War in Heaven

Chapter 581: Special article: Revenge of the Beast-8

The duel between man and wolf fell in three seconds.

The teenager, who was **** with bandages all over the body, stood still in motion, looking at the lone wolf falling under his feet with mercy.

Even if the will of this wolf is so powerful, it is only a beast that has been wounded. The fighting power of the "humanoid war machine" is not at all a grade. Failure is an inevitable outcome.

However, the teenager did not kill it.

Looking at the wolf that was stunned by himself, the teenager bent down and was about to bandage the wound, but suddenly a dazzling white light appeared in front of him.


A bullet was rubbed from the wolf's neck, creating a new blood mark on the bruised brown fur. The teenager raised his head violently and looked in the direction of the bullet.

What caught the eye was a group of uninvited guests wearing black cloaks and horrifying appearance.

These people have guns in their hands. The guy standing in front of him had two funny moustaches, and his eyes were squinting and blowing the muzzle of his pistol.

"Idiot imp, even protect a wolf? Your love has no place to use it?"

The man sighed with a sigh of relief, took the gun and walked forward, standing in front of the boy: "Let it open, this is our prey!"

When I saw these people, the teenager realized that they were definitely not guards. If this look is not like a soldier, then these people are --


"Ha ha ha ha!"

After he said this speculation, the guy with two beards sneered and laughed: "You don't even know the ‘Cossack Hunting League’, is it a savage from the mountains?”

The hunters behind him also laughed. Although the teenager did not know what they were laughing at, they still decisively put the wolf, still unconscious, on his shoulder:


After the speech, he turned and left. But before I took two steps, I heard the laughter behind me abruptly, and then an angry voice:

"Wait, what do you mean by your kid?"

The juvenile had no time to answer, and the back waist was severely impacted, and the squatting forward took a few steps.

Looking back, I saw that the guy who looked like a team leader was closing his leg. Obviously, I was just kicked by this guy.

But even then, teenagers still try to communicate with each other in their own language:

"Wolf... is my friend."

Unlike the time when the guards were killed, he and the hunters did not hate and hate. It is naturally best to communicate.

Even though he has been close to death countless times, he has not been distorted to the extent of mad killing. In fact, he is very disgusted with the killing.

- It is because I used to be in **** that I am more yearning for heaven. Even now that he has the power to transcend mortals, the young man’s heart is still burning with a firm belief:

- Only kill the kill, not kill innocent. I am just an avenger, not a murderer.

However, he soon realized that it was not a good person to deal with himself.

"Little devil, put our prey down, or I will kill you."

The guy with two mustaches frowned and spoke up as he spoke, and the pistol's muzzle was on the boy's head.

"The wolf is... my friend." The boy repeated it again and secretly clenched his fist.

Although he is not willing to kill, his patience is limited. After regaining his freedom, he will not continue to tolerate the bullying of others.

"Do you want to die? Do as I said!" The hunter leader continued to threaten the gun.

"Do you regard ... killing as glory?" The teenager stared at the hunter's face and asked coldly.

It sounds like a naive question, but it makes the hunter leader chill. I don't know why, he has a weird feeling - his own answer is about life and death.

On the surface, it is on the way that he is pointing at the boy with a gun, but the hunter’s leader feels like he is on the guillotine. If he is slightly careless, he will be smashed by the sickle that fell directly!


The hunter leader who has always been able to speak can be said to have a slogan. Under the horrified eyes of his companions, he scratched his head and said: "I am joking..."

Seeing that his head is weak to the boy, the other hunters are confused and whispering.

The hunter leader hurried to the direction of his subordinates, shouting loudly: "Let's go!"

At this time, he even sighed with his two beards on his lips. He knows that after this incident, the "high image" that he built in the hearts of other hunters may have collapsed.

Why are you afraid of an unarmed little devil? He does not understand. But just now, every cell in his body seems to be screaming and keep himself away from the child.

Even when he was wearing a grizzly bear two years ago, he was not so scared.

"Head, what's wrong with you?" A poacher with a short stature and a double-barreled shotgun was curiously asking questions.

"Less nonsense!" The hunter leader walked down with his head down and just wanted to leave the ghost place.

Just then, the blue and white lights are shining in front of you -


He heard the horrified voices of his companions behind him, and even when they couldn’t talk, they were swallowed up by the dazzling light.

How is this going……

The thought of doubt has just entered the mind, and consciousness is completely eliminated. Until the last moment of his life, he did not know what happened.

Seeing that his boss "evaporated", the other hunters were stupid, and then began to run away.

But they have not been able to run two steps, they are also surrounded by horrible electric light.


Along with the faint sizzling sounds, the blue and white arcs swept across the road, like a cruel epee, blasting all of the more than a dozen hunters into plasma!

The sudden and unbearable sight of the sudden, the teenager could not help but widen his eyes.

Later, he saw two figures coming out of the forest next to him and standing in front of him.

"Resolved." The first thing to talk about is a girl wearing a navy camouflage uniform. The long black hair is floating behind her back. The expression on her face is full of indifference. It is more like just killed than the appearance of just killing people. A fly.

"Please, can you leave a living mouth." The one-eyed man next to him sighed helplessly.

"The poachers are damned." The girl raised her eyebrows. The gorgeous killing was just her handwriting.

When I saw these two people, the boy’s heart suddenly sank.

- There is no doubt that these two guys are much stronger than the guards they have encountered before. If you want to fight with them, it will definitely be a hard fight!

"Oh, you are Andrechenko, right?" The appearance of the cockroach was completely out of tune, and the black man greeted him politely.

- "My name... is Andreachenko?"

Although I learned my real name, the boy is now completely ignorant of this kind of thing.

In the eyes of the juvenile alert, the black man smiled and extended his right hand to him:

"Your father asked us to pick you up, let us go, children? If you resist, then maybe it will hurt..."

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