War in Heaven

Chapter 1080: Monitored

"Oh, the master..."

After Lin Chi’s question, the Terminator thought for a moment, or shook his head: “I really don’t know, I’ve always been playing.”

"Oh, that's fine," Lin said.

He didn't expect to ask any information from the Terminator, and the answer would be as early as expected. After the end of the game where the last accident occurred, it was almost time to leave. before that……

"You lost." Lin Chi compared to the Terminator down than the thumb.

"Sorry, I was too invested just now." The Terminator had a listless apology.

"Playing game focus is a good thing." Lin Chi smiled: "But you'd better change the exoskeleton back to normal power, otherwise accidents may occur."

"I know, go back and change." The Terminator kept nodding.

"See you next time." Lin Chi waved his hand at the stage and turned to the outside of the game hall. He drove the drone in midair and followed him.

The "war of revenge" in the girl's mouth ended in Lin Chi's victory. Just a few punches, Lin Chi, who is still in pain, is planning to go home and rest for a while.

"Hey, you should come in." When leaving the entrance to the game hall, Lin Chi took the bag behind her and looked up at the drone.

In many places in the city, unauthorized use of drones is a violation. And the drone that the Frankenstein possessed is now running out of power. No matter how you look at it, it's better to pack it up quickly.


Rare geeks did not answer immediately, but flew to the window, through the spotless glass, aimed the camera at the shopping plaza below.

"The construction of human beings is very good," Frankenstein said.

"Unfortunately, shopping malls are useless now." Lin Chi smiled.

This year, online shopping and express delivery business reached an incredible level, most of the shopping can be done at home, not only fast but also inexpensive, except for some stubborn guys or people with special needs, there are not many people Will go out to purchase.

The small shops and other places downstairs in the community still have a living space. The most serious injury under the impact of online shopping is a large shopping mall similar to the Emperor Shopping Plaza. As for the horror of the Emperor's shopping plaza, just look at the degree of desertion below to know.

"The number of people has exceeded ten, it is not easy." Looking at a few pedestrians on the square, Lin Chi could not help but laugh.

The drone's lens was swept across the square pedestrians through the glass, and the Frankenstein immediately reported the exact number: "There are only nine people, three of them, five women."

"A total of eight men and women add up, and who is one?" Lin Chi frowned slightly.

“The gender is unknown.” The Frankenstein pointed the camera at a figure next to the fountain: “It’s impossible to judge from the shape.”

"Hah, is this way of judging by the appearance of people?" Lin Chi leaned against the window and put his arms on the metal railing: "What if I encounter a false mother?"

"It can be judged by posture and certain characteristics, unless he performs special camouflage." Even if the Frankenstein is faced with such problems, it is still meticulous, but it is very "scientific worker" style.

Seeing that the Frankenstein was very serious, Lin Chi also had an interest in the way the Frankenstein was identified. He asked with interest: "Can you photograph their faces?"

"The lens of this drone can be shot at high magnification." While the Frankenstein replied, the lens of the drone extended outward and began to observe the passers-by below.

Two seconds later, the Frankenstein spoke out a discourse beyond Lin Yue’s surprise:

"I saw Zhou Tianhao."


When the words came out, Lin Chi, who was still staring at the drone, immediately looked down at the square: "Which is him?"

"The person who is moving to the opposite building, brown long-sleeved shirt, wearing a hat." Frankenstein immediately said: "That is your friend."

"is it?"

Lin Chi looked at the past according to the description of the Frankenstein, and saw that a man was heading to the other building opposite. Because the distance was far, and the other party was facing himself, Lin Chi could not see the appearance of the guy.

However, the pace and posture of the other side seems to be somewhat similar to that of his old classmate.

"Are you sure you didn't admit it?" Lin was staring at the man's back.

"The last time I contacted him, he recorded his appearance, and the pupil and bone structure did not go wrong." The Frankenstein's tone was very positive, and it was as savvy as peacetime: "The man is Zhou Tianhao."

- So, Zhou Tianhao, who should be working overtime, what do you do now at the mall?

Seeing that Zhou Tianhao was about to enter the opposite building, Lin Chi suddenly realized what he was doing and asked the Frankenstein: "If I call him now, can I locate his position?"

"Yes, but only last for five minutes." Frankenstein replied.

"That's good, we used to go." Lin Chi said to open the backpack, stuffed the drone that had landed, and pulled the zipper neatly.

"You want to follow him." The sound of Frankenstein sounded from the headphones.

"I want to see who he is going to meet." Lin Chi stunned his hand: "I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, this time it was really right..."

Regardless of whether Zhou Tianhao is investigating Pulse Entertainment, or coming to contact the legendary "Blood Blade", he can provide clues for Lin Chi. Now Lin’s job is to investigate Zhou Tianhao’s actions without the other party’s awareness.

After the drone was put away, the "consciousness" of Frankenstein returned to Lin Chi’s mobile phone again. Lin was quickly stepped downstairs and returned to the square. He entered the building where Zhou Tianhao was located, and the one that caught his eye was a The big signboard of the luxury jewelry store.

These stores are generally of the type of "opening for half a year, opening for half a year", and there are large sums of income for selling a few items. Many of the remaining physical stores in the mall are now such luxury stores.

Noticing the appearance of Lin Chi, the welcome robots in front of the shops began to greet him with “enthusiasm”. Lin Chi ignored these guys, but said to the Frankenstein: "Ready to track."

After receiving a positive reply, Lin Chi stood in front of the elevator door, dialed Zhou Tianhao's number, waited for about a minute, and finally heard the familiar voice:


"It's me." Lin Chi's voice was as listless as he was at home.

"Oh, it's you, I am a little confused about working overtime." Zhou Tianhao was out of breath and asked: "Is there something to do with me?"

"Your sister asked me to persuade you to go home quickly." Lin Chi asked: "Where are you? Is the body okay?"

"I am here... still in the unit." Zhou Tianhao said slowly, as if he was absent-minded: "Have her phone call to you? I will tell her later, don't worry about me." ”

- This product is lying.

Realizing that Zhou Tianhao was fooling people, Lin Chi did not reveal the other party's lies, but just asked again: "You really have no problem? Listening to your voice is not very good."

"It's really okay, thank you for your care, buddy." Zhou Tianhao said with perfunciation: "I want to go to the convenience, hang up first, and wait until I am busy."

After the language is over, Lin Xihao has already hung up, not waiting for Lin Chi to continue talking.

Even if the call is over, Lin Chi did not put down the phone, but connected to the Frankenstein hidden in the phone: "Is he found his position?"

"Upstairs, I will send his location to the built-in map of the phone." Frankenstein replied.

On Lin’s mobile phone screen, a three-dimensional map of the building appeared. A red dot appeared on the third floor and was heading toward the southeast corner. Obviously Zhou Tianhao was right.

"You can only track up to five minutes at most." Frankenstein said.

"Five minutes is enough." Lin Chi smiled confidently.

Arriving on the third floor with a hand-held ladder, Lin Chi embarked on the smooth floor, passing by two cylindrical cleaning robots, staring at the red dot on the map of the mobile phone, only to see that the red dot has stayed at the southeast corner, I don’t know where it is. doing what.

"This kid is going to be exposed." Lin Chi blinked and walked along the wide corridor to the southeast corner of the third floor.

"Now you are like a human criminal." Frankenstein said in a cold voice.

"In order to achieve my goals, sometimes you must use some special means, you know." Lin Chi said seriously, looking at the nearby store.

Compared to a large number of luxury items on the first floor, the three floors reveal a little literary atmosphere. The products sold here are basically works of art such as calligraphy and porcelain. There are also some labels labeled "not for sale". It seems to be simply taken. Come out to show.

On a Chinese painting on the left hand side of Lin Chi, a bold brush on the edge of the cliff was drawn with a bold brush stroke. Even if there is not much understanding of this aspect, Lin Chi can see that this painting is definitely from the master's handwriting, even the layman can feel a little shock.

The artistic conception of Chinese painting is difficult to describe in words. Although I still want to appreciate it again, reason tells Lin Chi that it is not the time to feel art.

He passed by a shop full of Chinese paintings and continued to walk to the position of Zhou Tianhao. He quickly reached the southeast corner of the third floor and caught the sight of the "Quiet Book House" sign.

The bookstore's decoration is very simple, with wooden lounge chairs on it, and a large number of books neatly placed on the black-wood shelves that look very old.

Lin Chi looked at the wooden counter next to the entrance of the bookstore, and saw a welcome robot standing behind and waving to himself. The body was covered with a dark blue stable, which looked a bit funny.

"This store is very interesting..." Lin Chi whispered.

In order to avoid being discovered by Zhou Tianhao, Lin Chi did not choose to enter the bookstore, but stood in the aisle next to the bookstore, trying to "eaves" the voice inside.

Zhou Tianhao should be standing behind the bookshelf, and he could not see him from here. Fortunately, the sparsely populated shopping center is also very quiet, and you can hear the dialogue inside:

"The locator on your body is broken?" Zhou Tianhao's voice sounded a bit harsh: "Is it deliberately broken?"

Then a soft female voice sounded like a gentle breeze: "No, it is broken by itself."

"I brought new ones, remember to report the itinerary regularly." Zhou Tianhao said coldly: "Your actions will be recorded in the file, not only us, but the security department is also staring at you, this is also for the stability of society."

"I know." The woman smiled: "Your work is not easy, I can understand. Please rest assured, I will not forget."

The voice was unusually gentle, and even listening to Lin Chi had a subtle tingling sensation. Just listening to the sound seemed completely irrelevant to "dangerous".

However, from the dialogue between Zhou Tianhao and the woman, Lin Chi has already judged who the other party is, and the excitement in the voice is also shining:

- The most ferocious "killer" in the brain of the imaging game in history, probably in this bookstore!

"Find the situation and report it to us. Also, don't forget the thing I said before." Zhou Tianhao said another, the footsteps began to move toward the bookstore door.

Lin Chi decisively hid in the bathroom not far away, avoiding Zhou Tianhao's mobile route, and the red dot displayed on the mobile phone suddenly disappeared.

"The end of the tracking." Frankenstein said.

Lin Chi poked out half of his head from the bathroom door and watched Zhou Tianhao's many backs than usual, disappearing on the escalator.

Waiting for a while, I determined that Zhou Tianhao had left, Lin Chi stood in front of the mirror of the sink, reached out and sorted out his hairstyle, and smiled: "Would you like to meet the legendary characters in the player circle?"

"The ferocious woman." The Frankenstein immediately reacted.

"Yes." Lin nodded.

Judging from the dialogue just now, the blood blade should be in a state of being monitored, and it is necessary to report its own trends regularly. The body must also carry a positioner.

It seems that the woman's spirit may be really problematic, so it will be monitored. Of course, she may be monitored for other reasons. However, there is no need to continue to speculate now...

- As long as you meet her, you should be able to find out the truth.

"According to the analysis, I don't recommend meeting her." Frankenstein reminded: "I analyzed her performance in the game. This person may have a strong tendency to abuse, or a tendency to split personality. Contact with her will bring unnecessary Trouble."

"Have you forgotten wearing exoskeleton on my body?" Lin Chi moved his right arm and his metal joints groaned.

“All in all, I don’t recommend that you contact her. She is being watched, and you may be recorded when you contact her, becoming a suspect in the Authority and other agencies,” Frankenstein said coldly.

"Nothing, I just went to buy books." Lin Chi smiled.

After making the decision, Lin Chi’s action was extraordinarily decisive. He stored the backpack with the drone in a nearby locker and then walked quickly to the entrance of the “Quiet Book House”.

It’s time to meet one of the “old friends” in War Heaven.

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