War in Heaven

Chapter 1240: Crisis night

The game authority's van turned a corner, followed the path set by the blood blade, and left the Tongshan South Road to the city center.

Under the interference of Frankenstein, the cameras on Tongshan South Road did not capture their traces, and the security robots that were killed did not record any useful content.

"What did you find?" Lin Chi reached out and knocked on the steel plate behind the driver's seat.

"No followers were found." The sound of Frankenstein came from the back compartment: "They left."

"Continue to pay attention, they may still follow us." Lin Chi reminded.

"I am detecting." The sound of Frankenstein seems to be somewhat dissatisfied.


Lin Chi turned back and continued to look at the night scene outside the window. The voice of the blood blade came from the side:

“Is the Oasis Army the one in the game?”

"Yes." Lin nodded. "It’s those guys who performed the kidnapping."

"The AI ​​in the game will come to reality..." The **** blade bowed his head and blinked: "This is really... too dangerous."

"It is really dangerous for you." Lin Chi looked at the "girl" sitting next to him.

Judging from the extreme contrast of the blood blade, she should always follow the principle that “the virtual world is completely incompatible with the real world”, and then she will fly in the game and use cruel means to kill.

However, the emergence of the Oasis Army broke the concept of the blood blade, and she felt "absolutely safe" and there was a crack.

- If you are an NPC in the game, start borrowing exoskeletons or robots in large quantities and be active in the real world. Those who have been abused by the blood blade may come to revenge.

"They...should not find me, probably." The **** blade shook his head and held his arms and stared at the neon lights outside the window: "The identity data of the residents are concentrated in the encrypted archives, they can't find me. ”

"Don't forget how bad the data security is now." Lin Chi smiled: "Our private data is being resold everywhere, and the price of one may not be ten."

"It won't be so clever." The blood blade looks like it doesn't care: "NPCs similar to the Oasis Army are, after all, a minority, and it's impossible to come to reality."

"Yeah, but there is still a serious problem." Lin Chi raised his right hand and pointed to the rear compartment: "Mr. Zhou sitting behind, I am afraid I can't help it."

The black van quickly arrived at the underground car park near Zhou Tianhao's home. At midnight, except for them, there are only guard robots that do not have a recording function installed.

"I know everything..."

Zhou Tianhao walked out from the rear compartment, and under the illumination of the car, his face turned out to be a strange white, as if he had just resurrected the body: "It is the NPC in "War of War" that came to reality, and then made this kind of thing. ?"

"Yes." Lin Chi did not hide the truth: "Those people are indeed out of the game."

"I will report to the above truthfully, the domestic server of this game does not want to continue to operate." Zhou Tianhao is still in a state of anger: "There will be such a thing, this game must be finished!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zhou." The **** blade said weakly: "This is not so good? We are still playing..."

"You are too courageous?" Zhou Tianhao almost shouted: "This game is like this ghost, you still want to continue playing? When you can’t get out of it, you might have to lose it in your life. inside!"

"No, no, no, it’s not just playing." Lin Chi shook his head immediately: "We have other things, right?"

While talking, he glanced at the **** blade, and the woman with red eyes was immediately aware of it, and nodded very tacitly:

"Yes, we have some plans."

"You must be crazy." Zhou Tianhao looked at the blood blade: "I will not let you take risks."

"Brother, let them go?" the girl sitting in the back compartment whispered: "If you don't have them, I probably already..."

"It is because of this that I can't let them take this risk." Zhou Tianhao put his fist on the outer shell of the van: "You are completely looking for death, I will not agree!"

"Do you mean that the negotiations broke down?" Lin Chi looked at his old classmates.

"This kind of thing has nothing to say." Zhou Tianhao's attitude is very firm: "War Heaven" must be shut down immediately, otherwise those **** NPCs will appear in reality, if they have a big disaster, they are exposed by the media. In front of the public, don't say that this game, the entire brain imaging game circle, all have to play together!"

"I understand your concerns." Lin Chi said seriously: "But I promise that after the next game, whether it is the robot controlled by the NPC or the organization of the "Oasis Army" will cease to exist."

"Are you sure?" Zhou Tianhao looked at him suspiciously: "What the **** are you doing recently?"

"I am very sure." Lin Chi said one word at a time.

Seeing Lin Chi’s attitude is very tough, Zhou Tianhao also silenced for a moment, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then:

"It still doesn't work. I can't make a bet on the whole society. If things continue to expand, there may be a large-scale tragedy!"

"I said it wouldn't be like that..." The blood-blade hands clasped together.

"Even if you say so, I can't let this kind of thing continue." Zhou Tianhao said and pulled out the phone: "The game has threatened the real world, I must stop it -"

"There is no way." Lin Chi said with a snap.

The Frankenstein, who had been stuck in the carriage, suddenly jumped out of the car, and dragged Zhou Tianhao’s sister out, and Zhou Tianhao’s plan to dial the hand suddenly stopped.

“What are you going to do?” Zhou Tianhao stared at the glass mask of the welcome robot.

"I received Lin Chi's instructions. Once the negotiations broke down, I immediately destroyed the car." Frankenstein said that he shook the sharp iron piece in his left hand and said coldly: "There is still time to repent."

"You are threatening me?" Zhou Tianhao turned his head and turned his eyes to Lin Chi who stood by.

"I told you, don't say my name." Lin Chi sighed.

"I won't be back," Frankenstein said loudly.


Lin was a step forward and stood in front of Zhou Tianhao. His eyes were not as good as his old classmates:

"Before you tear your face, let's talk again, how about? Look at my help to save your sister, don't do anything, how do you feel?"

"Kid, are you itchy skin?" Zhou Tianhao bit his teeth.

Having said that, his expression is still a bit hesitant: if the special vehicle of the Game Authority is damaged, he not only has to pay compensation for the loss of nearly one million yuan, but he is also likely to be jailed.

Even for Zhou Tianhao, who hates hatred, the price is too big to be considered. Seeing each other is hesitating, Lin Chi said:

"Let the game continue to operate, nothing happened tonight, how?"

"You have a problem with your brain..." Zhou Tianhao bowed his head and said with resentment in his voice: "This is completely dead."

"I believe that this time, I will solve this problem." Lin Chi patted Zhou Tianhao's shoulder: "And, now the game is banned, it is the heart of the Oasis Army."

Hearing this, the **** eyes of the **** eyes seem to be more serious: "The Oasis Army is deliberately planning to let the game be banned? Why are they doing this?"

"Those guys have learned that they are NPCs, and they started to hate the players who are arbitrarily killing in the game. They even hate the whole world. In my opinion, they may be planning to ruin their own while revenge. The world, through the same way, to obtain 'permanent peace'."

Lin Chi said: "But this kind of thing will not last too long, because the end of this organization is coming soon."

"I ask again, are you serious?" Zhou Tianhao looked at Lin Chi's face: "Once it fails, or other accidents happen in advance, I will report everything truthfully. At that time, you will become the one who is referring to sinner……"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter at all." Lin Chi smiled and said: "I don't care what other people think of me, but believe me, the so-called 'Oasis Army' is about to come to an end."

"You are really crazy..."

Zhou Tianhao muttered to himself, looking forward to looking for someone who agrees with his own views. Unfortunately, the others present at the scene seem to be standing on the side of Lin Chi:

"I believe in you." Frankenstein said quietly.

"Me too..." The **** blade looked down at his fingers.

"Brother, don't be so stubborn, just believe him once?" Zhou Tianhao's sister also made a statement.

"You guys are all infected by him?"

Realizing that he became a minority, Zhou Tianhao sighed for a long time, then... grabbed Lin Chi’s collar with force:

"I will believe you once, when can things be solved?"

"I promise that it will be resolved after the second invitational tournament." Lin Chi answered immediately.

"Don't forget that you may be carrying some people's lives in your hands." Zhou Tianhao whispered: "If you fail, let things expand further, then you will become murderers."

"I know." Lin nodded.

"Okay, okay!" Zhou Tianhao let go of his hand, with obvious irritability in his voice: "I will hide this matter for a while, just look at you. Now I have to go back and get the car back..."

- Successful!

Upon hearing this, Lin Chi and the blood blade looked at each other and saw a smile on the other's face.

"Don't stay at home recently, go to the dormitory." Lin Chi reminded: "The suggestive procedures in your home may still be there."

"I will apply to live in school." Zhou Tianhao's sister also agreed: "The house is too dirty, you are really lazy..."

"What makes me lazy? I don't have time, okay!"

Zhou Tianhao’s face was so mad that he sat in the driver’s seat and closed the door. He said, “You stay at home for one night and apply for the school tomorrow. There are a few of you who are going home soon, not too early. It is."

"I know, I wish you all the best." Lin Chi waved his hand and issued a "customer order" to Zhou Tianhao.

Zhou Tianhao quickly drove away and went back to return the expensive special vehicle. After his sister thanked Lin Chi, he turned and went home.

Two brothers and sisters were sent away, Lin Chi, Frankenstein and the **** trio, also left the underground parking lot and returned to the brightly lit streets.

"Let's go home first." Lin Chi looked at the "girl" standing next to him and asked, "Are you okay? Need me to send you home?"

"It doesn't matter, I am not so vulnerable." Bloodblade smiled and bowed to Lin Chi: "Two goodbye, I have to go first..."

"Be careful." Lin Chi called the blood blade that was about to leave: "Zhou Tianhao said yes, the Oasis Army may continue to do things. Are you living alone?"

"Yes." The blood blade nodded and answered the question of Lin Chi honestly: "I live alone."

"In this case, how about taking a rest for my family first?" Lin Chi said his proposal: "Look at the situation first. If there is no abnormality, it is not too late to go home."

When the words came out, the blood blade had not answered yet, and the Frankenstein suddenly kicked Lin Chi.

"What are you doing?" Lin Chi frowned and looked at the glass mask of the welcome robot.

"I am driving the mosquitoes." The Frankenstein's answer was well-founded, and Lin Chi could not refute it.


I witnessed the communication mode of the two people, and the **** blade grinned and laughed. I very much agreed with Lin Chi’s proposal:

"Well, that will be bothering you tonight, ‘Mr. Champion’.”

"Don't call me that..." Lin sighed and stared at the **** face with a smile on his face: "Are you beginning to show your nature?"

"No? I have always been like this." The blood blade immediately denied: "You must have read it wrong."

- So, what did this guy experience in the game before it turned into the notorious "virtual killer"?

Lin Chi secretly speculated at the same time, stopped an "old driver" to automatically drive a taxi, the other two immediately sat in the back seat, and drove to the community where Lin Chi's home.

"Hey, I always want to ask... Who are you?" The **** blade looked at the welcome robot sitting next to him: "Why should I use this body for remote control?"

The Frankenstein did not make a sound, as if he did not intend to answer. Sitting in the front row of Lin Chi, casually compiled a common lie:

"This guy is my friend. I am still lying in the hospital bed. Because I can't move freely, I have been accompanying me in this way."

"Oh? Really?" The **** blade blinked and looked sideways at the white shell of the welcome robot: "I was the first time I saw a welcome robot with such a flexible movement. It was really amazing."


Frankenstein is still silent.

"Excuse me, can I touch it?" The **** blade tentatively asked: "This body is also very interesting..."

Under the harassment of the **** blade, the Frankenstein finally couldn't help it. In his usual cold voice, he said the simple and rude seven words:

"Don't touch me, he is lying."

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