War in Heaven

Chapter 551: Dead Blood-4

The killing hints are still appearing constantly. This area marks the player's red dot and starts to go out one by one.

There seems to be an unstoppable "boss" that is coming from the south side of the map, and all the players where the thing went are instantly harvested.

"What the hell……"

Despite the vocabulary of this setting, Lin Chi decisively put on the gecko gloves, grabbed the apartment wall and climbed the roof directly, watching the red dot still hiding in the alley, taking the tiger claw hunting knife from the backpack and importing it. bag.

The idiot that was confronting him, as if he hadn't found the situation wrong, still was hiding in the alley and refused to come out, but the guy obviously couldn't think of it, the enemy would launch a raid from the top of his head -

Lin Chi walked lightly on the roof, and the red dot on the map marking his position also began to move forward. He just came to the edge of the roof and heard the sound of gunshots in the alley below.

——I thought that the enemy was the player who came from the apartment. The gun fired on the window of the apartment. At the same time, the dark “death” descended from the sky, and the curved curved knife in the hand ignited a cold light.


It was noticed that the shadow of the shrouded head was expanding rapidly, and the man in the camouflage uniform raised his head and moved the muzzle of the submachine gun upward.

But Lin Qiao’s fall is obviously much faster than his gun. The other party has not been able to raise his arm and has been thrown to the ground by Lin Chi.


The sharp blade of the tiger claw hunting knife cuts the other's throat without mercy, and the wounds spurt a lot of blood. Lin Chi didn't even see what the player looked like, and the person he pressed down turned into a piece of data. Disappeared.

The player "the brain is shaking" is killed by the player "countercurrent"!

After solving the player who threatened himself, Lin Chi focused his attention on the map, only to see that the red spots in this area had all disappeared, leaving only one "single seedling" and flashing on the map.

The players who died there were killed by npc. Seeing the speed of their death, they should have no chance of rebellion, they will be directly destroyed!

Lin Chi knows that no matter what is being attacked, it is not what he can resist now. Not to mention that it is ready, he does not even know the other side's appearance. Even if you rush to fight, you can only end the death!

Realizing this, Lin Chi did not talk about turning around and running, but before he could rush out of the alley, he was blocked by a green light.

What appeared in front of him was a huge cat beast. The claws look sharper than the tiger claw hunting knife, leaving long scratches on the sidewalk.

The large beast that looks like a lion and a cheetah, the black skin is full of cracks, revealing that it is emitting green light, like a muscle that has been radiated.

It arched at the waist, the muscular limbs were inlaid with sharp bone spurs, and the fierce faces surrounded by dark mane, a pair of muddy brown eyes, staring at Lin's face.


Seeing the enemy appear, Lin was shot with a gun, but the bullets of the dark vulture pistol could not penetrate the body of the beast!

"Oh oh oh……"

The beast roared and rushed to Lin Chi, raising the claws covered with blood and slamming into Lin’s throat.


Knowing that he was completely impossible to escape the attack of this beast, Lin Chi stood in his place and closed his eyes, waiting for the coming of death.

In just one second, it seems to have been stretched several times.


The sound of the vibrations on the top of his head, Lin Chi opened his eyes in a strange way, but found that the claws of the monster did not wave down, but in a place less than ten centimeters from his head ... stopped.

Then, the beast with a fierce appearance, opened a mouth full of fangs, and laboriously made human voices:

"It's you……"

"Do you know me?" Lin Chi whispered.

He didn't know what was going on now, but he quickly realized that he had escaped.

The beast can easily tear the person into two claws. He squats on the ground in the alley, turns to the outside of the alley, and continues to make a strenuous sound:

"I didn't... I saw... you, fast... together, leave... here."

After the words, the fierce behemoth jumped out and the body disappeared into the shadow of the street.

- What is the matter with this cargo?

Seeing that the murderous monster belonging to the incineration agency went so far, Lin Chi still remembered the meaning of the other party’s words:

It sounds like the beast is like knowing oneself. But Lin Chi did not remember at all, where he had seen such a monster.

So why is it letting go of yourself?

When Lin was thinking about it, he only heard the cheers of the soldiers on the street:

"Long live the incineration agency!"

"These people are really not saved." He shook his head.

Having said that, he is not out of danger at this time. Hearing the footsteps of the soldiers are approaching, Lin He, who is covered in blood, decisively leans against the wall of the alley, holding his breath to slow down the heartbeat and directly enter The "fake death state."

According to the game settings, he is still in the state of being chased, but judging by the footsteps, the soldiers outside are slower. They do not seem to be searching, but are passing through this area. In other words...

These soldiers were very trusting in the beast that had just been there. They did not expect that the criminals did not die. They did not even check the nearby bodies. They strode through the dimly lit streets and disappeared out of Lin Chi’s line of sight.

The smoke in the city gradually dissipated, the guns and screams disappeared, and the dead silence enveloped the streets. The war that broke out in the night of the Hell Capital finally came to an end.

A few of the sporadic players were killed and appeared in front of Lin.

Most players are still in the hunt, but the pressure is much smaller than before. At least don't worry about being torn into pieces by monsters.


Silence fell in the alley until the footsteps of the soldiers of the incineration organs disappeared completely. Lin Chicai finally stood up slowly and sneaked back to the street and began to move in the direction of his apartment.

The other players in this area have already exited, and even if the scan of the displayed position on the map continues, there is no need to worry about encountering other players.

Moreover, since he has escaped the pursuit, there is no need to continue to provoke the burning organs of many people, and then let himself fall into the predicament of being chased.

With this in mind, Lin Chi used a hide-and-seek course of action to avoid the few sporadic patrols on the street, returning to his apartment and closing a solid metal security door.

Lock the doors and windows and make sure that they have not been noticed by the patrol. He took off his coat with thick blood and strode to the stairs leading to the basement.


There is no inspiration today, only one more, and tomorrow.

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