War in Heaven

Chapter 1055: Trainee angel

If someone is going to come to the corridor to see the scenery at midnight, they will definitely see a poetic picture:

In the corridor of the temple, the middle-aged bald man with sacks is flying, and the moon-shaped head keeps reflecting the moonlight, becoming a different kind of landscape.

Lin Chi smashed out at the fastest speed, turned the corner of 90 degrees, and did not sound the footsteps of the warrior behind him, until he reached the next door, finally relieved.

The wooden door that was painted purple was not locked, but was in a state of ignorance. The famous warrior might have come out from here.

——If you find a bunch of warriors sitting inside after opening the door, you will be ruthlessly “looking around”...

Standing in front of the door, Lin Chi, who was about to push the door, stopped the side of the action to listen to the sound inside the house, waited for a moment and did not hear any noise, and finally slowly pushed the door open.

With a bang, the purple wooden door opens to the inside. It is not the arsenal that Lin Chi needs most now, but a large study.

The four walls are leaning against the bookshelf, which is full of books on the top. Apart from the door when I entered, there is another door on the wall of the entrance. I don't know where it is.

Lin Chi turned back to the door and walked slowly into the study room illuminated by the oil lamp. He stood in front of the bookshelf and picked up a large book. He saw the text used above, which he could not understand.

The text used in these books in the temple does not look the same as the unreadable books in the city of Sodom. Even if I don't understand what the golden lines on the pages are meant to express, the sacred atmosphere in the words and patterns still makes Lin Chi feel a little surprised.

These books are definitely not written by the devil, and the words are certainly not devil.

Lin Chi did not know why she suddenly had such a thought, but the book was full of "holy" words, which did imply the existence of angels.

Perhaps, the Duke of Fagna did not fail?

Lin Chi put the black-skinned books back in place and took out a few more books. The text above is still the sacred language. Just looking at it is a kind of "new look" feeling, as if the eyes are baptized.

Unfortunately, the props in the advent mode can't be taken out, otherwise if you can study the classics in this map, it might help your investigation.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi put down the books in his hand and came to the other door opposite. He reached out and grabbed the cold metal and pulled it. The seemingly fragile purple wooden door did not move, and there was no sign to open.

When I was about to try to open the door, Lin Chi noticed that a square area in the center of the wooden door suddenly opened. A dark **** was raised from the gap, and the empty eyelid position suddenly appeared two. Gray "ghost fire".

Lin Chi took a step back and stared at the door with a vigilant look. He saw the jaws of the jaws start to make a one-in-one, giving a disgusting sound like sandpaper rubbing:

"Who are you, outsiders. You are not a guest of the temple."

Lin Chi, who lost his ability to pronounce, naturally had no way to answer the questions raised. But I quickly continued to speak and proposed a simple and easy-to-understand solution:

“Only the guardians and guests can pass here and show your instructions, otherwise they will leave.”

After the language was finished, the **** was shrunk back, and the newly opened plank was closed again. After hearing what the other party had just said, Lin Chi looked back thoughtfully and looked at the wooden door leading to the corridor behind him.

- The "indicator" must be presented as a guardian or guest of the temple to open the door through here. In other words, if you want to open this door, you can only fight with the heavy fighters outside.

The soldier must have been the guardian of the temple. If he could kill him and put on his armor, he should be able to deceive the "eyes" on this door. When it comes to fighting, I am not fighting back now:

Character name: "Long knife" Tim.

Control points: None.

Prestige value: None.

Kill number: 0.

Strength: 20.

Agile: 20.

Stamina: 20.

Lucky: 20.

Seeing that their attribute values ​​have all been raised to 20 points, Lin Chi took out the helmet and shoulders from the sack and re-applied the metal helmet in a relatively "gentle" way, providing a seemingly unreliable protection for his head.

Then, he pulled out the opponent's short knife and measured the short-handled dagger. It seemed as if the famous soldier was there.

Through a short observation, the guy's armor can definitely resist the dagger in his hand, and it looks like there is no flaw.

However, the soldier was not judged to be a hero or a special NPC, and it was not a leader. It may be extraordinarily simple to fight with each other.

As for what will happen, it will be clear when the battle begins.

Lin Chitou took a look at the reconstructed body, stood in front of the door leading to the corridor and waited for a moment, repeating the dull footsteps of the soldiers and ringing again from the corridor.


The other's footsteps are approaching the study, perhaps giving up the search and preparing to come back. This time, Lin Chi did not choose to continue to avoid, but stood in front of the door and raised a short knife, his knees bent slightly, and gradually shifted the center of gravity.

Although the body in the advent mode is not very easy to use, the current body attribute value is enough to fight. The painful isolation function that comes with the transformation makes you unable to be affected by the pain in the battle, and can focus more on the goal of “killing the other party”.

Then, let's try the combat power of this body.

The footsteps stopped in front of the study room, and the purple wooden door was pushed open again. At the moment the door opened, Lin Chi had already rushed up, his eyes swept over the iron-gray armor, looking for a position on the armor that could become a flaw. .

"Into - invade."

The heavy warrior immediately discovered the existence of Lin Chi and violently pulled out the long sword. At this time, Lin Chi had already ran past the heavy warrior, and returned to the corridor again, around the soldier.

Lin Chi, who saw the appearance of the other side for the first time, immediately found a suspicious position - a diamond-shaped gap appeared on the armor in the center of the guy's back, revealing the cyan skin below, which appeared to be deliberately exposed.

However, Lin Chi had no time to wave the dagger and stab the flaws on the back of the other side. The warrior with iron gray and heavy weight had turned around, and the long sword in his hand gave a cold light and cut directly to Lin Chi’s head!


The hit hit the floor of the hallway, leaving a deep dent on the white floor tiles.

At the same time of the battle, Lin Chi’s physical attribute value rose again, and his strength and stamina reached 22 points. With the increasing value of the attribute, he easily escaped the attack of the warrior, and the other party had not raised the sword again. Around the back of the warrior, the knife stabbed a piece of "soft rib" exposed on the back of the guy.


The blade that was once used by the opponents easily tore the flesh behind the heavy warrior. The black plasma was sprayed from the wound and sprinkled on the floor tiles.


The heavy warrior seems to repeat only one word. He suddenly turns around and uses his left fist to lie on the waist side of Lin Chi. It is difficult to resist the strange force to fly Lin Chi’s body, and then slides on the ground five meters away. Close to ten meters.

Even if I don't feel the pain, there is an uncomfortable feeling of paralysis on the waist side. Lin Chi stood up and stood up, but found that the other party seemed to be hurt.

The diamond-shaped gap behind the armor of the warrior continued to spurt the black blood like a spring. Before it was still stable like a meteorite, it was also unstable at this time. Take a step forward and the body slammed.

- So why should you expose the weaknesses outside? Which idiot is this armor designed?

Lin, who couldn’t speak out, secretly spit in his heart, tightened the dagger handle in his right hand, and prepared to go around and give it to the other side, but what happened next made him "eyes again."

The heavy warrior suddenly bent down and half squatted in the middle of the corridor. The blood spurted from behind was the shower opened to the maximum, a slamming sound, a blood-stained wing, and black blood grew together...

"So the gap is used to grow wings?"

Seeing the dirty wing of the opponent behind not only the hair loss but also the blood loss, Lin Chi finally understood why there was a gap behind the armor of the heavy warrior. In this way, this guy is not an ordinary guardian, but an angel!

But if it is an angel, this cargo may not be too weak.

Lin Chizheng thought, only to see the "angel" fanned the **** single wing, flew into the darkness outside the corridor, I do not know where to go.

Is this over?

Lin Chi, who had wanted to fight with the other side, didn't expect the goods to run. Some of them shook their heads, but they saw a faint golden light in the blood on the tiles.

Lin Chi, who had just suffered heavy losses and still had some power, went up and saw a shield-shaped golden badge, which was shining in a pool of blood. He bent over and picked up the one with only thumb nails. The badge, the item description popped up:

Trainee angel badge.

Special items.

Item level: excellent.

Carry this badge to unlock access to parts of the temple.

"You are a trainee angel, yes, that is the most dish."

- Does the angel have this class division?

Lin Chi, who is not very proficient in this aspect, picked up the badge and stuffed it into his pocket, took off the helmet that affected his eyesight, returned to the locked wooden door in the study, and raised the badge in his hand.

This time, the black **** did not continue to harass him, but simply opened the door smoothly, opening a new path for Lin Chi.

Lin Chi entered the room behind the door, and there was an extraordinarily simple storage room. It is surrounded by gray walls. On the weapon rack against the wall, a short sword is displayed, and a set of dark gray metal shackles is hung on the armor frame next to the weapon rack.

Seeing these equipments that are very useful to them, Lin Chi immediately stood before the armor, reaching out and stroking the smooth breastplate, and popping a few lines of text in front of her eyes:

The contempt of the trainee angel.


Item level: excellent.

Wear requires a minimum strength value: 17. Minimum endurance value required: 18.

"The trainee angels who gave the temple, you are the hope of the future."

Lin Chi picked up the light helmet with the "horn" and put it on the side. It was laborious to put on the set of frivolous fits. Under the bonus of 22 points of strength and endurance, the weight of the armor seemed to be light and nothing. Affect his movements.

Behind the armor, there is also a diamond-shaped mouth for the angels to give birth. Wearing a armor and wearing a helmet, Lin Chi picked up the short sword next to him and looked at the translucent blade like a crystal cast, as if there were tiny spots of light gathering on the blade.

The short sword of the trainee angel.

Melee weapons.

Item level: excellent.

No proficiency is used. Minimum force value required: 17. The minimum agility value is required: 17.

"Apprentice angels, win glory for the temple, and open up the path of glory."

Lin Chi tried to wave a short sword. The weapon's attack range was not too big, but it was more reliable than the opponent's dagger. He hung the dagger on the waistband on the outside of the armor, reached out and tapped his breastplate, and spit out with satisfaction.

With these equipments, I don't have to use the ragged "streaking". I wear the armor and badge of the trainee angels. Maybe I can fool the guardians in the city and let them relax their vigilance.

However, the guy who just fled, there is a high probability that he is going to find someone else to report. Before the trainee angel returns with the reinforcements, it is the right choice to leave here quickly.

Read this, seeing that there is no other way out in this storage room, Lin Chi returned to the corridor from the study room and continued to walk to the end of the corridor. Using the badge of the trainee angel, opened the gray door at the end of the corridor.

What appears in front of you is another dark passage, this time not a straight corridor, but a spiral down staircase. The torches on the wall will not make the line of sight dark, but the visibility is still not comparable to the corridor.

Lin Chi, who had just arrived from the stairs, realized immediately that he had to go on again. But this time, his equipment and physical attributes are much stronger than last time, and he also comes with the disguise of "training angels", which should not be too embarrassing.

Stepping into the downward spiral staircase, Lin Chi, wearing a trainee's armor, once again entered the underground of the temple. There was a faint scream that sounded from below, and it looked very clear in the corridor without sound.


"forgive me……"

The following portraits are praying while screaming at the side, just thinking about it is creepy. Lin Chi was alert and looked around, looking for any available clues while walking down the stairs.

Then, on the wall that was burned to the black by the torch, he saw another portrait of the Duke of Figna.

Even in the gloomy underground passage, the old man’s expression was still kind, Lin Chi reached out and took the picture, and on the back of the portrait, he found the words written by the opponents:

"Don't be compassionate, don't believe anyone. This temple has long since fallen, and everything that appears here is a trap of terror."

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