War in Heaven

Chapter 1149: The banter of the murderer-1

As the other side changed bullets, the blood blade leaped from the bunker, and a "scorpion turned over" over the smashed seat, blocking the left arm in front of him and rushing toward the flight attendant.

Seeing that the enemy is going to carry out a close combat, the flight attendant throws away the short-barreled shotgun that has not been replaced with a bullet. The left hand does not know when to have two wide-blade swords. The blade is stained with blood that has just dried up. It looks like it is used. Scissors that handle "food."

"You will die." The flight attendant's voice was full of anger: "No one can stop!"

- She will die.

Looking at the blood blade rushing to the flight attendant, Lin was eager to pick up the shotgun and aimed at the flight attendant's left hand.

From the point of view of the attack range, it is obvious that the flight attendants who use the long weapons have the upper hand, and there is no room for the dodge in the narrow compartment. According to common sense, the next thing that will be killed is the blood blade.

However, the "browguards" that the guy just put on, is it...

Lin Chi put his finger on the trigger and stared at the flight attendant who was swinging the knife to the blood blade. Then, an unexpected scene happened.

On the wrist of the left arm of the blood blade, a sharp cold light flashed, and the long knife in the flight attendant's hand suddenly broke, and was cut into pieces of meat, and his left hand.

"The armor of the organ?" Lin Chi squinted.

- It seems that the blood blade still remembers the scene of being separated by the "Thousand Blades" on the bridge of the city. This wristband is obviously a product of the transformation of the armor of the organ.

Perhaps to hide the power, the blood blade did not use this equipment in the previous "civil war". But now, under the anger of her, she still took out her own secret weapon.

"The rough inferior..."

The flight attendant’s words have not been finished, and the body has been cut into dozens of deep visible bone scars.

The blood blade was lying between his legs. The seriously injured flight attendant finally fell to the ground, and the blood pool under the body continued to expand. It seems that he was not saved.


The blood blade spit on the body, and looked back at Lin Chi, who had just put down the gun. There was a trace of blood in his eyes: "It’s a pity, this is the secret weapon I prepared for you."

"Do you make it yourself?" Lin Chi looked at the wrist of the blood blade.

Look at the battle just now, this wristband should be able to eject the slender blade, cut the enemy's body directly from a distance of about one meter, the attack power is even more ferocious than the armor of the division, and even cut off the enemy's weapon.

"Secret." The blood blade is not going to reveal the way the weapon is coming. It just removes the blood-stained wristband and puts it back in the backpack. Looking sideways at the visceral platter on the table next to it, the small face reveals a dignified expression:

“It’s a waste of resources to cook people’s internal organs.”

"It is more hygienic to eat like this." Lin Chi has also seriously studied the problem of hunting.

"I said, what is the difference between this and pork?" The **** blade kept shaking his head: "The raw flesh and blood is the real enjoyment!"

“Not afraid of parasites?”

"There is a parasite in the game! Is there a problem with your brain?"

"I just think in accordance with the train owner's way of thinking." Lin Chi smiled: "For those who are self-proclaimed ‘gentlemen, it is impossible to eat raw meat.”

“But is there also a sashimi or a mature steak?” The **** blade looks a little dissatisfied: “I have seen people eating steaks, and they squirted them with blood. This food is also available. What?"

"No, no, a mature steak will not spurt blood?" Lin Chi corrected the other's mistake: "To make this kind of thing, the chef of the western restaurant should also be fired."

While chatting, Lin Chi put his eyes on the "passengers" at the table.

The bodies of these poor people were fixed by nails and wire on the seats. Although they were replaced with new clothes, the dry and rotten faces made their appearance even more terrifying.

"I thought you would have a common language with Mr. Spencer." Lin Chi said with emotion.

Even in the extraterritorial land of the western United States, such a terrible way of killing is rare. Mr. Spencer in the mouth of the flight attendants can, to a certain extent, be a "great man" across the ages. .

Moreover, what makes Lin more concerned is that the flight attendant is not a human being.

“Does this map have supernatural power elements?” He stood in front of the flight attendant’s body and looked at the blood holes that had eyes on his back.

"No, at least I have never seen it." The **** blade shook his head: "This is the first time."

"What happened to this cargo?" Lin Chi kicked the body at the kicking foot: "Do normal humans grow into this ghost look?"

- This kind of creature shape should not appear in this "real map". Perhaps, this Mr. Spencer is a barbarian who flows from other maps.

"Let's go see it later?" Lin Chi pointed to the wooden door leading to the next compartment.

After confirming that the flight attendant did not drop any spoils, the two passed through the dining car full of dead bodies and came to the brown wooden door leading to the next car.

Just as Lin Qiao put his hand on the wooden door and prepared to open the door, the two heard a low snoring sound after the door:


The man’s voice kept trembled, it sounded like a painful look. He said that the strange language that was not translated by the in-game Chinese system made Lin Chi and the blood blade completely incomprehensible.

"What?" The **** blade licked the scarlet eyes.

"Indians?" Lin Chi suddenly came to the interest: "Is it the ancient saying of the Indians?"

- His current goal is to find the "old man" on this continent, the true aborigines of the Americas - the Indians. If Mr. Spencer caught the Indians on the train, he could say that he earned it!

With this in mind, Lin Chi also immediately pushed the wooden door open. then……


The two people standing in front of the door flew back to the two sides, and the high-speed rotating black circular saw protruded from the front of the door, while the large hand covered with iron gloves and the strong arm were extended.

At the same time as the enemy appeared, the blood blade had pulled out the left wheel and fired three shots, hitting the opponent's wrist accurately, and creating a blasting bullet hole.

The strange thing is that the opponent's movements did not stagnate because of the bullet hit. The revolver shot did not affect him at all. The man directly swung the "chainsaw" and stroked the blood blade, forcing the girl to fall again. Ground, avoiding the sharp edge cut from the top of the head.

"I finally came to the opponent of the serious point..."

While Lin Chi took out the Tyrannosaurus shotgun from his backpack, a line of red text appeared in his sight:

"Texas chainsaw killer", heroic npc, can not be recruited.

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