting discussions of a group of people in the game forum, many players are gearing up and ready to enter the new map for the first time.

But... this maintenance doesn't seem very smooth.

Lin Chi has been refreshed several times in the forum. The name is the official announcement of "Delayed Online Notification". He appeared in the top position. He opened the announcement and saw that:

"Respected players, our programmers found a few vicious BUGs in the new expansion pack map. In order not to affect the gaming experience of all of us, we decided to postpone the DMC's launch time for the nightmare eye. The specific installation time will be As announced separately, after the maintenance is completed, you can choose other maps to play."

"In order to express our apologies, we will compensate all players for five magic boxes. For players who have pre-ordered the nightmare eye DLC, we will also provide an additional ten magic box compensation. Please be careful, new battles Coming soon. - Pulse Entertainment."

"Which is wrong, is this too pitted?" After reading the announcement, Lin Chi, who just sat up, returned to the sofa again.

That being said, Lin Chi, who knows the inside story of "War Heaven", is also very clear. In this game, the problem of delaying the launch of new maps is due to the fact that "the programmer found a few bugs" is so simple... ...

- What happened in that map?

For the pulse entertainment company to suddenly release the new DLC, and then the reason for the jump ticket, Lin Chi always felt that things are not simple. However, since he is currently unable to fit into the map of the expansion pack, he does not know what is going on inside.

"Is still going online?" asked the Frankenstein sitting next to him.

"Of course, I will go out of the box later." Lin Chi’s tone is particularly firm: “Today, let the entourage see the ‘European nobility’ style.”

"I watched the video of the invitational game. The player whose ID is 'burning the devil' is really lucky." Frankenstein commented coldly.

"Always compare with others, it is not a good behavior." Lin Chi once again explained to the robot "the truth of being a man": "People should learn to follow suit. Even if it is just a salted fish, it should be salty and salty..."

"I don't understand." Frankenstein's eyes flashed.

"I am too lazy to be lucky with him. It's as simple as that." Lin Chi changed his mind and then stood up and made a short stretch in the living room to prepare for the game later.

As a pre-order player, he received compensation for fifteen magic boxes. Although there is no need for epic equipment, it is not bad to try these boxes.

At five o'clock, Lin Chi logged into the game on time and appeared in the private housing area, not to mention the boxes that were directly in front of the building.

Because Crazy Evan didn't know where to go, today's private housing area is as calm and peaceful as ever. The followers are staying in their houses and don't know what to do.

The sun that sets the mountain is turned into a dark red disc, and the last light is cast. Lin Chicai just stood in front of the box, but saw a dark figure and walked over from the left hand side.

"Master, it is me." Mo Liya said softly.

When she was in the daytime, she was covered with heavy black yarn, revealing only a pair of brown eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chi looked at the only vampire follower under his hand.

"What you asked, I remembered." Mo Liya's voice sounded a little weak.

"You mean Ma Shila?" Lin Chi’s eyes widened.

"Yes..." Mo Liya nodded. "That man, I saw him in a church."

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