War in Heaven

Chapter 1057: Horror monster of the temple

After searching in the library, I found no other clues. Lin Chi went back to the main entrance of the library and nodded to the maid. He looked at the abnormally bent servant on the back and opened the library again for himself. Metal door.

"Welcome to come back next time!" The servant was happy and waved to Lin, and did not realize that he was sending out a counterfeit.

Back in the spiral staircase, although I haven't found the map of the temple, Lin Chi has drawn a simple map in her mind.

This staircase leads down to the library. The area above has not been explored. In addition to this, there are several doors on the L-shaped corridor that have not been opened yet. It should lead to other areas of the temple.

His current identity is "trainee angel", certainly can not unlock all the doors, if you want to further explore the temple, you need more advanced authority. but……

Lin Chi opened his own property bar and looked at it. The physical attributes of Long Knife Tim did not continue to improve after arriving at 25 o'clock. It seems that for this modified body, this attribute value has reached the limit of rising.

——From the action point of view, the trainee angel who had fought with himself before, the physical attribute value is almost between 20:00 and 30, which is similar to his own attributes.

“Is it true that the pilgrims who were kept underground were being transformed into ‘training angels’?”

Lin Chisi took the stairs and began to explore the area above the spiral staircase, which was blocked by a dark metal door.

As before, he once again took out the trainee angel badge and tried to get away with it, but this time the door is not so easy to be fooled:

"Apprentice Angel, you are not qualified to enter the prayer zone." The voice of the **** the door carries a sarcasm: "When your wings are full, come back!"

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Knowing that he could not unlock the door, Lin Chi turned to the stairs below, and in the "3D map" in his mind, the words "Prayer Zone, Locked" were automatically added.

If you can kill a higher-order angel and capture the other's badge, you should be able to open the door, but Lin Chi has not seen the high-level angels yet, and he can't know if he can beat those guys.

In his view, the current imperative is not to fight, but to clarify the "background story" of the temple.

Although I have received a lot of intelligence, it is not enough to piece together the complete story. In the case of a fog, the possibility of successfully completing the investigation from the temple is further reduced.

This random character attribute is not bad, but also survived the plague of the previous period. If you die here, there may be no such good opportunity next time.

For this reason, the completion of the investigation by this life has become the goal of Lin Chi. His next move has also become a lot more cautious.

Returning to the L-shaped corridor along the way, I looked around and looked at it. I didn't find the presence of the patrol. Lin was sneaking through the corner and going back to the horrible "bedroom", going back from the bedroom. Go to the prison where you fled, and try to ask some intelligence from the pilgrim's mouth as a trainee angel.

But this time, when he first entered the bedroom, he noticed an unusual atmosphere.


The loud chewing sound echoed in the bedroom filled with human bones, and the monsters that had left the place before seemed to have returned.

- So, are you going to see what they look like?

At this point, Lin Chi’s eyes seemed to have two options for “branch route”.

He knows that with his current physical attributes, he can completely circumvent those monsters without being discovered and return to the stairs leading to the underground prison. but……

Although reason is constantly being stopped, the plot's curiosity to gamers still prevails. Lin Chi didn't think for too long, then slipped away and sneaked into the bedroom with purple light and began to pry into the house.

On the wooden bed of the bedroom, there are several "people" at this time.

In fact, those things are not people, just a few pieces of meat with human arms. They have no skin. The black and red muscles of the whole body are directly exposed to the outside. The body is like a pool of mud covering the bed, except for the arm. Other than the location of other limbs and organs can not be distinguished.

Under Lin Chi’s gaze, the “sludges” who were lying on several beds, waving their hands constantly, seemed to be arguing about something.


One of the monsters threw away the broken leg bones and gave an impassioned voice. If you don't look at his singular appearance, the sound is like a young debate team member, and is explaining his point:

"Why do we follow the teachings of the temple? These prayers have no meaning at all. The hybrid angels look at our eyes are not right, I don't want to be controlled by them anymore!"

"Calm down, little devil." Another piece of meat on the side of the bed began to speak: "We are also members of the temple, it is necessary to pray daily, don't be too arrogant."

"Do you really want to be manipulated by those angels?" The monsters who made comments before, sounded very unwilling: "This is good, it is not allowed to enter our residential area, this time they broke the wall, the next Will the second meeting directly attack us?"

"An angel said that he would fix the wall, I said you have to calm down..." Another piece of meat continues to persuade, the sound is calm and calm.

If you ignore the horror of these residents, they seem to be no different from normal people. The calm guy is even quite attractive. It’s a pity that the human bones they held in their hands made Lin Chi’s plan to communicate with these guys.

It seems that several monsters living here and the relationship with the angels are not good, but they follow the rules of the temple and go out to pray every day. The place where they pray should be that the badge of the trainee angel cannot be unlocked. That "prayer area".


The crisp chewing sound overshadowed the dialogue between the two monsters, licking the meat in the middle of the bed, lifting a fleshy arm to his body, and suddenly a circular giant mouth grew on the meat. The razor-like sharp teeth are neatly arranged around.

The meat piece was gorged, throwing the slender bones into the sack, and then satisfied with the squatting on the bed, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Idiot, go to sleep." The monster who complained before did not say good.

"Don't attack your own companions." The calm monster voice is still peaceful.

"Less nonsense, the next time the trainee angels come back to work, I will tear their heads off." The monster with deep resentment stretched out his arm and beat the bed: "I want them to know that the temple is not only hypocritical. We are also part of this temple!"

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