War in Heaven

Chapter 555: Hell rules

Up to now, Lin Chi has had a strong interest in the purpose of the incineration agency.

The policies of the rulers of the city have been known to have problems with their toes. It is also clear to those who presumably burn the organs that these policies will provoke the resistance of the people.

- So why are they doing this?

If you want to find out what is going on, you can ask the members of the incineration agency directly.

Lin Chi is very clear, even if he continues to torture the patrolmen in the basement, he can't ask any reliable information. Unless you can catch the upper leadership of the incineration agency, you will not be able to know the truth.

"Your expression is not quite right..." The voice of the corpse interrupted Lin Chi’s thoughts.

Lin Chi came back and saw that the patrol's body was staring at the godless eyes, staring at himself with anxiety. Then he asked: "Nothing, where have we just said?"

"People are disgusted with the rule of the burning organs." The corpse said.

"Oh, do you know why the incineration agency will formulate such a policy?" Lin Chi asked.

"How do I know?" The distorted expression appeared on the gray face of the corpse: "The ball of the burning organization, the brain seems to have problems, and only this one answer?"

When it comes to incineration, the flattering attitude before the corpse disappeared, and the tone suddenly increased a few points. The fists of the dead and the clenched fists were obviously hateful to the organization.

Seeing each other's indignation, Lin Chi did not continue to ask. After all, this guy didn't know what the leadership of the incineration agency thought. It was just a waste of time to ask. and……

"Can you trouble you to guard the gate?" he said.

"Ha?" The corpse did not react for a while.

"I am going to sleep." Lin Chi added another sentence.

"Oh." The corpse realized what he meant, and immediately gave a tribute, and said: "I will protect your safety!"

That being said, Lin Chi naturally would not easily trust the follower, just uncovering the corner of the curtain, looking out the window and observing the situation outside.

At this time, the soldier wearing a heavy armor with a flamethrower has left the area, leaving a blackened ground and pale ashes. The smoke rises from the wreckage of the street and drifts into the dark sky.

Behind the murderer are several heavy trucks that are slowly moving forward. A group of guys wearing dark overalls are collecting the bodies burned on the road, and then throwing them into the back of the truck. .

Just looking at their careless actions, these people have long been used to cleaning up their bodies. It seems that the rebellion in the capital of **** should have happened more than once. The corps of these workers is also very skilled.

Seeing that the team cleaning up the corpse gradually went away, Lin Chi issued the first order to the unfamiliar followers he had just received:

"Go outside the door."

"Ah?" The gray face of the body showed a strange expression: "It may be dangerous to go out now, I am very weak!"

"Come back at the door tomorrow morning and go out quickly." Lin Chi said, holding up the AK and aiming at the other's head: "I don't like sleeping with the body."

"Okay, okay, don't shoot yourself!" The corpse was slick and said that although he was somewhat reluctant, he left the apartment under the supervision of Lin Chi and returned to the alley next to him.

After the guy got out of the way, Lin Chi returned to the apartment and locked the door, lying on the big bed in the bedroom, and soon lost consciousness.


Early the next morning, when the sky was still not bright, the knocking on the door from the door, the Lin will be awakened rudely.

"anyone there--"

The male voice at the door is very long, so you don't have to say who you know. Lin Chiyan looked into the living room, and the first thing that caught his eye was the short figure standing in the middle of the living room.

The "beautiful girl" with a messy hair is standing still in the living room, and her green eyes are staring at the door without fear. The expression on her face is full of fear.

"Yes... who?" Jane whispered.

"It's okay, it's my men." Lin Chi casually explained: "Do not worry."

Even if he said this, he saw the treasures of the war that happened on the street last night. He still felt a little worried and reminded him: "Be careful."

"Know it." Lin Chi said standing in front of the door, looking through the cat's eyes, only to see the other side's gray skin, and red eyes.

"Open the door, the sky is bright, I will die in the sun!" The voice of the corpse is very short.

Lin Chicai just opened the door, and the corpse rushed into the apartment. He looked at his bloodless skin and bowed his hand to press it on his chest to confirm that there was no sign of melting. He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can I go to the basement to hide?" The corpse looked back at the dark window. Even though the sun had not risen, the light of the dawn had already been thrown in: "If you meet the sun, I will finish it..."

"Can't you change back?" Lin Chi looked at the face of the body.

"Do you think I want to be like this? My original body was blown up by the burning of the organs." The corpse shook his head helplessly: "Now I can't go back, I can't go out during the day, as long as I meet the sun, Those alienated people will become muddy!"

"So, what is the alienation?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

When the corpse was about to explain, he suddenly stopped his eyes behind Lin, and the whole person was in the same place. Lin Chi looked back and saw that Jane did not know when he came behind him, and his eyes widened in horror. The patrol's body was in sight, and the whole body was shaking slightly:

"Zombies..." the boy whispered.

"I am not a zombie!" The corpse was too busy to explain: "It just happened to be attached to the dead."

When the words came out, Jane’s face was even worse. Lin Chi had not had time to explain it. He rushed straight up the stairs and hid the bedroom on the second floor and closed the door.

"That... is she okay?" The corpse pointed to the position where Jane disappeared.

"Nothing, how come, do you still have this hobby?" Lin Chi asked without a good word.

"No, I just remembered my daughter. When she got cancer, it was almost the same size." The corpse sighed: "Is that... is your daughter?"


Lin was too lazy to continue discussing this issue. He just stood in front of the window and pulled thick curtains to cover the light from outside the house. Then he sat down on the sofa and waved to the corpse still standing still:

"Change your clothes before you sit down."

Upon hearing this, the corpse grabbed a coat next to him and put it on the opposite sofa. He exhaled a long sigh of relief and the rotten smell came.

"Can you not breathe?" Lin said impatiently.

"The body does not need to breathe, I just got used to it." The corpse said something apologetic and nodded. He leaned on the sofa and said slowly: "What questions do you want to ask? Please ask questions."

“I want to know why the residents in this city are infected with the disease of “alienation.” Lin Chi raised the first question.

"This is an infectious disease." The corpse quickly explained: "The mechanism of infection is unknown, but as soon as you come to Hollomansk, people will slowly become 'alienated', you should be careful... ”

"Oh?" Lin Chi picked up his eyebrows: "So you also got it later?"

"Yes, I came from Moscow. Don't look at me like this. It was handsome and handsome at the time. When I was at school, there were girls who did not pursue me." The corpse proudly stood up against the rotten chest.

Listening to the lines of the corpse and the rotten face in front of him, Lin was so late that he pressed the smile down and forced the impulse to laugh. He asked, "Why are you coming here?"

"I don't want you to say, I came here to pursue my beloved girl." Here, the murky eyes of the corpse seem to flash the shape of the red heart: "I met her when I was studying in Moscow. She came from Holomansk and said that she must come back here, so I will come over."

"So why don't you take her away?" Lin Chi asked.

"At the time, I didn't know that this would happen in the city." The corpse shook his head: "The city of Holomansk does not allow the aborigines to leave, although I can go by myself, but I can't take my lover away, so I choose and She stayed together."

Speaking of this, the corpse was somewhat depressed and lowered his head: "I later learned that she had sneaked out. The reason why she suddenly came back was because of the burning ball of the burning organization, threatening her with her parents' life. if……"

"Oh, don't blame yourself." Lin Chi reminded: "We are still talking about alienation."

"Oh, you said alienation..."

The corpse returned to God and continued to say: "When I first stayed, my body was still normal. Later, I started to feel slowly. I was vomiting every day, my limbs were weak, my whole body was hot, my hair was gone. ""

"I went to the hospital, but the doctor said that my body is ok, it is only a psychological effect. I really believed it at first, until one night, I found myself starting to mutate, I found myself becoming a monster..."

"And then you asked your wife?" Lin Chi squinted, probably already imagined the situation at the time.

"Yeah." The corpse laughed and laughed at himself: "I went to ask her before I knew about alienation. What do you guess? This disease is normal in the local area, most people will suffer, and alienation The ability to produce is also different, just like the 'super power zoo'!"

"It is really strange." Lin Chi nodded and agreed.

In a city, it is incredible to have so many "superpowers". From the information provided by the corpse, even if ordinary people come here, they will slowly gain the ability to alienate.

In addition, the symptoms mentioned in the corpse mouth also make Lin Chi more concerned:

Vomiting, weakness of the limbs, body heat and hair loss are common symptoms when people experience high doses of radiation. However, it stands to reason that if you suffer from radiation for a long time, normal people should have died long ago, and this kind of change will not happen at all...

Recalling the unusual behavior of the "hunter" and the strangers in the mysterious and powerful Soviet superpower, Lin Chi pondered for a moment, and a horrible inference emerged in his mind:

—— Is this city a test site for the “Soviet Superpowers”?

According to some records in the real world, during the Cold War confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union did form a mysterious superpower. In the record, the Soviets selected a group of superpowers across the country to form this powerful army.

There is no doubt that it is very difficult to expand the size of this force through selection. After all, superpowers are not all over the street, and there are many scammers who are famous. It is too low to rely on people looking for super powers everywhere.

Can it be said that the Soviet Union has found a way to cultivate "man-made superpowers" and then train in the city? If this is the case, then you can explain some of the mysteries in this place...

"Are you okay?" The voice of the corpse once again interrupted Lin Chi’s thoughts.

"Nothing." Lin Chi came back and looked at the gray face of the other side, asking the next question:

"What else is there about alienation?"

The corpse wrinkled his eyebrows for a while, then said: "I have heard of a legend. When I used to drink with my neighbors, they often talked about it."

"What legend?" Lin Chi asked.

"I heard that the underground of Holomanske, there is an altar hidden, the alienation of the residents, is actually the gift of the god." The corpse laughed out: "This is a nonsense, what God will give people this kind of thing?"

--Is that right?

Although the story mentioned by the corpse is really unreliable, Lin Chi vaguely feels that something is wrong.

If this legend is not a hole in the wind, the history of the Soviet Union, the so-called altar, may exist!

With this in mind, Lin Chiyu quickly asked: "Do you have a map here?"

The introduction to the map when entering the game only said that the city is located on the shore of the Caspian Sea and did not provide a specific location. Now, he has suddenly become interested in the specific location of the place.

Unfortunately, things are obviously not going so smoothly.

"No." The corpse shook his head: "The burning agency prohibits anyone from hiding the map, nor does it allow local people to leave the city. In the recent period, it seems to be stricter."

When the two were talking, the radio in the living room suddenly sounded again, and they all shocked them. There was a fanatical female voice in the speaker, which was more "impassionate" than the voice of the last broadcast:

“Good morning, everyone is welcome to listen to the city radio. Today's weather is fine, and there is still a small amount of garbage on the streets of some urban areas that cannot be cleaned up. Please pay attention when you travel.”

“Repeat the local rules again: In order to avoid sexual cues, even in the summer, when traveling, citizens must strictly wear the coats and hats, and other dressed citizens will be fined.”

“In addition, please be careful to keep smiling in public. It is strictly forbidden to spread negative emotions such as frustration and anger! Don’t forget! Holomask is a happy city, we don’t need other emotions!”

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