War in Heaven

Chapter 535: Frankenstein's assets

Seeing that the Frankenstein was extremely rare, he used an exclamation mark to accentuate his tone. Lin Chi immediately understood that the situation was urgent.

It is undoubtedly very dangerous to let the guy who is always in a dull tone use an exclamation point. Although I still want to continue to investigate in the office area, it is better to retreat now...

Realizing this, Lin Chi began to open the dark door to leave the place, and saw the dark blue light suddenly appearing in the corridor in front.

The harsh noise lingers in the first floor of the office area, a strange object that is constantly twisting, suddenly appearing in the middle of the corridor:

It was a column that was twisting, and the whole body was covered with twisted tentacles. It kept a sound similar to a whimper. Looking at the shape made Lin’s SAN value a few points lower.

"What's the matter?" he muttered in a low voice.

Although he had never seen such a thing in the field, Lin Chi soon noticed that the tentacles of the thing were destroying the floor below and the metal walls on both sides.


The tentacle was drawn on a seemingly indestructible iron-gray metal wall, leaving a shocking scar. Seeing this scene, Lin Chi soon learned the true identity of the thing:

That is a computer virus!

Under normal circumstances, the walls of the office area should not be destroyed. It is similar to the safe house in the game. It can destroy the wall with the firewall function, and it is only a highly lethal computer virus!

- If you encounter this thing, the fake data you are using will definitely be erased directly, and may even be completely deleted. And once the disguise is completely destroyed, your true identity and IP will undoubtedly be directly exposed!

Thinking of this, Lin Chi is also talking about turning around and running, but the virus behind it will obviously not let him go.


Sharp sharp tentacles across the wall, sparks and harsh metal friction, the monster that looks like an uncharacteristic object, smashing the stairs while smashing the data around it!


Seeing that the other side is rushing over, Lin Chi is also decisively accelerating the pace, three steps and two steps up the stairs, and the iron-gray robot passed by.

It was detected that a vicious computer virus appeared inside the office area. The electronic guards who were originally on the second floor patroled without hesitation, and the fire-fighting murder machine suddenly launched a **** battle with the virus that was destroying the first floor.

For a time, the smoke in the wide corridors and the deafening guns passed downstairs. In the field that was set to be "unable to fight", anti-virus programs and viruses played in the wind.

Taking advantage of the security procedures in the office area is fighting the virus, no time to take care of other people's opportunities, Lin Chi is also decisively rushed to the corner of no one, using a master key to open a hidden door, safely exited through the data channel.


A moment of whirl, when Lin Chi’s vision was clear again, the whole person had already appeared in the safe house of Frankenstein.

There was a cold lab around, and the black robe was standing in the corner of the house. What is different from leaving is that this time, in addition to the Frankenstein, there is another person in the hiding place.

It was a silver-haired woman in a red dress. It used a typical beauty module. Although it was very nice, it was a common feature in the field.


Shaking his head and dispelling the feeling of wanting vomiting in his consciousness, Lin Chi took off the metal ring on his neck to protect the data flow, and asked the silver-haired woman who was looking at her:

"Hello, who are you?"

"I am a man, just use a female module." The silver-haired woman said with a beautiful female voice.

"No, I didn't ask your gender." Lin Chi shook his head weakly.

"Hah, I am acting as a hacker DIC." The other party simply reported a pseudonym for work and stepped forward to look at the face of the Lin Chi office worker module: "Your companion entrusted me to save you, so I only Will come here."

"What the **** is going on?" Lin Chi had some unclear thoughts.

Hearing his question, the Frankenstein standing next to him spoke up: "I found someone who was going to invade Pulse Entertainment's network at the same time you invaded."

"Well, that idiot is still a crappy hacker, and our level is far worse. It’s just a mess." The silver-haired woman scorned the grin. "So, his invasion will trigger an internal alarm inside the pulse entertainment network, so that your The situation is becoming dangerous."

Recalling his experience in the office area, Lin Qiao frowned and asked: "Is you exposed the hacker's disguise?"

"Yeah, that chop should be killed by the electronic guards?" The silver-haired woman laughed and then turned around: "But I found that he also brought a 'gift', so I will inform you to leave."

"That's a thank you." Lin Chi thanked the other party.

Although I rarely hang around in the field, Lin Chi still knows a little about the " jargon" inside the hacker:

The so-called "gift" refers to some hackers carrying a powerful virus program with them. Once the location is exposed, they will deliberately release the virus and use the highly destructive virus to fight for their escape time.

In general, the top hackers are pursuing a perfect invasion without leaving any traces. Gifts are only carried by low-end hackers or more idiotic guys.

"Fortunately, I ran fast enough..." he said with emotion.

"Since it's done, it's time to check out." The silver-haired woman turned to the Frankenstein next to her, with a cheerful smile on her face and a right hand to the black robe.

After two seconds, the silver-haired woman who confirmed the payment was waved and smiled at the two people with a smile. "Goodbye." Then he opened the door of the hiding place and the figure disappeared into the light cast outside the door.

Seeing the other party leave, Lin Chi casually asked: "How much did you give him?"

"Fifty thousand dollars." Frankenstein coldly reported a number.

Upon hearing this answer, Lin Chixian was a casual "oh", and it took two seconds to make a confused voice:


"Fifty thousand dollars." The Frankenstein repeated it again: "Is there any problem?"

"Are you so rich?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

He is well aware that TDK-131, a computer virus that has spread around the world, has caused a lot of damage. At that time, many large banks' systems were also invaded by viruses, causing many funds and digital currencies to disappear, and it was impossible to trace what accounts the money was transferred to.

In this way, the Frankenstein may be rich, but the extent of this "rich" obviously exceeds Lin’s expectations...

The black robes raised their right hand and created a pop-up window in the air in front of the body, which contained a string of numbers.

When I saw that number, even Lin Chi, who had never thought much about "making a fortune," was surprised and widened his eyes:


"70 million... dollars? How did you get it?" Lin Chi asked in amazement.

"Federal." The Frankenstein's tone is still as emotional as usual.

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