War in Heaven

Chapter 512: traitor

Even if there is no research on the "cosmetic sorcerer", Lin Chi has to admit that after the dressing and makeup, the Jane seems to have changed.

The pearls inlaid on the robes are shining, and the scepter in the hand carries a sense of oppression. The so-called "people rely on clothes and horses to saddle" is different from the previous "village aunt", and now the cherished hands and feet, actually reveal the emperor's temperament.

The blonde maid standing on the side whispered a few words to Zhen, and looked up at Lin Chi, reminding me: "Please come with me."

Following the guardian’s commander out of the Queen’s residence and returning to the open space in front of the Ice Blue Castle, Lin Chi looked back at the several “maids” behind him and curiously asked: “The guards are all dressed in maid costumes. Beauty?"

"This is the hobby of Her Majesty," the blonde woman explained.

"Oh?" Lin Chi picked up his eyebrows and looked at Jane, who was walking beside him: "Your hobby is not ordinary..."

"Oh, don't ridicule me..." Jane said with a sigh of relief, turned his head and ignored him.

During the talk, they have followed the members of the guards, stepped on the glorious steps ahead, and walked over to the upper level of the castle.

Looking at the vivid murals on the walls on both sides, Lin Chi looked up at the golden gate at the top and began to quickly sort out the current situation:

The task written in the contract is to "enter the court." However, this meeting is probably not in Wang Ting, but in a place similar to the reception room.

Judging from the attitude of the guards, the people the Queen wants to meet this time are obviously not fuel-efficient lamps. If it is found by the other party that the situation is not correct, it may lead to catastrophic consequences. Only by helping them get away with it can they be qualified to move freely in the castle, that is to say...

"It depends on you this time." Lin Chi said to the girl around her.

"Yes, please don't be nervous." Next to Rodier added.

When they heard them, Jane’s face was paler, and the pace at her feet was somewhat vain. It seemed to be nervous.

Lin Chi can understand her condition. After all, she suddenly becomes a "Queen" and no one is used to it. However, for Jane, it should be quickly accustomed to this feeling, because...

"Don't forget that this is your dream." Lin Chi whispered.

Rodier frowned at the confusion, apparently did not understand his meaning, but Jane immediately understood, a grateful expression on the small face, nodded without hesitation.

——This space is nothing more than a fantasy created by Jane who likes the “fantasy world”. When she was unable to move in her bed, she had imagined herself as the queen of the castle many times.

Therefore, for the role of playing the Queen, she is actually a familiar, skilled and can no longer be skilled!

Realizing this, Jane has finally relaxed a lot and started to quickly enter the show.

The maids of the guards quickly found that the girl who was still uncomfortable suddenly seemed to be changing someone...

The original timid appearance disappeared, replaced by a confident full smile, completely without the previous restraint, the girl's handsome appearance, but it is very similar to the original Queen.

Seeing this scene, Rodier’s expression was a little bit awkward. After a while, he asked slowly: “You...shall it’s not Her Majesty’s own?”

"No, I don't know how the Queen here treats people." Jane smiled and reached out and touched the cheek of the "maid" around him: "So please continue to advise after the meeting..."

Seeing that this "temporary actor" has begun to adapt to the role, the members of the Guards team face each other with a smile on their faces. The maid who walked in the forefront stood in front of the golden gate at the end of the passage and pushed open the seemingly heavy door.

Then appeared in the eyes of everyone, is a living room that is equally luxurious.

The radiance of the magic candles that never go out on the walls on both sides reflects the obsidian floor of the living room. The walls are neatly displayed with dozens of decorative silver armor. The throne on the inside of the house is not known to be cast with metal. , flashing a faint deep blue light.

In the center of the living room is a large rectangular wooden table with palm trees on both sides. At least one hundred people can sit around the table. On the long wooden table, there are all kinds of strange foods that can't be named, and a crystal cup filled with pink "beverages".

“Is this a reception room or a cafeteria?” Lin Chi spit.

"The Queen's Majesty is pursuing that 'everyone is a guest', so she will always receive guests at the national banquet level." Rodier said that the two guards around him were helping the girl to sit on the throne, then reached out and pointed. An armor on the wall:

"Please come in," she said.

"Ah?" Lin Chi did not respond to the time.

"As everyone knows, the Queen is a good woman, so the guards and the attendants around them will never have male members." Rodier explained: "In order to avoid doubts, please temporarily avoid them in your armor."

"This ‘good girl’ is really...” Lin Chi complained.

"Not me, it is the Queen's fault..." Jane blushed with a red face.

Although his mouth was very vocal about Jane's hobby, Lin Chi went into the armor that Rodier pointed out, opened the dark door next to it, stood in the armor with two meters high, and the line of sight suddenly turned into darkness.

He groped in the armor, finally found a peephole, opened the metal door, a slit in front of the eyes, just to observe the situation in the living room.

At this time, the empress of the Queen was sitting on the throne, and Rodier was yelling at her. Some of the guards’ maids entered the reception room, and when they saw the **** the throne, they were surprised. expression.

Because the Queen here is her other personality, the similarity between Jane and the Queen is almost 100%. Don't talk about outsiders. Even the members of the guards who have been with the Queen are completely invisible.

In this way, the probability of her getting away with the customs has increased by a few points. As long as there are not too many mistakes, it should be no problem to fool the guests...

So now, let's see how Jane's performance is.

As the meeting time became closer, there were some attendants and servants entering the living room. As Rodier said, the staff here were all women and could not see a man at all.

Lin Chi soon realized that, except for the guards outside the castle, after entering the castle, all the women who appeared in their sights were not seen by a man.

- Is this girl a lily lover? If Jane really likes a woman, what about the omnipotent gentleman "Vincent" in the apartment space?

Lin Chi was thinking about it and heard the heavy door of the living room with the heavy friction and began to open to the inside.

He turned his gaze to the front door and saw a man in a white fur robes, under the guard of two black armor warriors, striding into the glorious living room.

"Her Majesty! Long time no see." The man opened his arms to make a hug, and the thin face was hung with a kind smile.

This person's face is sharp and angular, and can be described as handsome. The hair is meticulously combed to the back, wearing a silver crown on the forehead. On the chest of the white robe, painted with a black cross coat of arms.

Even Lin Chi, who is also a man, has to admit that this guy is really handsome, but also reveals a "reliable" atmosphere, which looks completely like a bad guy. but--

"He shouldn't be..."

Just thinking of a possibility, Jane’s next sentence confirms Lin’s judgment:

“Welcome Sir Vincent to visit.”

The little empress was still sitting on the throne, and there was no intention of welcoming the guests. The two maids of the guards came forward and directed Vincent to sit at the table.

- So, this person really is the legendary "Vincent"?

The first time I saw the "perfect gentleman" in Jane Fantasy, Lin Chi stared at the wide back of the man's shoulder and looked at it for a while. The text of the bleeding red suddenly appeared in the line of sight:

Vincent, heroic NPC (leadership level), can not be recruited.

"This product is a BOSS?"

Realizing that the situation is not simple, Lin Chi, who stood in the armor, began to dignify.

Obviously, Vincent in this space is not the "perfect gentleman" in the legendary to the extreme, but it is probably the hostile role of the Queen. This guy looks very amiable on the surface, but it may be just a fake mask he disguised.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi also continued to observe Vincent's move. Under his gaze, the gentleman with a high value sat at the table, picked up the crystal cup on the table, and then suddenly asked:

"Her Majesty, how did the last good reward come? The farmers in my territory are not ready to eat, they need seeds now."

As soon as this was said, Lin Chi’s eyes narrowed and his heart slowly raised a hint of ominous premonition:

- Is this guy so direct?

It stands to reason that those who dare to speak with the Queen in this tone have long been unloaded. But from the situation of Vincent, he should not have done this for the first time, but always used this tone to communicate with the Queen.

Can it be said that the "jazz" in this space is not the kind of character that he imagined, but the existence of the level with the Queen?

Lin Chi was guessing, and he heard Jane replied: "You should also get the news. We have just had a flu out here, and there are no extra resources."

At this time, Jane has completely entered the role of the Queen, sitting on the throne and staring at Vincent's face coldly. The tone of speech is very gentle, but there is a murderous voice in the voice: "Please do not ask. unacceptable."

Even if the Queen’s attitude is clear, Vincent does not have the meaning of concession, put down the cup in his hand, and screams a dangerous declaration:

"I was thinking that I have always chosen to support the Queen, is it wrong?"

After hearing this, Lin Chi sighed silently, and there was only one thought in his heart:

- Is this goods looking for death?

"Please pay attention to your words." Standing on the side of the Queen's side, Rodier stepped forward and pressed his right hand on the scabbard at the waist: "Don't forget, you are now in the territory of Her Majesty."

In the face of the guards of the guards, Vincent still has no tension at all, just a calm smile: "Her Majesty is such a hospitality?"

"Your words are not inferior." Jane frowned slightly.

"Why am I doing this, Her Majesty should be the clearest?" Vincent said with a deep cough: "Don't forget, who you are supporting with the throne..."

"I don't want to discuss this topic right now. If you are talking about this, please come back." Jane did not hesitate to go down the order.

Seeing the situation in the living room became more and more strange, Lin Chi quietly clenched the iron bars in his hands and prepared for the battle.

He can see that Vincent is not simply coming to collect debts, it is likely to intend to launch a rebellion directly.

If this is the case, the two guards he carried were suspicious:

Lin Chi turned his eyes to the two black armor soldiers who had been standing next to Vincent. They noticed that the two soldiers who were heavy and did not reveal any inch of skin, standing in the same motion, motionless, looked Unlike humans, it is more like the decorative armor on both sides of the living room.

- Are they really human?

Realizing that the two guards were not quite right, Lin Chi wanted to remind the members of the guards in the living room, but he stood in the armor, but he could not do anything.

If you expose your position now, the battle in the living room is estimated to break out immediately. So what you need now is an opportunity...

"Her Majesty, you really don't understand why you are rebellious?" Vincent, sitting at the table, rudely put his feet on the table: "Why did you rule a country, why did you fall into the dwelling?" In this castle? I think you should be very clear."

"There is still such a setting?" Lin Chi thought secretly.

The problem that even the members of the Guards did not expect was clearly beyond the scope of the interim actor's answer. She slowly shook her head: "I don't understand."

Looking at the calm appearance of the Queen, Vincent suddenly stood up, the handsome face twisted, and the expression of embarrassment emerged:

"It is because of you that the kingdom will decline. This country needs a tyrant, and you are sadly faint!"

"The meeting is over, please leave immediately." Rodier pulled out the dagger and strode forward and stood in front of Vincent.

She was about to continue drinking and let Vincent leave, only to find that the two guards behind the guy had a vague whiteness.

"This is... Necromancer!"

When he noticed the change of the black armor, Rodier’s face changed greatly and screamed: “Quickly escorted the Queen’s Majesty to leave!”

"It's too late..." Vincent stood up, his eyes flashing like a fierce light: "Your sad life... will end here!"

With his voice, the magnificent living room suddenly lost its color, followed by a dull snoring.

The second "sound wave" after Lin arrived at the castle began to attack.

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