War in Heaven

Chapter 1050: Garden of joy

When Lin Chi opened his eyes again, the soft yellow light occupied his sight.

The light seemed to be accompanied by the magic of hypnosis, plus the rich floral fragrance, and the soft ringing sound that lingered in the ear, so that Lin Qiao, who had just woke up, had a little sleepy in his heart.

But this time, Lin Chi did not fall asleep directly, but suddenly woke up and began to try to get rid of this illusion.

"Don't think I will be fooled..."

He couldn't see his body and made a hoarse voice.

Even if you like to sleep, it is impossible to fall asleep directly in this situation. Forced hypnosis when you are close to the temple should be an unavoidable story. This time Lin will naturally not be recruited again.

Moreover, he is very experienced in the "lazy" aspect, has been keenly aware of this seemingly comfortable space, vaguely revealing a dangerous atmosphere.

- Everything here is too deliberate, but it will be suspicious. Whether it's the hard-to-speech aroma or the psychedelic ringtone, it's like a trap to paralyze visitors.

Lin Chi knows that he must be in the illusion, and the body in the "reality" of the map of the crucifixion temple may be suffering from cruel torture.

The question now is how to escape from this illusion?

Lin Chi, who once awakened the lost girl in the "Apocalypse Hotel", is very clear that this illusion world will certainly be flawed, but it is much more difficult to break away from the reality than to help others return to reality.

As the so-called spectator of the authorities is clear, Lin Chilian can't see his body now, and the position of sight is all the hypnotic light.

What's more, the real body in the temple may be filled with hypnotic drugs or something else. Even if consciousness succeeds in breaking away from bondage, the "real world" body may not wake up.


"Forget it, or stay for a while, maybe there will be a turn."

Lin closed his eyes, blocked the light from the eyelids, and began to "meditation" in a comfortable environment.

Even if you die here, it’s just another time. It’s no big deal. In addition, in order to take care of the players' game experience, this boring story event probably won't last long.

Since there is no way to find it, it is not bad to take a break before returning to the real body.

After making the decision, Lin Chi immediately entered the meditation mode, as if he had become a sage in ancient mythology.

According to some statistics, most men will enter the "sage moment" after a certain period of exercise, and the desire will disappear. Instead, there is a sense of emptyness without desire or desire. Because there is nothing to do, Lin Chi is in this state at this time, and some unsolved problems begin to emerge in consciousness:

who am I?

Where do I come from, where will I go?

Why am I, not someone else?

What is the ultimate value of my existence?


Of course, Lin Chi didn't really want to get an answer, just to find a way to kill time. According to his experience, when thinking about these philosophical issues, time will always go very fast.

I don't know how long it took, the bells in his ear suddenly disappeared, and Lin slowly opened his eyes, only to see the light in the line of sight, mixed with a hint of red.

- This illusion has begun to collapse?

Realizing that he is about to return from the illusion, Lin Chi, who had just become a sage, has finally returned to normal, and he is focused on preparing for his recovery.

As the sound disappeared, the charm of the charm disappeared. Instead, it was a moist rust smell, and I noticed a bit of bitterness in my mouth. Lin tried to open her mouth to see if she could make a sound, but found I can't even do "open mouth".

what happened?

He slammed his eyes open, and the soft yellow light suddenly disappeared. There were several "matchsticks" and dark red walls in front of them.

The old hooligan, whose name is "Long Knife" Tim, looks around and sees a rusty fence door that blocks his way. Although it has already rusted, the thick metal tube is obviously not cut off by its current attribute value.

There is another question. What are the few thin lines that are in front of your eyes?

Just returning to the world, some of Lin Biao’s hair raised his hands and touched his face, but he could not touch the skin, but his fingertips touched the cold metal.

Is it a helmet?

Lin Chi realized that he should be wearing a metal helmet. The strange thing is that no matter whether it is the head or the neck, there is no feeling. The heavy feeling that should appear is erased, and there are other feelings that disappear.

He immediately opened the game interface and confirmed his situation. I saw that the property was the same as before, and the rotten plague disappeared. In addition, he also acquired a new skill:

Pain block:

You won't have any pain in this game.

"Did you die? Not yet, at least the head is still there."

- Isn't this the signature skill of the blood blade?

Seeing that he had obtained the "spiritual skill" of the blood blade, the side effect was huge. Lin Chi reached out and touched his head and found that the helmet was fixed on the shoulder by the steel nail. Under the metal shoulder, the thick blood was oozing out.

So, have you been transformed?

Lin Chi, who was still somewhat confused, quickly figured out the current situation. During the time when she entered the sage, this body has undergone a cruel transformation and turned into something else.

Lin Chi looked down at her body, and the clothing on her body was still the rag that came. He lifted his hands to his eyes and saw that his hands were full of stitching marks. Several wounds that stretched from the fingertips to the arm had not been removed. It seemed to be torn off the skin and then re-sewed back.

Because of the existence of pain-sensing skills, Lin Chi did not know that he had multiple injuries, but as the text of the skill introduction said, as long as it has not died, it is no big deal.

There are already 17 players in this game, and only 13 players are left. I wonder if other players have arrived at the temple and joined the ranks of the transformation.

Lin Chi, who couldn't open his mouth, stretched out the scarred hands and held the iron fence. He shook it a few times. The thing seemed to be fixed with the space, and it was still motionless.

- Is there a guy like a guard here?

Lin Chi turned his gaze to the outside of the cell. He could only see the gray walls covered with **** fingerprints. Some people in the cell on the right hand seemed to be choked and kept making annoying sounds.

He tried to move his limbs and found that his physical condition was OK. There seemed to be no change other than adding helmets and shoulder blades.

Of course, things are definitely not that simple.

Standing in a small square cell, Lin lately grabbed the metal armor on his shoulder and began to try to remove the iron plate nailed to his shoulder.

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