War in Heaven

Chapter 1154: Andrea's warning

"Our goal is the legendary criminal in this wilderness - Gretz Dupont."

The blood blade picked up the scarlet eyelids and began to confess to Lin’s mission: “This person is one of the most notorious criminals in the pioneers’ wilderness, and is the same as the 'Plain priest' and 'bad dog'. What I want is not to kill him, but to recruit him."

"Does this need me to help?" Lin Chi gave a **** look.

"This person is the leader." The answer of the blood blade is very simple.

"So you plan to recruit leader-level entourage?" Lin Chi smiled.

- Carrying the observer's contract, it is convenient to recruit a specific leader-level follower. But for the blood blade, it is undoubtedly very difficult to accomplish this kind of thing.

The leader-level followers in the game, all with a "non-recruitable" suffix. And when the players see them, they are basically dragged into the battle, not to mention recruiting, even the chat time is not.

However, judging from the entourage carried by the blood blade in the invitational tournament, this woman should also be able to recruit leader-level entourage by some means.

Then what I have to do is to assist this guy to recruit.

"I was planning to recruit Gretz Dupont last time, but this person is gone, I haven't been able to find him yet, and the time limit is up." Here, the tone of the **** blade is serious: "This guy is proficient in transvesting, called 'No face,' he is said to be able to imitate anyone, and sometimes even to be an animal."

"Are you sure this kind of person is BOSS?" Lin Chi asked: "Does BOSS generally not appear in fixed venues?"

In the "War of Heaven" game, most of the BOSS battles took place in closed fields. A few were wild BOSS that could be encountered in the wild, and there were very few world BOSS that could be challenged by many people.

Even if the battle mode of BOSS is very rich, it basically belongs to the category of “just positive, letter to cut”. The leader of the blood blade said, Lin Chi was the first to hear.

"I did see this person, and I heard the legend about this person from the locals." Bloody mouth grinned: "But when he first met, he was escaped. I think if you are, you should be able to find this. Man, right, Mr. Champion?"

"I am not a spy satellite or a search engine." Lin Chi smiled.

Just relying on a name to find the location of the target, even Lin Chi is difficult to do. What's more, the maps in the game are changing all the time. Every time they are sorted in, they will be different from the last one. Now Lin can't even determine that the so-called "faceless" is on this map.

Seeing that Lin Chi was unable to lift the strength, the blood blade was also prepared, and immediately threw out new chips:

"You are still looking for 'Massala', I have his intelligence here... Just help me find Dupon, we can continue the exchange of equivalents."

"Then I might as well go directly to Ma Shi Sala." Lin Chi looked at the **** blade of smirk: "The difficulty of exchanging conditions and the search for Ma Shi Sala are not much worse. Why are you attached to this leader? Can you tell me?"

When she spoke, Lin Chi looked back at Andreia, who was always behind the blood blade, like a gloomy statue.

He didn't know if Andrea had heard the conversation and was not sure if the woman could understand it. However, the words that Andrea had said to herself were still very concerned about Lin Chi:

- This follower may have a way to summon the ancient gods?

However, Andrea did not say anything after that, and it seems that she does not want to continue this topic. If I want to get any information from her side, I can only wait until the blood blade finishes the task.

"You don't need to know why I want to recruit this person. Just help me find him." When it comes to this, the blood blade begins to cover up again.

"It’s a little difficult for me to find someone." Lin said in a hurry, then turned to Andreia, who was behind the blood blade: "If you can borrow me for a while, you might find a clue."

As soon as this was said, the blood blade's footsteps stopped: "What are you doing?"

"I have something to do with your entourage." Lin Chi did not lie, directly speaking his purpose.

After Lin Chi’s request, Andrea did not say anything, and the blood blade looked down for a moment and finally spoke again:

"Yes... I will give you ten minutes."

Seeing that the girl stood in the distance, Lin Chi stood in front of the motionless Andreia, and made a straightforward request:

"Help me summon the ancient god, I can help your master find that person."

——Looking at someone in a large map is no different from finding a needle in a haystack, but it is not the same if you have the help of the ancient god. What Lin is doing now is to summon the ancient gods that he has left, and then, with the help of the gods, find the **** "faceless".

"Are you really planning this?"

Andrea's tone is still flat, but Lin Chi still hears a bit of suspicion from the other's tone: "Don't look at me like this, I used to touch the messenger of the ancient gods, they, how do you say... the brain is a little bit It’s not normal.”

"My brain is normal." Lin said coldly.

"Maybe it's just that you think it's normal." Andrea said with a smile: "You can't judge yourself objectively, are you very clear?"

"So can you help?" Lin Chi continued to ask.

Since this time came to help, Lin Chi only wanted to get away with it, and naturally chose the most efficient method.

Noticing Lin Chi’s emotional changes, Andreas nodded slowly and said slowly: “I am happy to help, but you need to find the ritual materials before I can proceed to the next step.”

"Tell me what materials I need." Lin Chi speaks quickly.

He is very clear that what the woman intends to carry out may be the orthodox summoning of the ancient **** ritual. As long as she can learn the method from her, complete the ceremony, and then meet the need to summon the ancient god, she can also be familiar with it. Called directly.

Andrea did not know where to take the pen and paper, quickly wrote a few lines of text on it, and then handed the yellowed letter to Lin Chi’s hands.

The dark night makes Lin Chi unable to see what is written on the stationery. He can only break the stationery into the backpack first. When he was about to return to the blood blade, Andrea's voice rang again:

"I can't interfere with your choice, but still want to tell you something."

"Say it." Lin Chi did not look back.

"If you carry the ancient god's books, please burn it immediately and immediately. Don't read the above. Otherwise... you will fall into madness and completely lose your senses, just like my husband did."

Andrea's low voice is like a fusion of darkness.


Ok, April is over.

The plan I originally planned was to end in April, but the progress was delayed due to some accidents. But I promise that May will definitely be officially finished... Probably.

The length of the book exceeded my expectations, and the ending was a lot more troublesome to deal with. It is beyond my ability to solve all the questions and plots in front.

However, I still intend to end the story before the total number of words reaches 3 million words. After all, dragging is not interesting, and it is not my style.

Then, I wish you a happy holiday on May Day. If you have time, it will be better to vote for me. After all, it is the last (laugh).

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