War in Heaven

Chapter 553: Conversion

When the scan ended, a quarter of the players left the game.

In addition to the players who were directly killed, there are some players who are lucky enough to escape but are seriously injured. For example -


The young man with bruises and bruises panted on the wall, his urban camouflage clothes had already been torn, revealing scarred skin, and flowing thick blood.

The player named "The Soul" is still firing a gun even if he is seriously injured. The alley around him is filled with the patrol's body, just like a cruel slaughterhouse.


Raising his hand and banging through the patrol's chest, facing the patrolmen around him, he finally couldn't afford to put down the old SIG-P210 pistol. The only skill in the skill bar is still working:

Alone death:

When you act alone, increase all of your attribute values ​​by four, gain a quick heal (the ability to repair a disability in ten seconds), and detect the position of all enemy players within a range of 150 meters. It will last forever when acting alone.

"I hate loneliness, but I love you alone." - Anonymous.

——Always join the game alone, even without any followers, it is with this ferocious skill that you can persist until now with the patrol.

However, everything should be over.

The soul is very clear, even if you try harder, you can't escape from the patrol's encirclement when your legs are abolished.

This game, probably only ended here.

It has always been a lone ranger. Even if he is teamed up, he will be separated from his teammates. After all, in War Heaven, it is really hard to survive without followers. but……

The fallen soldier was silent, and every cell in the virtual body seemed to be engraved with the words "not reconciled". When he closed his eyes and died, he heard not the gunshots but the more Close footsteps.

The soul slowly opened his eyes, unable to lift his head, and saw a tall shadow standing in front of himself, blocking the bright moonlight cast in the sky, and a group of patrolmen behind him also took up their weapons.

--what happened?

When the soul is confused, he only listens to the shadow of the human figure, and makes a low male voice, like Hong Zhong, which shocks his heart:

"You don't want to die, right?"

The soul is silent.

"When I join the incineration agency, I can give you a second chance." The man continued to speak in an incontrovertible tone, leaning over in front of the wandering soul and extending his right hand to him.

Hearing the other party's words, although he realized that there is something wrong with it, the soul is still trying his best to raise his right hand and grab the rough and powerful hand.

"Good, you made the right choice!" the man smiled.

While holding the right hand of the other party, the soul feels an invisible "warm flow" pouring into his body. Some of the chilly body suddenly became hot because of the bloodthirsty, which was obtained by the bullet in the leg. The disabled DEBUFF also disappeared.


He stood up, staring horrified at the wound he was recovering, and then looking at the man, greeted with a delicate gold-plated mask, in the position of his eyes, revealing the dark pupil.

"What the **** are you..." The soul whispered.

The masked man did not answer his question, just opened his arms, as if he were going to hug him:

"You are our comrades in the future, welcome to join the incineration agency, we need a strong person like you!"


At midnight, Jane fell asleep on the sofa, and Lin Chi still carried out a security check in the apartment.

Because this house is not a safe house, there is always the risk of being invaded. Lin Chi put a few broken bottles in the position of the door and window and made the original "alarm", which was returned to the bedroom and ripped off the dirty. Dirty sheets, lying on the big bed of gray.

Since the battle has ended and it is time to rest, there will be some strange plot events in the city during the day tomorrow. In order to cope with the next battle, it is more reliable to recharge your batteries.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi was also placed on a cold mattress on a cold-blooded mattress. When he was about to launch the "instant sleep" skill, he heard the outside of the wall and sounded a soft knock.

Hey, hey, hey.

Lin was shocked and sat up, staring at the dark yellow wall, the sound came from the outside of the apartment, although the decibel was not large, but in the quiet night, it was particularly loud.

Hey, hey.

The voice is still going on, like a rhythmic cipher.

Lin Chi brows tightly for a while, leaving the bedroom to the security door of the apartment, pulling out the saber and pistol, carefully opening the door and peeing out.

On the streets that have experienced the war, there is a dead silence, and the smoke that has not been exhausted brings a smell of gunpowder. There seems to be no ambush, but it cannot be taken lightly.

- Is there anyone hiding in the alley between the two apartments?

Lin Chi turned back to cover the door, and walked lightly to the front of the alley. Before entering the narrow path of black lacquer, he noticed the long blood-shaped traces on the sidewalk under his feet and turned all the way into the alley.

Look at this horrible blood mark, like someone who dragged a **** body and walked in. Lin Chi raised his pistol and aimed at the front. Through the moonlight cast in the gap, he looked at the situation ahead:

It is not a corpse that enters the line of sight, but a monster that is "scarred and sturdy".

A skinny, slim bald man, leaning against the wall, tapped the outer wall of the apartment with his right fist.

The guy's lower body has long since disappeared, and the wound has been blown up and bloody, seemingly hit by a bomb.

Although this person looks a bit like a human being, Lin Chi knows that if an ordinary person suffers such an injury, he will definitely be killed on the spot, and he will climb to the wall without stopping. It is no doubt that the monster is right!

"Who are you?" He asked the police to ask questions, but he did not forget to take the AK-47 with a mercury bullet from his backpack and aim the gun at the other's head.

Hearing this, the bald man turned his head and looked at Lin Chi with his big eyes like a light bulb. The shape was very embarrassing.

This person's face is full of red lines and looks like some weird tattoo. In the face of AK's muzzle, he said:

"I am asking for help, don't kill me..."

"Well, I heard the Morse code you knocked." Lin nodded.

The other party’s tapping, following the order of three shorts – three longs – three shorts, is indeed the encoding method of “SOS” in the Morse code. But now the key issue is not this:

"You better show your identity." Lin Chi pointed the gun at the other's head: "Otherwise I might hand you over to the incineration agency."

As soon as this was said, the thin bald man was horrified and wide-eyed, and the eyeballs fell out quickly:

"Who are you? The residents of this block... Haven't you planned it already..."

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