War in Heaven

Chapter 1095: Devil and Mercenary Killer

In the radiant city of steel casting, dangerous undercurrents are surging.

The residents here don't seem to like nightlife, and most of the people on the street are returning to their homes to rest.

At this time, there were more sentinels on the street than passers-by. Their eyes swept over the faces of passers-by and were alert to those suspicious people wearing protective clothing.

I don't know if it is an illusion. The "primitives" who invade the land of light seem to be more and more. This is also the main reason why sentinels are vigilant.

The contradiction between two different species is never reconciled. The dispute between the radiant and the primitive people has been going on for hundreds of years since the nuclear war, and it is still a constant conflict.

Primitives regard radiation as a monster and constantly try to destroy the settlement of the radiation. The radiant person regards the primitive person as a backward existence and also intends to kill each other.

Regardless of whether the two were from the "human" species before the nuclear war, they are already deadly enemies.

For this reason, the sentinels of the Land of Light, in the face of the primitive people, always adhere to the attitude of killing and killing, never leaving a living.

"Ready to start searching."

Upon receiving a faint signal of ray interference, the guards responded with a headset, checked the guns carried on their bodies, and were ready to kill all suspicious people.

"Find them... they don't have to be merciful..." The command sent a vague message: "After ten minutes... do it."

The sentinels who have long been accustomed to signal interference naturally understand the meaning of the command. But they don't know that what they are hunting is not actually a "primitive person" but a player from outside the world.

At this time, the players hiding in the corners of the ray of light are also preparing for the final pre-war, silently praying that they can survive this search.


The girl wearing a cowboy hat, in the gun body of the double-barreled shotgun in her hand, pressed two large bullets. She licked the gun body and suddenly turned to aim at the metal wall behind her, revealing a green face under the influence of radiation, showing a confident smile.

The purple eyes hidden in the shadow of the hat licked, and the tall girl put the shotgun back into the backpack and took out a bottle of "mineral water" to drink.

As those dark green liquids enter the body, her attribute values ​​are also rising rapidly. Under the jacket and jeans, a few bone spurs grew and penetrated the clothes.

"Come on, I am ready..."

Looking at the 100-point power value in the property bar, she wiped her mouth and threw the bottle aside. The blue veins on her arms swelled, and the muscles of the steel were clearly visible.

The bottle is full of radiation "energy drinks", the effect can only last for half an hour, but it can also cover the next scan time.

Then, just wait for those idiots that have been thrown into the net to be hooked.

Seeing the time is coming, the woman lowered her hat, walked out of the dark alley, and returned to the streets of the land of light.

She just appeared, and several sentinels holding hammers have been around. At the same time, in the lower right corner of her line of sight, red text has popped up:

Scanning starts!


A fan-shaped spark was ejected from the muzzle of the double-barreled shotgun, and hundreds of steel **** hidden in the large deer bomb smashed out a sentinel on the left hand side. The other two waved the hammer and slammed it, but only the smoke was hit.

The woman jumped up five meters high and steadily landed on the roof next to it. A grenade launcher in the left hand aimed at the sentinel below and began to pour out the explosives of the can size.


A series of explosions on the street temporarily blocked the footsteps of the sentinels, and whether or not they killed the other side, the woman turned and strode out and walked directly across the alley between the two houses and jumped to the roof of another building. on.

At this time, other players in the vicinity also found her presence.

At the moment the scan began, dozens of red dots appeared on the map. The one closest to the woman is less than a hundred meters away!

A loud bang, the bullet from the anti-equipment sniper rifle was wiped from her side, leaving a burning mark on the skin of her green arm.

The player’s first shot was smashed due to lack of proficiency. The opportunity for the opponent to re-target, the woman has been depressed to rush to the same player who is hiding on the roof.

But she soon realized that she was lured into the trap:

A soft whisper, what seems to be on her right foot, she can't wait to look down, can only continue to charge forward. then--

The metal roof trembled fiercely in the explosion of the anti-infantry mines, and the gray smoke rose up.


Seeing the other person stepping on the landmines he had placed, the man who was hiding on the roof shot grinned, but when he noticed that the red dot on the map was still on, the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

"what are you laughing at?"

Along with the taunting female voice, a hot wind came from behind him, and the player who was aiming at the roof with a sniper rifle was stepped on the back with the heels of high heels.

Sharp sharp "blade" stabbed into the back, with a powerful force that is hard to resist, nailed his body in place!


He only had time to say a word, and the sudden death system has been triggered. Let him return directly to the private housing area from the land of light, looking down at his own hand with a low head:

"How did she not die?"

- Player "GYM3" is killed by the player "Ancient Devil"!

At the foot, the body of the head was smashed by a shotgun, and the data fragments disappeared. The green-skinned woman standing on the roof of the house reached out and patted the still-smoked shoulder, took a piece of metal from the clothes and threw it aside.

Under the protection of super-strong attribute values, relying on an anti-infantry mine can not cause any harm to her. It seems that the idiot should have been on this map for the first time.

However, this kind of thing is irrelevant.

Seeing a group of sentinels rushing toward themselves, the ID is the "Ancient Devil" woman, turned and fell into the shadow of the night.

At this time, in the block one kilometer away, holding the lightsaber to kill the "mercenary killer" of all sentinels in the whole street, suddenly stopped, and the gloomy voice floated under the helmet:

"Devil... you are really here."

The shining swordsman swayed in the night, making a dangerous snoring. The mercenary killer threw away a human head in his hand and began to clear the red dot on the nearby map.

No matter where the guy is, he will meet her sooner or later. At that time, you can enjoy sweet revenge.

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