War in Heaven

Chapter 1083: About progress

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Wei’s gentle words brought Lin Chi’s thoughts back to the bookstore. Lin Chi looked at the bookshelf with a sense of time. He said casually: “You are still working here.”

In addition to a welcome robot, there are no other robots in the quiet bookstore. The work of organizing books and cleaning seems to be done by the hostess of the bookstore.


Zhang Wei smiled and glanced at a row of bookshelves, and took a teacup and took a sip: "I think the bookstore is still so good. This kind of book can only be called a book if it is in contact with people. It’s waste paper.”

Having said that, she suddenly lowered her voice: "And, you must have seen it? I don't like those things..."

"I understand your thoughts." Lin nodded.

-- Human science and technology are indeed making rapid progress, and can be described as changing with each passing day. People living in this age have enjoyed the convenience brought by technological advancement.

But for some people, the advancement of technology has become a disaster, and Zhang Wei is obviously one of the victims.

If there is no **** genetic diagnosis technology, maybe she is still living a normal life, but the so-called "anti-social personality" label was posted in advance when she was not ill, destroying the woman's life.

The treatment of antisocial personality disorder remains a medical problem until today. It is conceivable that Zhang Huan will live in the shadow of being watched in this life, and it is very likely that he will not be able to form a family as normal as other people. In the case of family members giving up her, the possibility of being alone is great.

"Sometimes I will think that some technologies don't need to be invented better. For example, this genetic diagnosis." Zhang Wei's voice is very soft, and he can't hear any signs of "anti-social": "I don't know if there are any other people." Like me, I only hope that this method of treatment will not continue."

Her voice just fell, and Lin Chi’s cell phone speaker suddenly made a female voice: "This is the necessary price for human social progress."

"This is?" Zhang Wei was a little surprised.

"You shut me up." Lin Chi took out his mobile phone and adjusted it to a mute state, and then returned to his pocket. Although the Frankenstein can easily adjust it back, the meaning he wants to express is already obvious.

"I just forgot to say, it was a friend of mine. Because I was sick and lying in bed, I entrusted me to take her out and use the mobile phone to 'see the world.'" Lin Chi’s excuse for saying the usual way, added another sentence. : "Sorry, I just forgot to turn off the video on her side..."

"It doesn't matter, it's better to have more than one person to chat." Zhang Wei didn't seem to care at all, just curiously asked: "Your friend, it seems very decent."

"She does have some pedantic." Lin Chi agreed.

"I didn't." Frankenstein turned on the phone's speaker again.

"Sorry." Lin Chi said that he intended to shut down the phone directly, but it was blocked by Zhang Wei.

"I want to talk to your friends." Wen Yan's woman whispered.

Lin Chi put the phone on the desktop, Zhang Hao looked at the green call icon projected at the top of the screen, and said: "Hello, this lady."

"Hello," Frankenstein said.

"You just said that this is the necessary price for the progress of human society, right?" Zhang Wei is completely inanimate, still in a state of "softness like water."

However, seeing that she is still so gentle, Lin Chi feels a subtle discomfort. I have to say that this woman's ability to withstand is too strong. Of course, it may be because of acting skills. If it is acting, the next dialogue is very dangerous...

"Remember to consider the feelings of the other party, human dialogue can not go straight." Lin Chi slammed his throat and used the throat to send a message to the Frankenstein: "You will behave in such a way."

"I won't be jealous." Frankenstein immediately replied.

"This is not the point, okay?"

Seeing Zhang Wei’s confused eyes, Lin Chi’s coughing, holding a teacup to listen to the dialogue between the two, and the Frankenstein who did not understand the human’s “watching and seeing”, is still a “straight” Look like:

"Yes, I said that." Frankenstein answered Zhang Wei's question.

“Do you think this is correct?” Zhang blinked and his face showed a curious expression.

"Every progress of mankind is accompanied by sacrifice, which is the price that must be paid." Frankenstein said his opinion.

- This guy is too straight...

Lin Chi sighed with a forehead and saw his egg hurt. Zhang Xiao whispered and turned to Lin Chi and asked: "I was telling me just now, now I should listen to your opinion, you are What is your opinion?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lie?" Lin Chi looked through Zhang's face with his fingers.

"Of course it is the truth." Zhang Wei said seriously.

"So, please don't tell my words to other people - even if you tell others, it doesn't matter." Lin Chi's mouth rose slightly, and his speech was steady.

"My point of view is exactly the opposite of my friend," he said.

When this was said, Zhang Wei had not spoken yet, and the Frankenstein had first questioned: "Do you think that the advancement of human science and technology should be stagnant?"

"I don't mean this." Lin Chi put down the teacup and focused his attention on the projection above the screen of the mobile phone. He said his thoughts to the Frankenstein who is using the mobile phone to perceive the world:

"I believe that it is absolutely wrong to sacrifice individuals for the sake of overall progress. Everyone has the right to choose, and it is too arbitrary to destroy the lives of others on this ground."

After hearing his remarks, Zhang grinned and his eyes bent out of a sweet arc: "Your words sound more like anti-social personality disorder, really not being monitored?"

"Maybe because I am too lazy, they think that I have no threats." Lin Chi snarled.

"You are really interesting." Zhang Yan looked up at Lin Lin's gaze and suddenly asked: "I can see that you are not lying, but the current society is really focusing on the 'whole', do you want to be Did the revolutionaries rise up against this behavior?"

"Hah, don't be kidding." Lin Chi laughed out: "I am not a madman."

- Even if he is crazy, he will not choose to change the whole society. To accomplish this kind of thing with one's own strength is completely daydreaming. It is better to pray that it is more realistic to win the lottery.

"What are you going to do? Will you succumb to the world like me?" Zhang asked curiously.

After the other party’s question, Lin Chi shook his head and spoke of his attitude towards strangers who had just met for an hour:

"I really can't change the world, but maybe... I can change myself."

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