War in Heaven

Chapter 466: The battle of the Colosseum

When Lin Chi returned to reality from the illusion, the time inside the game seemed to have a short stagnation, and even the death of the sickle was stopped in the air in front.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Chi is still in a confused state, and a few lines of text appear in front of him:

Start the mission: the dark sword of General Qin.

General Qin has already taught you the correct use of the Dark Sword. Now, please use the Dark Sword to kill a player before leaving this game.

Mission Reward: Special skills to permanently unlock the Dark Sword.

"What a joke?"

Lin Chi, who was in a desperate situation, was about to open up, but his right hand felt a cold touch. When he looked down, he saw a dark, wide-bladed sword. I don’t know when it appeared in his own hands.

what happened?

While getting the dark sword, the oppressive feeling brought by the ancient Roman emperor suddenly disappeared. Lin Chi looked up and saw a figure wearing a light armor, leaving from the other side of the street, leaving only a back.

Although I couldn't see each other's looks from this angle, Lin Chi noticed the red scarf on the guy's neck and the strange outline, which was similar to the previous werewolf.

- General Qin is a werewolf?

I just thought of it here. The introduction of the dark sword has already appeared in front of Lin Chi’s eyes. It is different from the time I got it in the organ city. This time, the special skills of the dark sword finally showed mysterious truth:

Dark sword.

Melee weapons.

Item Level: Legend.

No proficiency is required and requires a minimum strength value of 11. The minimum agility value is required: 12. Agility is required to achieve maximum attack power: 15.

Special skills: slow swordsmanship.

Use the slow sword method to force the enemy into the frame-down state, and cool down for twenty minutes.

Special skills: a sword that does not exist.

The dark sword is invisible in the eyes of the enemy.

Special skills: touched.

After starting, double your running speed until you get out of the enemy's line of sight.

"This strange wide-blade sword is cold and light, giving off the darkness of the naked eye, like coming from another world."

"This is... legendary level?" Lin Chi's eyes widened with surprise.

After the "opening" of General Qin, the dark sword evolved directly from the epic weapon to the legendary level, and also directly unlocked three new skills, completely out of the wood.

Now it seems that the legendary "Wu Shen" in the official city is really worthy of the name!

- I am holding a legendary weapon, and the enemy can't see it at all!

Realizing this, Lin Chi also decisively stood up and raised the dark sword to the death in front of him.

When he got up, the time around him suddenly resumed, and the enemy who had been unable to get up suddenly stood up. The **** of death did not hesitate to wave the sickle and cut it to Lin’s neck.

The speed of death is so fast that the naked eye can't see it. With Lin's current attribute value, he will be beheaded after 0.2 seconds. But... the dark sword in his hand that the enemy could not see, suddenly played a role at this moment.

"Slow swordsmanship!"

General Qin’s voice rang in his ear, and the body of the **** of death suddenly settled, and then began to slowly change, just like the frame dropping phenomenon that occurred when playing games with poorly configured computers decades ago.

At the same time, members of the nearby Royal Guards also dropped frames, and each action was like a slow-moving robot. Seeing this scene, the Emperor, who was sitting on the throne, said: "Kill him!"

As the ultimate boss of the BOSS, he was not affected by the "slow swordsmanship", but the dignity of being the king did not immediately kill the enemy, but continued to give orders to the men.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Chi also immediately launched another special skill of the Dark Sword - "touched." Like a cheetah, he went out and the whole person turned into a vague afterimage, and disappeared all the way to the end of the street.

In the case that the attribute value is crushed, Lin Chi is not naive to intend to use the dark sword to single out two BOSS, but not to say that he is directly running. After all, except for him, there are only three players left. If you kill the last three players, you can complete the killing conditions of the murderer and leave the game directly!

Until Lin Chichong crossed the corner of the street, the death of the slow swordsman and the Royal Guards soldiers finally returned to normal, and the black robe death immediately started, chasing the past in the direction of Lin Chi.

As the BOSS war reminds: "Before one of them is completely destroyed, it will not be able to break away from the battle." Even though Lin Chi left the sight of the **** of death and the Roman emperor, the **** of death is still chasing after him, and the dark figure appears soon. Behind Lin Chi. The effect of the skill that has just disappeared from him is started again, and the running speed is doubled immediately.

Lin Chi, who was the avatar of the Germanic madman, ran in front, and the black robe died in the back, and the simple and violent chase broke out on the streets of the Colosseum.

"Don't run..." The low and hoarse voice of Death sounded through the city, as if suppressing anger: "You...nothing...the glory of the soldiers?"

"This is really not."

Lin Chi did not say back, continued to run wildly on the street, the air waves brought out when running, the bodies that fell on the streets were blown up, and the broken limbs were flying in the sky, as if they were starting. A **** rain.

Although his attributes are much lower than death, the speed of running with "touching" makes Lin run faster than death. This time, even if a large number of white bones are "grown" on the road again, it is impossible to stop the pace of Lin Chi.


The Germanic king with four arms directly slammed into the bone wall that was raised in front of him, and turned a corner at the crossroad ahead, rushing to the south of the city he had not been to.

- The three fish that slip through the net are likely to be in the south of the Colosseum. Just kill them and you will become the ultimate winner!


With the high endurance value and the best effort to move forward, Lin Chi issued a violent roar, trying to attract the attention of other players.

At the end of the street ahead, the outline of the square arena is expanding rapidly. A horror building made of reddish metal and covered with spikes appears in Lin Chi’s sight.

Then, a guy who was a tall man suddenly stopped in the middle of the road and shouted: "I am..."

Lin Chi had no time to pay attention to the self-introduction of the goods, and even did not see what the other party looked like, and flew directly from the person.

The player’s lines have not been finished, and he saw another dark shadow that has already appeared in front of his own eyes.

The cruel death swept past the road and directly harvested the player who tried and Lin "single-handedly". A line of extra-clear textual hints appeared in Lin Chi’s line of sight that had begun to blur because of the speed.

- Player "Beowulf" has died! The remaining three survivors of this game, in order to facilitate you to kill, now all players' positions will be displayed on the small map until the last person is left, I wish you a happy hunting.

At the same time as the prompt appeared, Lin Xiao’s small map appeared three red dots. In addition to the red dot that marked his position, the other two red dots appeared on the south side of the city, and – the top right north.

Confirmed the position of the enemy, Lin Chi's face was dignified, whispered: "Well..."

- Now that Death is still chasing itself, the player in the south can handle it directly, but the players in the north are too far away from themselves. Whether they can catch up is a problem.

Perhaps because of anger, the speed of death is getting faster and faster. There are also bone walls and blood swamps on the front streets. It is almost impossible to accomplish the task of killing the north side of the city. !

Really no way?

Realizing that the situation is not good, Lin Chi continued to do his best to rush to the location of the player in the south of the city, directly using the dark sword to kill a female player who was still slaughtering the surviving Roman soldiers.

Then... Death finally caught up.

Lin Chi had not had time to turn around and head to the north of the city, and the body was suddenly surrounded by the coldness of the bones. The murderousness of the monks is icy cold, like countless small steel needles, piercing his body from all directions.

The **** of death wrapped in a black robe floated forward, and a white gas spurted out of the mouth under the hood. The giant sickle in his hand drawn a curve of death, without a fancy cross cut, and cut to Lin Chi’s chest.

The inevitable death... will arrive after zero and five seconds.

Even so, Lin Chi will not sit still.

He threw the warhammer that had been clenched in the hand behind him, and the artifact given by Odin flew to the body of death.

If in the realm of death, this kind of attack can be ignored. But now, in order to pursue the "sacrificial offering" of escape, the **** of death has long since departed from his field.

The flying warhammer expanded rapidly in sight. The death that was rushing forward was too late to dodge. The hammer that was thrown directly at a very close distance was smashed. The hammer that seemed to be less eye-catching hit him directly on his chest. Black robe. then……


The blue and white electric light broke out an incredible roar, and the air wave blew the Lin Chi, who was rushing forward, and a lightning column descending from the sky instantly swallowed the dark body of the **** of death.

Even the gods who are in charge of death can't resist the anger of Quake!

Lin Chi, who was blown up, had a lingering look back at the "nuclear explosion" that occurred on the streets behind him.

Even standing in a safe area, his body was still burnt in half during the explosion. If it weren't for the power of the Germanic king, Lin Chi would have died.

At this time, all the buildings within a square kilometer have been smashed into dense slags, and the lightning continues to bombard the ground and evaporate all the material in the area.

The trap of Quin, which Odin borrowed from his son Thunder Thor, is even more ferocious than the gungun Kun Gunier!

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi could not help but suspect that the **** of death has hung up. It was a pity that after only two seconds, he was disappointed to see the dark shadow of the ghost, floating out of the thunder.

The death that was slammed by the hammer of Thor, although not directly destroyed, became quite wolf. The black cloak on his body became more ruined, and his body was shrunk by half. The sickle in his hand had disappeared, leaving only the incomplete bones, protruding from the wide cuffs of the robes.

"Oh... ah ah..."

There was painful suffocation in the chest of death, apparently not hurt. In the face of the weapons used by the Nordic gods, even if he is not dead, he is almost unable to support it.

However, even if it becomes such a disappointing look, Death has not forgotten its goal:

"I am... the servant of the emperor, I must eradicate... the barbarians."

"You are quite loyal." Lin Chi smiled and smiled, clenching the dark sword in his hand: "Is there any interest in changing a master?"

He has to say that the **** of death, such a loyal, and powerful guy, is definitely a good candidate to follow. Unfortunately, it is obviously impossible for the other party to be taken down by him.

The black robes that are burning on the body quickly shrink, and the white bones on the face begin to shatter. The broken death did not answer Lin Chi’s question, but swooped over and made the last strength, and extended his bones to catch Lin’s head.

In the face of this BOSS's last blow, Lin Chi did not continue to escape as before, but raised the dark sword to meet, waving the weapon that the enemy could not see, and slashed to the head of the **** of death!


The black light flashed, and the last blow of the two monsters came to an end in an instant.

Lin Chi, who was twisted off his left arm by the **** of death, fell to the ground with a bad center of gravity. The death of the black robe also fell on the other side. The body that lost the head began to weather rapidly, and the gray ashes dissipated into the air.

The BOSS battle "Death" has ended, taking 13 minutes and 28 seconds.

Congratulations to the player "reverse" to win the first kill of the BOSS, and refreshed the BOSS's fastest kill record!

You get the achievement "Elder's Eldridge!" Your special skill "Slaughter Engine" has been upgraded to level 2.

You get a hundred prestige value, a hundred points to control the points.

Slaughter engine, level 2 (passive skills).

The duration of all active skills you trigger now will be extended by 25%.

"Drinking this bottle of medicine, the hunters will have unlimited physical strength in a short period of time." - "Monster Hunter Hunting Guide."

"Ha ha..."

Seeing the end of the BOSS battle finally appeared, Lin Chi, who had already exhausted, looked at the dark sword in his hand. Just standing up and moving to the north side of the city, you will see the throne of the human bones, and rise again from the street ahead.

The voice of the emperor’s voice sounded: “Barbarian, do you know what you did?”

"Ha..." Lin was slowly standing up: "So you have to kill me by yourself?"

He knew that he was no longer able to escape from the emperor in the state of losing Quake and being seriously injured.

In this way, this game is almost over...

Just when Lin Chi gave up his resistance completely, he suddenly noticed that the last red dot on the map flashed aside except himself, and then slowly darkened.

What followed was a death reminder of a line that "has come as early as it is a coincidence":

The player "big dictator" has died!

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