War in Heaven

Chapter 588: Rotten body

This area looks like the warehouse area of ​​the institute, which houses a wide variety of equipment and equipment. Many of the machines with different shapes, even Lin Chi, can't recognize what it is used for. However, the operating room and shadowless lamps used in hospitals, as well as medical instruments such as scalpels, tweezers and syringes, gave Lin Chi’s heart a hint of ominous premonition.

Isn't this a secret research institute used to transform living people? If this is the case, the real purpose of the incineration agency seems to be clear at a glance.

- It seems that the probability that the organization is experimenting with residents of the entire city seems to be a bit bigger. If this is the case, I may encounter the "experimental results" of the incineration agency in this research institute.

With this in mind, Lin Chi took the low-level researcher key card from his pocket and brushed it on the sensor next to the red metal door at the end of the corridor.

Unsurprisingly, the authority of the low-level researcher's key card could not open the door at the end of the corridor.

Fortunately, the researchers in this area are not all the lowest level of cannon fodder.

On the body of a man who fell down on the wall, Lin Chi found a blue key card, and the gray card of the low-level researcher, obviously not the same type:

Intermediate card researcher key card for incineration agency:

Mission items.

Item Level: Normal.

With this card, you can open a door with a safety level of 3 or lower.

"Congratulations, you are no longer a mess... but it is just a mess."

When I got this key card, Lin Chi finally opened the red metal door at the end of the corridor. Just opened the door and opened a seam. A rotten smell rushed into the face, and I got a late cough.

"What the hell?"

He raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose, looking through the door to the inside of the area. The first thing that came into sight was the green metal can that leaned against the gray wall.

Then came into view, some of the "people" who leaned against the iron frame on the inside of the house.

These humanoid objects are covered in black clothes, and the skin color is even more white than the body in the mortuary freezer. It is impossible to see whether it is life or death. However, in Lin Chi’s opinion, people who are held in such places will be smoked if they have not starved.

"Rely, they should not have developed zombies..." Lin Chi spoke a word.

Because he didn't know what was inside, the researchers in this area were killed again. Lin Chi did not rush into the area behind the red metal door, and had a close contact with the "people" lying on the metal frame. Instead, he regressed decisively and returned to the middle-level researcher's body to search for it. From the opponent's jacket pocket, he found a note in the lower half that was bombarded with bullets:

"Please note that tomorrow's bone test, injection..."

Since the bottom half of the note has been burnt, I can't see what is written below. However, the word "skeleton" alone has already provided information for Lin Chi.

When it comes to military bones, it is generally a metal exoskeleton worn outside the body. In the real world, Lin Chi also bought a similar set of things online.

If you are only studying the exoskeleton, you don't need to do so in a secret research institute. Moreover, the stupid humanoid object is ejecting in the room, and it does not look like a tester of the exoskeleton.

If it’s not an exoskeleton, what these guys are studying will surface...

"Built-in artificial bone?"

Recalling the humanoid organs that they encountered in the "organ city", Lin Chi knows that the Soviets here may have developed any black technology, and intend to create a humanoid weapon that can be manipulated like a civil doll. !

However, the "humanoid weapon" with built-in metal skeletons is simply unbearable. Even if the speed of moving is so fast, encountering things like tanks is probably the result of collective killing.

Even if it is a big expense to develop such a weapon, its practicality is really too low, and it is not as reliable as the terrorist robots in the above arsenal.

The work being done by researchers at the incineration agency should not be as simple as making "humanoid weapons"...

With this in mind, Lin Chi threw away the notes in his hand and looked back at the red metal door that was emitting a pungent smell.

His curiosity is driving his virtual body and wants to enter that area. But reason is decisive to stop the curiosity of the behavior, continue to control the body to stop in place.

Lin Chi can see that the things stored in that room are not simple. Even those things that are suspected to be zombies are really rotten bodies, and may also carry deadly viruses or plagues.

When the specific situation is unknown, it is completely a behavior to die. He is also decisively ready to leave this place and look for additional exits. but……


In the corridor of the institute, a shrill siren sounded suddenly, and Lin was shocked.

Even when the gun battle broke out, the alarm bell did not ring here. Lin Chi thought that the alarm was broken, but now, the harsh ringing bell is late, shocking the entire passage.


When Lin Chi was wondering, a sweet female voice began to broadcast, repeating the same line with the sound that was recorded early:

"Detected biochemical pollution, ready to close the door..."

Upon hearing this, Lin Qiao suddenly looked back at the door and saw a thin man's hand, grabbing the floor of the door and slowly climbing outwards:

"Is it a zombie?"

At the same time as he felt, he rushed to the heavy foot and put the metal door on. The white-skinned man's hand was cut off directly, and while falling in the hallway, the black blood began to spurt at the break.

Looking at the color of this blood, Lin Chi knew that it was definitely not an ordinary "reformer." The biochemical pollution mentioned in the broadcast is even more pressing in his heart.

Even if their combat power is so strong, there is no way to resist the pollution of chemical and biological weapons without protective equipment. The protective clothing on the bodies of these researchers is not perfect, and there is no way to resist the virus that may have hit. !

- Maybe you should go back and try the elevator. All in all, it’s too dangerous to stay here...

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also turned decisively and rushed back. When he rushed to the elevator door when he was down, he pressed the up button on the control panel.

In his view, even if you go back to fight with terrorist robots and patrols, it is much stronger than staying here with biochemical weapons. Unfortunately, the elevator that was just used very well did not respond to his call this time.

"Is it broken?" He complained, looking back at the corridor where the body was full.

Since I can't leave from here, I seem to be able to continue fighting.

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