War in Heaven

Chapter 571: Soldiers under the city-3

The hot breeze blew through the desolate suburbs of Holommansk, and a white shadow swiftly passed through the empty streets into a dilapidated apartment.

The thin man in white rushed to the second floor and quickly searched the room with a saber. After confirming that there was no ambush, he took a green camouflage sniper rifle from his backpack and looked at the slender gun. The body moved over and stopped on the bruised stock.

Then, in front of his eyes, there are articles that have been read countless times:

M24 sniper gun "SCOPE" customized version.

Long range weapon.

Item Level: Epic.

Sniper rifle, requires proficiency in use, requires a minimum strength value: 12.

When the user's proficiency reaches 25 points, the unlocking skill "precise shooter" will no longer need to consider the wind speed, wind direction, ballistic trajectory and advance amount when making a sniper within the range of 500 meters.

"Remington R700 military version, in the US military number M24, this gun has created an amazing number of kills on the battlefield. This gun is a legendary sniper 'SCOPE' love gun, it is said that he is a A devout believer, every time he kills one person, he has to make a scratch on the butt."


The man frowned slightly, his face covered with a pale mask covering his face.

As a solitary guy, even if he joined the incineration agency, the player named "The Soul" is also a complete lone ranger. The retreat order just now is from his instructions.

His "Lonely Death" skill can only be effective once after all the patrols determined by the system as teammates have left the game. The soul is also very clear, in the face of an experienced player, those patrols will only give heads, and can't be used at all!

- Has the camera been discovered?

The picture on the old-fashioned display that I was carrying had become dark and nothing could be photographed. The soul immediately realized that the other party had destroyed the camera on the street.

However, the skill effect of "Lonely Death" can detect the position of all enemy players in the nearby 150 meters in the case of being alone. As long as you are close enough, the position of the other party will be displayed on the map immediately, and you will not be able to hide it!

The soul was just standing in front of the window and immediately noticed a red dot on the west side of the small map, marking the location of the enemy.

Determined the position of the other party, the lonely sniper still said nothing, put the sniper gun in front of the window with no glass, aim at the position of the red dot, through the 3.5-10X variable magnification sight, observe The movement of that building.

From this perspective, he could not see the situation in the house, but still noticed a broken cardboard box on the first floor and a military cap exposed behind the counter.

- Is that sniper?

The soul squinted and recalled the situation when he opened fire to the other party: he did not see the man's face at the time, but he still noticed that the other party did not wear a hat.

Obviously, the hat should be a trap. However, the location of the red dot is still in the building, and the other party may be hiding on the second floor or hiding in the basement.

Realizing this, the soul slammed the sniper mirror at the broken window on the second floor of the building, then turned the **** next to the scope to adjust the magnification to a maximum of ten times and observe the situation in the window.

After joining the incineration agency, his sniper rifle proficiency has reached 25 points through extensive training during the day, unlocking the M24's "precise shooter" skills, within a range of 150 meters, as long as the other party Dare to show up, you will be shot directly in an instant!

However, that guy did not appear.

Through the vision of the tenth mirror, the soul has seen the mottled walls inside the building, but the red dot remains in the building and there is no sign of appearance.

Seeing the other side seems to be planning to wait for the rabbit, the soul to open the backpack, take out a RPG-7 rocket launcher on the shoulder, aiming at the abandoned shop on the opposite street, red dot hiding.

Although the favorite is a sniper rifle, in special circumstances, he will also use some necessary means to force the opposite side out of the bunker.

The soul of the soul opens the back window to avoid being burnt by the tail of the rocket barrel that has nowhere to spread, and then unscrews the trigger without hesitation.


The loud noise of the rocket launching shocked the entire street. In the voice of the poisonous snake, the rocket propelled grenade dragged a white smoke to the opposite building, and the precision bombarded the window on the second floor.


The dilapidated walls on the second floor of the store were directly collapsed and collapsed along with the remaining half of the ceiling. But the red dot did not go out, still staying inside the store, and even did not move.

--What's happening here?

The soul plunged down the rocket launcher and suddenly frowned and said: "Mom..."


After the hidden building was directly hit by the rocket, Lin Chi, who was on the first floor, grabbed the dust that had shattered from the ceiling and fell on his head, and looked up to the street outside.

"Can this guy see my location?"

When he first encountered the enemy, Lin Chi found that the other party's reaction speed was very fast. He just rushed out and took a few steps, and he was shot by the other party.

However, the time to shoot an enemy with a sniper rifle, unless it is the level of the Royal Armor shooting game, it is impossible to aim at yourself in such a short period of time, but also played so accurately.

Lin Chi has been skeptical about whether the other party can see the position of other players, so they will aim the gun in advance. At that time, he was still unable to determine this guess, but now it can finally be confirmed.

- Lin Chi knows very well that the low-level trap he has just arranged can hardly get through the sniper's eyes, but the sniper knows that it is a trap and still fires the rocket. It is probably because he saw himself. Where it is!

"This goods will not open the plug-in?" Lin Chi laughed.

In existing intra-brain imaging games, the use of plug-ins is almost impossible. The other party should be the one who has the ability to find the enemy's position.

In this case, it does not make sense to continue to hide. but……

Open the backpack and look at the weapon that he carried. Lin Chi put up the sniper rifle behind the counter, but did not take the hat. He just hid a piece of insurance under the plush cap, and the pull ring was pulled slightly. Open, as long as it is shaken, it will explode.

After arranging the thunder trap, he quickly left the hiding place, and moved along the back of the street to the south.

Judging from the smoke drawn from the rocket, the enemy’s hiding position should be on the east side. From his point of view, the situation behind the street cannot be seen.

Lin Chi did not know how big the range of the guy "detecting the enemy", but it should not be too big. After all, even if you change the safe house into a "quick scan" skill obtained after the command post, the scanning range is only 500 meters, and the duration is only five minutes. Once it is over, it will wait for 12 hours of cooling time.

In "War of the War", in addition to the scanning of large-scale plot events in the game, the player's own scanning range is not large, unless it is something like a black-in spy satellite, it is impossible to obtain a "full-image scan". Effect.

So, as long as you can withdraw to a position far enough away from the guy, the sniper should not be able to find himself!

Lin Chi speeded up the pace and pushed down the street. While walking away, he did not forget to arrange a few thunders on the street and simple traps.

Even if the guy can detect the position of the hostile player, it should not be able to detect the trap. Although the possibility of the move is very low, it is better than nothing, and maybe it can distract the other party's attention.

In addition, he was still on a trash can next to the street, leaving some deadly "gifts"...

With this in mind, Lin Chi continued to rush forward, rushing into an apartment on the street, leaning sideways on the second floor of the wall, alertly watching the movements on the street below the slope.

The street is still dead silence, the player did not come from here, it should be from another street next to it, moving in this direction.

"bring it on……"

At the thought of a strong opponent is confronting himself, Lin Chi clenched his fist with excitement, concentrated on observing the movement across the street, and his eyes kept on sweeping across the street.

The other party should be hidden behind the street and moving to the side. Although it can't be seen from here, there are still some weapons on hand, so you can hit the street.

With this in mind, Lin Chi decisively took out the grenade launcher from his backpack and fired at the gap between the apartments across the street.


The grenade passed through the middle of the two buildings and fell on another street to blow up a smoky smoke. Lin Chi fired a grenade at the trash can on the sidewalk across the street, watching the grenade explode next to the trash can. Then immediately turned and left the place.

- Now, the glass container that he left on the trash can should have been broken. In order to save his life, it is better to leave quickly.

At the same moment, I just entered the spirit of the building next to it, and the red dot marking the enemy has appeared again in the small map.

The white sniper was about to set up a sniper rifle, only to find that the red dot began to move south again, apparently to escape, in addition to...

There was a rancid smell in the air, and the soul suddenly picked up the M24 sniper gun and reached for the nose and mouth. It stumbled and fled, but it was still a slow step. Two red bars appeared in the status bar. Large characters:


- Is it a gas bomb?

In the heart of the soul, he secretly cursed, and he ran away without saying anything.

He had just arrived at this place, but he only received the information that "the guard was killed" and did not go to the scene in person. He did not expect that there were chemical weapons in the hands of the other party. If you stay here, you will only be killed by poison!

The poison in the game can be described as immediate, and the attribute value of the wandering soul immediately begins to “shrink”. It was originally a force value of 19 points under the death of the lone god. Now there are only 14 points left, and the other three attributes are also reduced. Five o'clock, in addition to very intimate with the "dizziness" DEBUFF, his vision is somewhat blurred, his head has become groggy.

After the poisoning, the speed of the movement of the soul was also a bit slower, and the cockroach moved in the opposite direction of the enemy, rushing into an apartment and slumbering into the living room.

Are you dying here?

Realizing that he seemed to be in trouble again, he wandered his brow and looked up at the Baikal landscape, which was half-burned on the wall of the house.

In fact, he was also very disgusted with the behavior of the incineration organs, but in order to survive, in order to win the game, he chose to join the incineration agency and become a member of this evil organization.

But... even if you stand on the side of the most powerful force in the city, can you still win?

The soul of the wandering shook his head with some bun, and a punching his teeth smashed into the coffee table in front of him, and his fingers were shocked and faint.

Nowadays, although I still want to continue one-on-one duel with each other, it seems that there is no way to do it. I can only come up with my own "killer".

Thinking of this, he slowly opened the backpack, took out a seemingly old black walkie-talkie from the inside, and focused his attention on the green button on the walkie-talkie.

What follows is the item description of this item:

Special contact equipment for incineration facilities.

Special items, consumables.

Item Level: Epic.

Using this item, you can randomly call one of the four super-powered fighters in the incineration department to come in for help within ten minutes. The item can only be used once.

"If you can't beat it, let's call it, friend."

The soul of the right hand stopped the index finger of the right hand above the green button, but did not press it immediately, but hesitated for a moment.

Do you really want to do this?

- When he was hunting alone, he rarely suffered defeat, let alone in one-on-one time. If you press the button, you can easily solve the opponent. But Haikou, which he just boasted on the radio, became a joke, and maybe even ridiculed by the patrols who guarded the place.

The poisoned wandering soul hesitated for a moment, and looked at the small map. The red dot representing the player did not appear. The other party should still be somewhere some hundred and fifty meters away from the other side.

- Do you really want to press it? Still dragging this body against the player and continuing the one-on-one duel?

Some dizzy wandering souls irritated their heads, and after thirty seconds, the remaining self-esteem was once again defeated by the desire to win. He slammed the green button on the intercom, and a white smoke suddenly appeared in the outer casing of the intercom.

Then, a red text prompt appeared in front of his eyes:

Superpower fighters of the incineration agency are coming.

"Ha ha..."

The wandering soul sitting on the sofa laughed out, threw away the walkie-talkie that had not been used, and laughed at himself, waiting for the powerful NPC summoned by himself, the moment to kill the enemy.

After completing the summoning, he also relieved the weapon at this time and continued to pay attention to the movement of the enemy on the small map.

However, he did not notice that he was dizzy, and there was already a thin figure behind him.

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