War in Heaven

Chapter 1066: Dark soul

Looking at the vampire standing by his side, he looked down at his burning body. He was about to ask how Molly arrived at this place, and asked another question:

"How do you recognize me?"

In the advent mode, the body of the NPC used by the player is supposed to be unrecognizable by the followers. But Mo Liya still recognizes herself using the "long knife Tim" shell, which is really incredible.

"I recognize your way of fighting." Mo Liya lowered her head slightly, and there seemed to be a little red on her pale cheeks: "Even if the shape changes, I won't admit it..."

Recalling the "fighting style" that I have been escaping all the time, Lin Chi scratched his head and continued to ask: "Is it really okay for the blood family to stand by the angel?"

"Please rest assured that the 'angels' here are not real angels and will not hurt me." Mo Liya said with a smile: "The last time I came, their bloodlines seemed to be stronger than they are now."

"shut up……"

The smiling lady roared and interrupted the two people who were chatting on the battlefield: "Our bloodlines are not judged by you, the fake saint!"

"If she is a fake, why is her portrait hanging in the temple?" Lin Chi looked up at the dark red shield.

At this point, the actions of Salamantis have completely stopped, and this BOSS war has also temporarily come to a close. If there is anyone here who can pose a threat to Lin Chi and Mo Liya, there is only "Smile Lady". I went out in person.

After Lin Chi’s question, the smiling lady was silent for a while, and after a while she gave a hazy laugh: “I have already persuaded Bellor, but he stubbornly thinks that you are the hero of the temple...”

"I haven't seen it for so many years. Is Bellock still the kind of ghost?" Standing on the street full of coke corpses, Mo Liya reached out and grabbed her long skirt, scornfully pouting: "See the city's appearance." I knew that it was right to leave the temple."

So far, Lin Chi has long understood the cause of the plague in the city.

From the dialogues of those black robes and the transformation of the temple to their bodies. The temple is intended to use this plague to carry out cruel "selection" among the refugees in the city to find those refugees who can reach the temple with strong strength and will. Then transform them into the angelic army needed for the temple.

Whatever the point of view, the temple is doing anti-human behavior. And the order to do this is supposed to be the lord of the temple - alchemist Belllock and "smile lady" is right!

Not waiting for the smiling lady to respond, Mo Liya has ridiculed herself: "I didn't expect the temple to have begun to use this kind of despicable means. When I was here, it was obviously a fairly good organization... ..."

"shut up!"

The smiling lady roared loudly, and there was some crack in the dark red barrier on the battlefield. A phantom of the yellow soil suddenly emerged and floated to the center of the street.

"Don't say, stupid woman, you are just messing with us..."

The hoarse male voice floated out of the humanoid shadow and sounded like the evil spirit sealed in the tomb.

Seeing the other person's hand inlaid with a shackle, and the arrogant robes, Lin Chi asked: "You are the alchemist Bell Lock?"

The man’s body is exactly the same as the statue in the prayer area. The facial details that are not present in the statue finally appear in front of Lin’s eyes: this person has a bright bald head with many wrinkles on his face and a long beard that extends all the way to the chest. before. The light that shines in the eyes shines.

It is no exaggeration to say that this guy's shape can be used as the image spokesperson of the "black magician". Listening to Lin Chi’s problem, Bellock’s eyes were crescent-shaped, and a horrible smile appeared on the old face:

"Forget the pseudonym, openly and honestly, my name is Jotun Kuller, the founder of Hradim."

"Hradim?" Lin Chi made a doubtful voice.

"We are the spokesperson of human beings and are committed to making mankind the master of the world." Jotun Kuhler bowed his head and floated in the air overlooking the two people below: "As long as the bloodlines of Naifeitian are spread, humans will Don't be afraid of angels and demons."

"But you are not making Nai Feitian, but an angel of deterioration." Lin Chi asked loudly.

"It may look like this now, but we always have to think about it..." Jotun Kuller made an old laugh: "My research has not been completed, give me some time, I can reproduce the angels here. The demon of the demon bloodline - the true power of 'Nie Feitian'! As long as everyone becomes Naifeitian, mankind will rise again!"

Seeing that Jotun Kuhler seems to be in a madness, Lin turned to look at Mo Liya around him and asked, "Do you know anything?"

"He told me this story before." The sect of the sect nodded: "It is said that there was once a world called 'shelter', which was founded by angels and demons who were tired of the eternal war. Archangel Inari She fell in love with Lilith’s daughter, Lilith, and she bred the first human beings in the shelter, which is the “Nai Feitian” that has both angel and demon blood.

"The human beings of this world are nothing but sad and weak. They will have powerful power through my transformation..." Jotun Kuhler said loudly, "All I did was to Human revival!"

"But you neglected those people's choices." Lin Chi shook his head, apparently disapproving of the other's point of view: "Forcing evolution on the basis of massacres, you should not find any excuses for yourself."

- Ignore the people's wishes, and use the illusion to trick the residents of the temple to drink the blood of Naifeitian. By the way, they also make slaughter and spread the plague. If this kind of guy can wash white by shouting slogans, most of the BOSS in the game does not have the meaning of being crusaded.

Lin Chi is very clear that Jordan Kuhler is probably the final BOSS of the cruel temple church. However, now that he has obtained the supportive army of Mo Liya, it is not a win-win battle. Moreover, even if it is defeated, it does not matter. Since Mo Liya has already remembered something related to Ma Shisala, just go back and ask her.

"Do you have confidence?" Lin Chi stared at Mo Liya's side face: "I am still weak now. If you really fight, you can only rely on you."

"Please rest assured, I will say that I am also a god-dependent person, and will not give in so easily."

Mo Liya smiled and reached out and pulled a dark sword from under the skirt, and the red blood was shining in her eyes. Before the start of the battle, don't forget to challenge Jordan Coulee:

"You seem to have lost to me last time? Right? Master."

"Little girl, don't think that the same trick can beat me for the second time."

Jotun’s voice was not lost. Two “stone man” with a height of ten meters, the breakthrough barrier rushed in, the rock creation made by the black magician, and the two thick legs covered with granite, each step A small earthquake was triggered on the street.

"Feel the power of Hradim, stupid guys..."

Jotun Kule laughed loudly, and he didn't know where to go. He only left Lin Chi and Mo Liya to cope with two seemingly sturdy rock monsters.

Lin Chi, who had no weapons for the time being, took the sword of the sword from the stopped action of Sarah Mantis, waving the blue sword and making a snoring sound. At the same time, the item description once seen once again popped up:

Standard lightsaber.

Melee weapons.

Item Level: Epic.

General weapons, use without proficiency. Minimum force value required: 14. Agility is required to achieve maximum attack power: 17.

This sword needs to be installed with special crystals. Current status: Energy value is 50%.

Special features will be unlocked when special crystals are installed.

"This sword used to be a weapon of a Jedi Knight. Its blade is invincible. I heard that it can also be baked."

- It seems that this sword and the "reward pay" provided by the war observers seem to be exactly the same. To meet the stone man called by Jotun Kuller, the lightsaber should be enough.


Lin Chi opened his wings and flew forward. The lightsaber dragged a blue arc behind him. Seeing that Mo Liya was single-handed with the stone man on the east side of the site, Lin Chi directly attacked another rock creation that was about to attack Mo Liya, and a sword stabbed the stone man's spherical head!

The plasma of the lightsaber bound by the strong magnetic field instantly burned through the stone man's head, leaving a large circular hole. Almost no resistance was felt. It seems that the battle of technology against magic seems to have achieved an overwhelming victory again...

- No, the monster is still alive.

Losing the rocky creation of the skull, opening a large hand with only three fingers, slammed into Lin Chi’s body. Even if the head was burned through, the power and speed of the gadget were not affected. Still as strong as before.


A heavy punch was wiped from Lin Chi, and a large piece of dust was slammed on the ground. Lin Chi is a sword that cuts off the right hand of the rock creation, and the monster's resistance is still very intense.

- Where is its weakness? Could it be that……

To control this kind of monster, there is usually something like a brain, heart, or "fengshui engine" hidden in the body of rock creation.

Inferred according to the most practical production method, hiding the vital parts in the torso of the rock creation not only can obtain the strongest defense, but also the shortest distance between the signal and the limbs. It is the best choice.

With this in mind, when the stone man smashed sideways again, Lin Chi’s body suddenly turned a corner, drawing a C-shaped arc to avoid the monster’s “barbaric collision”, and his body was attached to the stone man. On the chest, while pasting, there is the sword of the light sword that is invincible.

With a burst of snoring, the stone man's chest was opened with a big hole, the body that was still moving at high speed, and finally stopped moving.


At the same time, the stone people on the side of Mo Liya also fell to the ground, and the two solved the enemy almost simultaneously. After the rock creation fell to the ground, Jotun Kühler’s illusory figure once again appeared in the barrier:

"Very good, you remind me of the original Naifian hero! The saint... You really don't think about what I said before? Joining the temple together for the future of mankind, what a great job!" ”

"That... I am sorry." Mo Liya shook her head sharply and immediately gave a negative reply: "I am not a human being, nor do I want to work hard for the future of mankind. I am really sorry."

"Humans here don't need your 'struggle'." Lin Chi said: "If you don't ask for their opinions, you will impose this kind of thing on them. You are not for humanity, just for your own desires."

"Hah, whatever do you say..." Jotun Küller did not care about the ridicule of the two, and worked hard for his own goal: "Since you don't cooperate, you can only get rid of you... ..."

When Jotun’s words were not finished, Mo Liya had already tore his illusion with a sword, but this attack did not cause any harm to Jotun’s body. The black magician apparently hid Where is the ongoing dark plan:

"The saint, I admit that I was defeated to you last time, but I have not used this at the time." With the voice of Jotun Kühler, a faint red light appeared in the darkness, as if there was a black flame. Burning on a red jewel.

"Guests, witness the power of the Dark Soulstone!"

There were gray clouds rushing out of the stone, and there was a scream of screams. At the same time, the introduction text of the BOSS battle also appeared again in front of Lin:

The pre-conditions have been completed and the BOSS battle "Dark Soulstone" has been triggered.

"The sorcerer Jotun Kühler, one of the members of the ancient mage organization, Hradim, is the most ambitious member of this organization. He once made a crazy idea, just cast a dark soul stone, You can seal the soul and power of the devil."

"The dark soul stone that he personally cast can even seal the soul of the demon. But after he completed the creation of the soul stone, other members of the Hradim found that Jotun Kuhler was using the stone for some 'private use'. '. So they killed Jotun Kule and hid the dark soul stone in a place that is unknown."

"Until the murdered black magician wakes up again..."

When the player learns the real name of Alchemist Bell Lock and destroys his creation, the BOSS battle will be triggered. Please note that once BOSS is triggered, you will not be able to leave the battlefield until one of them is completely destroyed.

"My job is for the rise of mankind!"

Jotun’s crazy shouts spread over the city that was plagued by the plague. From the ancient Master, read the rhetoric of the city with a hoarse voice:

"When my plan is completed, mankind will become the strongest race above angels and demons!"

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