War in Heaven

: 番外篇-2 The Fall of "Black Dahlia"

There are a lot of things at the end of the month, and I am going to update the chapter to get rid of it... I will return to normal next month.


With the development of science and technology, people's place of residence is also changing.

In Denver, USA, people found it easier to build a new urban area than to rebuild the old city. The backward old town began to be abandoned and people moved into the newly built urban area. Only a few poor people and tramps continue to stay in the old town.

The city that was once prosperous twenty years ago turned into a deserted slum. However, the people who remain here are not all poor:

- A woman like Christine is an anomaly in the old city.

Christine is very beautiful. Gold and long waist, dark green eyes, small nose and mouth, plus a hot body that can make men spurt blood. If she goes to the modeling industry, she may become a model.

It is a pity that this guy who can live by his face is always alone in a house of less than 50 square meters. He is completely wasted his own beauty with the electronic equipment and wall-filled wires that are almost full of houses. appearance.

In addition to maintaining her life, she has almost "abandoned" the entire real world.

And in the digital virtual world she spent most of her time, her name is unintelligible.

- Codename "Black Dahlia", the king of hackers in the American West!

She has broken through the Pentagon and the CIA data protection system three times. Until now, she is still at large, and accepting various commissions is enough to show her high skill.

Unsurprisingly, today will be a bland day.

Christine, lying on a dirty folding bed, slowly opened her eyes, and the messy blonde swelled up, making her seem to have her own lion's hair, wearing only a tube top and shorts, an unrecoverable The housewife looks like a medicine.

Slowly swallowing the bed, some weak limbs, she turned her eyes to the center of the room is surrounded by two small servers in the middle of the 37-inch LCD screen, the screen is densely listed with hundreds of lines of green small characters, but only It is enough to see the last line:


"Damn, it’s so slow."

She muttered to take a can of frozen sardines from the small refrigerator next to the bed, opened the bottle cap and poured a mess of stuff inside the plate, then threw the plate into the microwave to heat it.

It has been nearly a month since the anonymous employer received the task of breaking through the Pulse Entertainment Group firewall.

During this month, she tried various methods to try to destroy the firewall of Pulse Entertainment, which runs War Heaven on a global scale, but mostly failed.

She really can't figure out what it is, just a company that makes games. Why is the protection so strict, even stronger than the defense department of most countries in the world!

From AES advanced encryption to the backpack algorithm, the problem of difficult metamorphosis, for the pulse entertainment company's database has created a solid barrier, even if she is completely useless.

In addition, Christine is very clear that if he uses intraocular imaging equipment, he will be found to be at risk.

In the "domain" of hacking activities, you must make quick decisions. If you waste a long time, not only will the chances of being discovered be great, but your body will not be able to eat.

She once experienced the use of a bottle to give herself glucose, and spent three days and three nights in the field to complete the crack. When I woke up, the feeling of "body being hollowed out" was still fresh in my memory.

That kind of hellish experience, Christine does not intend to come again.

So now, she also gave up breaking through the pulse entertainment company headquarters in the field, but using the old-fashioned equipment in her hands, began to force the calculation of the secret key.

It can be imagined that this rude and technically lacking crack mode is naturally slow. At this speed, it will take about a week to complete.

"Oh, it’s boring..."

Putting out the long blond hair scattered in front of her eyes, and seeing that the numbers on the screen still haven't changed, Christine sighed long.

Just then, a screen on the other side of the room lit up a dangerous red light, and a harsh alarm sounded.

“What happened?” Christine frowned and hurried to the computer that was used as a security monitor.

With a hidden monitor and electromagnetic induction system installed nearby, the computer will give an alarm whenever a person carrying large metal objects enters a kilometer.

The screen showed a large "WARNING", Christine turned off the alarm page, opened the simulation of the electromagnetic induction system, and suddenly shocked.

What caught the eye was a large group of people, and a team of more than 30 people was walking quickly to the building where they were. In addition to a bald-headed man who walked in front of him, others had similar simple helmets on their heads.

And these people carry the angular metal objects, as long as they look at the shape, they know what it is.

- They all carry rifles.


The microwave oven turned off the power, but now Christine obviously has no mood to eat. She frowned and watched a large number of gunmen getting closer and closer to their building, then turned their eyes to the bedside. On a small remote control unit.

It looks like a remote-controlled racing controller with Mickey Mouse stickers on it, but Christine knows how dangerous it is.

If she uses it, her current location will definitely be exposed. If she does not want to spend the rest of her life in prison, she must discard most of the equipment and flee elsewhere.

This will undoubtedly make her a big injury, and she will not be able to carry out hacking activities for a while, but -

The group of people on the screen traveled very fast, only five hundred meters away from their hiding place.

"no solution anymore……"

Christine was swaying, picking up the remote control of the bed and closing his eyes for three numbers.




She pressed the button with her long, slender fingers, and the ground beneath her feet suddenly shook, and the expensive equipment in the room collided with each other, making a crisp knock.

Through the window, you can see a reddish smoke rising slowly and turning into a grayish white. What followed was a deafening explosion.

Christine walked to the computer screen that had just issued an alarm and looked at the monitoring screen of the electromagnetic induction system. She saw a horrible crater still on the ground, with a diameter of 20 meters and more than 30 meters next to it. All the people were blown to the ground.

"BINGO! It should be withdrawn."

What was detonated by her was a closed abandoned gas pipeline underground. Although it has been deactivated for many years, the flammable gas sealed inside is still a deadly weapon.

This is the most horrible line of defense that Christine has prepared. If there are not too many people coming here, she does not want to use it.

"It should all die."

Christine, who was about to leave, glanced at the computer screen again and was immediately shocked by the screen.

- A group of people who had just been bombed on the ground actually stood up. Except for a few people who were directly smashed into **** and broke their legs, others seemed to have not been harmed at all.

The speed of the enemy’s action has not slowed down, but the speed has rushed over!

"How can it be?"

Christine’s beautiful cheeks showed an incredible expression:

From the picture of electromagnetic induction, these people must be right in the flesh and blood. Except for the helmet on the head and the firearms carried on the body, there is no metal.

But how can the flesh and blood body survive the horrible explosion?

In the close encounter with such a large-scale explosion, even if there is no skin injury, the internal organs will certainly be shattered. How could they still be alive?

Seeing that the enemy had entered the building, Christine quickly entered a few lines of instructions on the computer and turned on the automatic machine gun switch.

More than 20 talents have just entered the corridor, and they have been "warmly welcomed" by three M134 six-barrel aircraft guns. The unavoidable bullets rushed into the invaders madly, and the blood in the corridor suddenly turned into a river.

"This time it should be fine."

Christine looked at the hellish scene in the corridor of the monitor and then widened his eyes again.

- Unexpected things happened again.

More than 20 people who were screened by bullets, only the first few people fell down. The large number of bombs in the back of the large army did not respond. They stood in the same place and used the pulse rifle to melt the three M134 into scrap iron. .

"Are they really people?"

Christine was stunned and stiff, and the chill from the chest spread quickly to the body.

Must leave here quickly!

Christine, who was very "cool", rushed to the window and prepared to jump out of the window to escape.

This is the third floor, and it will definitely hurt if you jump directly. But even this is better than being caught by horror things that don't know that people are ghosts.

She pushed the window open and was about to jump down...

"It’s a pity that you are such a beautiful woman."

Along with the savage banter, a strong, huge figure slammed into the room directly from the window and pushed her rough to the ground. Christine can feel the squeaking of his spine, and the pain is flowing from the back to the whole body, and there is a sense of desperation.

"Let...open...I..." She struggled weakly, trying to break free from the big hands that clamped herself.

The bald-headed bunny on her body, with a sly smile on her face, pulled a syringe from her waist and punched the drug into Kristin's neck:

"You will take a nap first."

The scene in front of the scene began to blur, exuding the unreal fascination, and Christine’s consciousness gradually disappeared, and soon he lost consciousness completely.



I don't know how long it took, Christine shook her head, making a vague snoring, then waking up in an instant.

"Damn, where is this?"

Looking around, you will be greeted by an extraordinarily cold, dark blue metal wall. She struggled to lower her head and found herself wearing a blue prison coat, fixed by dozens of metal chains on the red and black chairs. Except for the head, the whole body is completely unable to move.


Although she knew it was futile, she couldn’t help but cry out loud:

"help me!"

The front of the sound of the electronic door opened, followed by the footsteps of the shoes, a man walked into the room: "Don't waste your energy."

Christine looked up and cast a resentful look at the man in front of him.

It was a guy in a rumpled gray suit, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a gentle look.

He stood two meters away from Kristin, sat down with an iron chair next to him, then nodded to the woman tied to the chair: "I am Carremon."

Even if he doesn't know this guy, Christine has already guessed who is holding himself:

"Pulse entertainment people?"

"You are very smart." Carremont smiled slightly, apparently admitted.

"It's awesome, I can find my place." Christine sneered.

Now, in this case, even if she wants to escape, it is completely impossible. She also wisely gave up the struggle, just looking at Carremont in front of her.

"Don't underestimate our data security experts, 'Black Dahlia.'" Carremon looked at the beautifully tied beauty, saying with an interest: "Do you know? In fact, you are entrusted with an attack pulse. The person who entertains is me. In order to locate your position, we have been working hard for the risk of being attacked by our own firewall."

"What's the matter with me?" Christine asked as he approached the mountain.

Obviously, the other party is not trying to kill himself, otherwise it will be done directly in Denver, there is no need to shut her up here.

"We need your strength, to be exact, your hacking skills." Carremont went straight to the point: "There has been a mysterious guy who has been blacking us for a while, I hope you can help us catch him."

"Don't expect me to help you." Christine said with no anger. Although she is afraid of death, she is not timid enough to help the enemy without hesitation.

Carremont seemed to expect her reaction, still the polite and polite appearance, said: "As far as I know, 'Black Dahlia' is very interested in the development of military technology, so it will invade the Pentagon and CIA. The database, right?

When he heard this person say something completely irrelevant to the current situation, Christine gave him a look: "What does this have to do with you?"

Carremont seems to be talking about secrets. He whispered to Christine’s ear: "Would you like to join the world's most advanced military technology research institute?"

"Oh." Christine sneered: "It's just a game company. What a nonsense."

As the world's top super hacker, Christine knows the "inside information" that many ordinary people can't see for a lifetime, but she has never heard of pulse entertainment and participate in arms development, so naturally she disdain for Carremon's words. Gu.

Seeing that Christine didn't buy it for himself, Carremont was not in a hurry. He sat back in his chair and explained: "Our company has seven research institutes, which are scattered in North America, Europe and Asia."

"The first, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh institutes are all making games. Only the second institute has nothing to do with the game. It is responsible for the secret development of military technology."

Speaking of this, Carremon’s face showed a proud smile: “Welcome to the second institute in Alaska, I will show you what our real technology is.”

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