War in Heaven

Chapter 517: Stimulation therapy

After the officer came to a small metal wall room and was pressed by two nurses on the icy chair, Lin Chi asked: "Can you restore my body? Well, let me walk on my own." ""

During the conversation, Lin Chi opened his own status bar with an idea and observed the attribute value of the body.

Now his power is 20 points, agility 19 points, endurance 21, and luck is 15 points.

Lin Chi can see that the "elite soldier" vest that he used this time, after adding the attribute value of the personal skill tree, the attribute value has far exceeded the ordinary "opening role".

The problem is that his muscles are still not working, and the attribute value is no longer useful. In this state, it is not an elite soldier. Even if Rambo and the governor personally go out, there is no way to complete the anti-kill escape. Live.

Only by trying to restore your body will you have the opportunity to save it.

However, the officer obviously will not agree to him so easily:

"Soldier, I know that you are very weak now. But only after the memory mask is lifted and you are sure that your consciousness is normal, we can provide medicine to restore your body." The officer smiled and patted Lin Chi's shoulder: "Don't worry. ”

Despite the amiable sympathy of the other side, Lin Chi heard a hint of distrust from the voice of the guy. The officer in charge of the experiment was obviously not a fool, but also considered the possibility of a sudden renegade of the test article.

"I understand." Lin Chi nodded and nodded, pretending to have a "understanding support" look.

- Obviously, the officer does not fully trust himself now. If he discovers his rebellious heart, he may be killed immediately, or he may be brainwashed.

All in all, if you still want to save the treasure, you must find ways to restore strength and get weapons without being noticed.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi pretended to look around inadvertently, glanced at the round camera hanging in the corner of the wall and whispered, "Can I go to the bathroom?"

Upon hearing this, the officer gave a look to the two nurses next to him. The two men once again helped the weak Lin Chi and took him back to the circular corridor to the plastic door of the bathroom.

Looking at the two nurses who were planning to help themselves into the bathroom, Lin Chi smiled and said: "Can you leave me some privacy? I just want to go to the bathroom."

"Please solve it within five minutes, otherwise we will be very difficult." The nurse standing on the left said to open the door of the bathroom. After Lin entered the bathroom, he gently closed the door.

The light bulb embedded in the ceiling casts a dim light, and the smell of disinfectant water floats in the toilet, just like the one that has just been cleaned.

Lin Chi dragged his weak body into the bathroom. He first looked up at the ceiling and determined that there was no obvious monitor. He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

—— Even this kind of military hospital should not be mad at the installation of monitors in the toilet. Although there is also the possibility of installing a pinhole camera, it can't be managed so much now.

He lowered his head and groped in the gray pocket of his sick pocket, and found a crumpled note.

After switching the map, the observer's contract book has changed again, and this time the paper is written, it should be the last part of the recruitment task:

"Enter the secret facilities in the center of the ring zone and rescue the experimental body inside."

- It seems that the body in the center of the ring ward that I woke up should be Jane's body is right. As long as you can save the treasure here, and then find a way to escape the birth day, the recruitment task can be completed!

Realizing this, Lin slowly bent down and began to look for the "thing" he needed on the bathroom wall.

Looking down and not finding the power outlet on the wall, Lin raised his head and focused his attention on the light bulb at the top of the ceiling.

In the case of muscle recovery, in order to quickly return to normal, in addition to the use of drugs, there is another immediate method, that is, electric shock.

Patients who do not get out of bed for a long time sometimes use electric shock equipment to stimulate the muscles during the rehabilitation exercise, so that the muscles can quickly recover. Today, some electric gymnastics suits that can exercise muscles have appeared in some gyms.

That being said, the electric shock to stimulate the muscles needs to be done under the correct voltage and frequency. The direct and rude "touching the door" may not achieve similar effects, and may even be life-threatening.

But now, Lin Chi has no time to worry about that kind of problem.

In order to quickly restore the state of the muscles, electric shock is undoubtedly the most efficient and fast method, as for danger... even if it fails, it is just the virtual space of the game.

Lin Chi knows very well that if he drags on, Jane may be "handled" by the horrible executioners or transferred to other bases and warehouses. By then, his recruitment plan will fail completely!

"Try it then..."

With this in mind, Lin Chi walked into a compartment next to him, stood up on the toilet and raised his right hand, and began to try to reach out to the bulb above his head.

The location of the light bulb is farther away from the toilet. Although it can be easily reached by holding the plastic plate of the compartment, it is impossible to make it by Lin’s current muscle state. "Difficult action."


He whispered a sigh, standing on the edge of the toilet and trying to reach out to the light bulb, but still had a distance of about 20 cm.

"Hello, are you?" The voice of the nurse sounded outside the door.

"Let's wait, I am a little constipated."

At the same time as the nonsense, he once again raised his toes and tried to reach the power supply. then--


Lin Chi's weak body slipped down from the toilet, and fell heavily on the smooth tile floor of the bathroom. A dull pain under the body seemed to restore the muscles.

"what happened?"

When they heard the noise in the room, the two nurses immediately opened the door and rushed into the bathroom. When they saw Lin Wei’s wolverine on the ground, they did not immediately come up to help, but they stopped at the same place:

“What are you doing?” One of the nurses with short hair made a low voice, as if there was a murderous murder: “Is it going to commit suicide?”

"No, I just tried the difficult stool movement, and then I fell." Lin Chi was a serious nonsense.

"Don't you take off your pants?" The nurse next to the ponytail picked up his dark brown eyes and his voice was full of suspiciousness.

Lin Chi was completely in no mood to continue this meaningless dialogue, but she slowly climbed up. Some of her sorry scratched her head and smiled:

"Can you wait any longer? I still need a few minutes."

The voice has not fallen, the two nurses have pulled out the dark short stick from under the white coat, pressed the switch on the side of the rubber stick, the front end of the short stick flashed blue and white electric light, and at the same time issued a dangerous buzz.

"Please don't resist, let us go." The short-haired nurse standing on the left said.

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