War in Heaven

Chapter 526: In-game AI development

Lin opened the post and only looked at the first line of text, and then narrowed his eyes with interest, and fell into thought:

"Hello everyone, I am from the Shadow Knife of the Fish Raiders group, and the "War of War" is a beta player."

Although the name sounds like an unreliable atmosphere, the fish-racing team is also a well-known organization in the game circle.

This Raiders team has produced a number of single-game puzzle games, known for its speed and high quality. It has even set a record for the world's fastest customs clearance of the "Resident Evil 15" nightmare mode. Their limit speed is up to one month. After being broken.

Before Lin Chi formed the team, the fish-racing team also threw an olive branch to him. However, Lin Chi refused because of the "time limit is too tight."

If Lin Chi did not remember correctly, there is indeed a guy named ID "Shadow Knife" in the fish Raiders group, responsible for in-depth study of the game story, and write a detailed story of the later story.

——So, the fish-racing team that is good at analyzing the plot has already extended its reach into the game of War Heaven.

Realizing this, Lin Chi also came to the mood and immediately began to read the following:

"In the brain imaging game now, the hottest rookie is undoubtedly the "War of Heaven" that has just been launched. The author's fish-racing team, after experiencing the game, also has a strong interest in the game. After all, this kind of drama-ridden big escape game is rare in current brain imaging games.

Generally speaking, because the development difficulty is much larger than that of the ordinary game, there are few complicated plots in the brain imaging game. The previous multiplayer killing games also throw a group of players to the same map. In the middle, directly carry out the brutal killing. It is very rare to add a lot of NPCs, missions and special plot killing games like War Heaven. ”

Recalling several similar games that I have played before, Lin Chi fully agrees with the Shadow Knife.

- It is undoubtedly very difficult to establish a virtual space directly in the player's consciousness. The development of intra-brain imaging games is more difficult than the old-fashioned computer and console games.

Even by 2035, the difficulty of developing such games has not been reduced. Before the advent of War Heaven, Lin Chi even thought that MMORPGs such as "Swords" were the limits of brain imaging games. .

Turning over the game map of "War of Heaven", Lin Chi turned his attention to the text below, and continued to read the contents of this post of Shadow Knife:

“The author has to say that the complexity of this game is indeed unusual. Each map has special rules set, which makes the chaos increase a bit.

After experiencing dozens of games, fully experience the characteristics of this game. The author has come to the conclusion that this game may not be developed using existing game engines, but rather the product of ‘in-game AI development’! ”

"This conclusion is quite bold..." Lin Chi smiled.

He glanced at the new reply below, and he saw a lot of replies like "a nonsense" and "netTM nonsense."

After all, the legendary "in-game AI development" is basically equivalent to the existence of urban legends in the game world. For the players, it is almost the same as the credibility of "coming in the middle of the night at three o'clock in the mirror." .

——Because the virtual space created by the brain-computer interface can speed up the thinking of people, in addition to playing games, this equipment is also widely used in various mental labor.

Programmers who write in-brain imaging games often make games in virtual space, the so-called "in-game development."

Although the human brain has strong performance, it is bound to be the limit. Ten times the speed of the brain imaging game is basically the limit that human beings can bear. But the acceleration of virtual space goes far beyond this, and can even reach a million times speed.

At this speed, human consciousness will collapse directly. Even if there is a "natural talent", the fierce person can withstand this acceleration. When he returns to the real world, the mental state may also undergo tremendous changes:

- If it is a million times faster, the real world is only a minute away, and the game has passed two years.

Staying in the virtual world for decades, hundreds of years or even thousands of years, the player's thinking mode and personality will definitely change dramatically, and the possibility of becoming a madman is also very high.

However, for AI, this acceleration will not affect their consciousness at all, after all, their consciousness is completely registered in the server, without the constraints of the physical brain.

The speed of the existing advanced AI is linked to the performance of the computer. It can be said to be synonymous with "how big the heart is, how big the stage is."

- Although the level of intelligence of the existing AI, it is impossible to create a reliable game. But a virtual space that only sets "land", empty, is somewhat similar to the original planet before the creature appeared.

If you put artificial intelligence into this primitive area, set a “create the world” task for them, and then start the highest acceleration, what will happen in the end?

This kind of crazy idea is the so-called "in-game AI development."

In fact, this year's AI research is actually in the case of "wearing a dance."

In order to prevent AI from evolving too high intelligence, the development of advanced artificial intelligence in the world is strictly restricted. Even the production team of imaging games in the brain will be supervised by the production team.

Let artificial intelligence be at a million times acceleration, and it is one of the projects that are strictly prohibited.

For this reason, this post has also been regarded by many people as nonsense. However, recalling the story told by the "war observers" to himself, Lin Chi agreed with the inference of the shadow knife.

- If the war observers are not crap, the world of War Heaven may be created by the AI ​​in a million-fold acceleration. Although most of the existing supercomputers cannot achieve this kind of computing speed. but……

"On August 3, 2033, SPACEX's "Falcon" heavy rocket disappeared above the moon. Two commercial satellites carried on the rocket and an experimental quantum computer disappeared into the lunar orbit."

Recalling the information that this Frankenstein had investigated, Lin Chi raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

If it is a quantum computer, it is actually not difficult to accomplish this level of computing. What's more, Pulse Entertainment's launch into space is not just a quantum computer, but also some mysterious devices.

- What the **** is that?

Thinking of the name "black box" provided by Frankenstein, Lin Chi fell into meditation. Then pick up the phone and send a message to the Frankenstein:

"I have something to do with you."

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